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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Well, you did build up more anticipation than you could deliver. :heh: Still, it was pretty cool of you to stand your ground. :) It's sad that a douchebag like him can get away with being a douchebag like that.

  2. I havn't been on fully for a long time. I stopped going all the time because they cannot control the spam, and always allow them to run amock every Easter/Summer/Christmas. It really puts you off going to be fair.

    Well, I never visited their forums. Only read their info sections and articles and stuff. Great place - apart from the spam, apparently.

  3. Hmm, probably not


    ZU, the other forum i visit now and then takes the April Fools too far. So far, that the server crashes every year they do it. And if you do get online on the day, the kids have over-run the place and ruin it for everyone who wants to visit.

    Oh, you visit Zelda Universe? I used to go to that place for all my Zelda info. :)


    He said that the banks could do less damage to the economy if there were more holidays.

    Made me smile. :D

  4. Had an awesome gamers night yesterday with two of my great friends. Epic Guitar Hero sessions, Brawl battles, F-Zero races and Soul Calibur fights ensued. Fun times were had.


    Lack of sleep and general worn-out-ness, however, has currently resulted in a return to the not-so-happy thoughts about the state of my love life and self-confidence. Bleh. I hope to find a stunning movie or something on TV to combat those thoughts.

  5. This was actually pretty funny. :D One thing that buggers me - and maybe that's just due to your accent :heh: - is that I found some bits hard to hear, like the final point of the sexual fantasies sketch in the car. Still, that's a minor thing.

  6. Right, I actually did find the puns funny. But more as in: "That pun was so bad it made me snigger."


    Also, EEVIL's reactions were funny. I liked how many times he looked at his watch within the six minutes it took.

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