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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I am coming to see you though.

    Ah, so it's a sightseeing trip?


    Not fucking happy. My cat seems to have gotten ill over the past week or so, and has gotten well skinny...


    It may be the end of days on Friday... If that's the case I'm phoning in sick at work going straight down the pub.

    Sorry to hear that, man. :( Here's hoping for the best.

  2. I'm surprised no one has made a joke about Molly coming to Copenhagen yet. Oh well.


    I'm feeling better, and though I'm certainly not well yet, it seems as though I'll get well in time for all the important stuff the next few days. So yay! :yay:

  3. Being from Denmark, I've experienced a lot of this first hand. While I don't like people offending other people for the sake of it, this does serve a purpose.


    The funny thing is, most Muslims in Denmark weren't really bothered by it. Many Muslims simply cannot get worked up about it because they understand this sort of humour. So the ones who are offended are the ones who threaten and attack people, and those I have no respect for. So yeah, I'm for this protest.

  4. Now, I'd say I'm relatively satisfied with my body. It's nothing spectacular, could easily due with a nicer build and a better physical condition, but it gets the job done.


    However, at the moment, it's effing gross! How can it keep producing such a green and gooey substance? Urgh, I hate being sick, and it's my last day of school this Friday! I better be on top at that point, or some higher deity shall feel my wrath!

  5. I'm trying to read a book for tomorrow, but I'm feeling more and more sick after a night out in the rain in the weekend. I think I've caught a cold. I probably won't finish the book in time, so I guess I'll just have to say what wise things I can about it and finish it some other time. Boo. I should have read more at an earlier point so I could've actually finished it tonight.

  6. Went to a party and later to town last night, and I wasn't home and in bed until 5:30 a.m. Slept until noon-ish and have been eating/sleeping/doing absolutely nothing today. Now I should probably pull myself together and actually do my homework for tomorrow ...



  7. FFS, don't remind me of this song!!!


    My ex used to have this as her ringtone and she was like "AWWW, it's soooo cute" but I just wanted to cringe and pretend I didn't know her when we were in public and it started ringing.


    Here's the actual video...I think:


    Also, my mate just sent me this:

    I didn't know Russell could sing ... but yeah, it's creepy. It's just too ... sweet.


    The "fire truck" is hilarious, though! :D

  8. @ chairdriver: Since he was drunk, I don't think you should really put that much - if anything - into it. Since you're not interested in having sex with him, why should you worry about it? If you were interested in him, that's another story, but I don't think there's really any problem here. If he comes on to you, just politely turn him down.


    @ Fresh: Well, if you're not into him, you're not into him. There's not much that can be done about that. Just tell him that he's a really sweet and nice guy, but that you're not interested in him like that. It's not fair keeping the truth from him.


    About Mr. M, I don't know. Try to make sure he knows you're interested in him. I don't know how best to avoid the friend zone.

  9. 21 today. Woo! :awesome: It's starting to get annoying having my parents asking me every year 'how does it feel to be [insert age here]?' Each time I tell them 'I feel exactly as I did yesterday.' ::shrug:


    Anyway, have received cards from the family, including my nephew who, while not actually signing it, wrote 'From Corbin and Winnie' because he has a Winnie the Pooh cuddly toy that he takes everywhere, so that was kind of sweet. Then having him run around the house singing Dancing Queen by Abba following that just made me laugh. Damn cruelty that my sister is making him watch Mamma Mia. :laughing:


    Have to go to my grandparents at some point. Not really up for it but at least there's money involved. Then have to decide whether I'm going out this evening or not. Not up for a meal with the family (would mean my brother would have to come) so may consider just heading out with friends for a drink or two.

    Happy birthday! :D Your nephew's card is so sweet.

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