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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. This made me smile, for obvious reasons. :D


    Actually, I dunno if I ever told the story that nicely concluded my HMV saga. After realising I had no legal ground to stand on I had pretty much given up and decided to write off the entire time as bad experience.


    A couple of days later my Pokewalker had broken and I needed to return it. The store I bought it at? The HMV I used to work at. Leaving the game in my DS at home, I took the box with the Pokewalker to the store and started talking to my old colleague. After a brief catch up I told her what the problem was and what I needed to happen - that my Pokewalker could be replaced. She got quite confused about what she needed to do.


    The way to do this would have been to put my Pokewalker in with one of the new games and faulty it off. But what she does is take my box without checking if the game is in it, put a faulty sticker on it and files it away, handing me a new box. Which includes, of course, both a new Pokewalker and a copy of the game...which goes nicely with the copy I already had in my DS.


    So I got £34.99s worth of free game from the store that bullied me out which was nice. Gave the cart to my sister so she can play it too. Mega win.


    Thanks for the £34.99, Paul, ya prick! Have fun with the stock levels! It's made sweeter by the fact that they won't be able to return the game to Nintendo and claim a faulty copy, so it'll show as loss. It doesn't even touch the money I should have been paid through the overtime I was forced to do, but it does feel great.

    Textbook example of karma. :heh:

  2. Spent the whole day rehearsing for our last-day-of-school sketches. It has worn me out, but getting out of the house and being with my mates has also revitalised me somewhat, which is nice. I'm not even that depressed right now! :)


    Okay, that makes me sound like I have a depression. :heh: I really don't, I'm just struggling with some low self-esteem at the moment, which puts my mood down.

  3. We have a similar system in Denmark of which I don't know the specific details. I believe the general idea to be that when you're unemployed, you have to send out a number of job applications every week/month. There does seem to be some issues with it, however, as it seems to hit both actual job seekers and those who have a valid reason for not working as well. But this is anecdotal evidence at best.

  4. Just been looking through the 'manifesto' on the bbc site. It seems like a lot of decent stuff is planned.

    Financially, a reduction in tax credits is a worry, but with the marriage tax break and the substantial change in tax bands it could work out well.

    Child trust fund I always thought was a bit naff.

    Alternative vote is a decent system.

    No ID cards is great.

    No benefits for those not willing to work is good.


    Yeah, overall I'm happy, but may cry at finances. Or may be happy.

    Any info on how they plan to separate those who can't work and those who won't work?

  5. If you want to see a particularly amazing video made with After Effects, check out Ryan vs. Dorkman and especially its sequel (as the sequel is MUCH better). They're lightsaber fights with effects by Ryan Wieber, an amateur so talented LucasArts actually hired him based on his work.


  6. Literally amazing, I watched it twice. How do they do the effects like that? I wouldn't mind trying to do stuff like the energy ball and the 'kamehameha', they look awesome!


    Oh and Mokong...looking cool dude :awesome:

    They probably use Adobe After Effects, I assume. It's often used by "amateurs" to make special effects.

  7. I agree with Ashley that it's ridiculous how politicians are blamed for the damages the recession did. It seems to be the case all over the world that the oppositions blame the current governments and say that they would have done much better. I highly doubt it in most cases.

  8. Pistachio is amazing, though I hate it when there are too many nuts in it. Seriously, sometimes you can barely taste the ice cream because of all the nuts!


    All puns must be delivered within five minutes of this message being posted.

  9. Good news everyone! I think boredom has become my very way of life, waking up day after day with my best prospect of happiness being able to forget I even exist from one hour to the next. For the love of Christ will somebody please set me on fire so I can occupy myself.

    Play some video games, man! Emerge yourself in a world far more interesting and exciting than your own!

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