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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Just back from a night out/friends party. I was stunned, but mostly cause I got sufficiently drunk, for only £2.40 (I brought my own drink and only bought one drink in town before the shiz).


    Of course I met the stunning sister (+friend) of a good friend in town! Of course my oher friend and I walked to the part-hostess' house. Of course I drank a bottle of wine really quicxkly to myself. I loved the feeling. Of course I was in the select secret six who went back to my friends flat at the end.


    I realised I'm in lust. I dealt with it.


    My body is aching today from yesterday's physical activities. And they say exercise is healthy! :p

  2. It was sports day at my school today, and I got to try capoeira! That was fun. Then we got our asses handed to us in basketball. Yayness.


    I was supposed to go to a party tonight, but I'm completely bombed, and I have a headache from this week's stress. But I'll cope.


    Also, my Matrix DVDs are not feeling all that well. My DVD player (which is, admittedly, really old and worn) won't even play one of the discs anymore, and even on my computer, which has an excellent disc reader, the film skips a little in places. I is sad.

  3. I don't normally pull sickies unless I'm actually sick or physically hurt, but I don't exactly find it wrong if people take a sick day once in a while due to them not feeling on top though without actually being ill. We're all human, as you say, and if they're not abusing the system and generally doing their work well, I think it's fine.

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