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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Wasn't there a strong likelihood that that one kid killed someone's dog?




    Well, she was in possession of its skull, which she had cleaned, but she claims that it was a roadkill that she found. If she is such a big fan of wolves and canines, as she says herself, it doesn't make much sense for her to want to kill it. I have no clue, but I have a small suspicion she's being framed by people who don't understand her lifestyle choice. Some articles seem quite judgmental to me, and despite her choices she deserves the benefit of the doubt just like any other person. Otherwise we're back in the days of the witch trials.

  2. *dials phone*


    Yeah, hi, is this the Department of Bad Luck? Hi, I'd like to close the account of one Miss Hannah Linton. Yes, she has had an overdraft, so her account needs closing ASAP. Yes, I'll hold ...


    ... Hello? Hello?




    Sorry, Raining. :( Mahoosive interweb hugs?

  3. I am inclined to believe it's not something that's just decided from birth. I believe the subconscious plays a large role. I don't think it's a conscious choice you can just make ... unless maybe you're pretty in-tune with your subconscious.


    But again, these are mere speculations of a teenager.

  4. I believe some experts argue that environments while growing up may have an effect on sexuality. Still, others argue that it's decided from birth, and whatever the case it's still not a conscious choice. I'm surprised that people actually believe that.

  5. I really couldn't care less about the privacy stuff. If you really want to get ahold of my personal information, you're gonna get it anyway, so why bother? I've had my personal information online for a long time, and I've never experienced any problems because of it.


    Regarding other stuff, there's nothing on Facebook that I don't want people to know. If an employer is going to look at stuff on there and judge me on that, well, that's his loss for being a superficial fool.


    So yeah, I have kind of a devil-may-care attitude about my FB life. :p

  6. Wait....smaller pubs are the ones with smoking, while the larger places where non-smokers could get away from the smoke it's banned.....talk about ass backwards. 40sqm is piss tiny at that. Two smokers at opposite ends could smog the whole place.


    And, obviously non-smokers weren't happy with the segregation...otherwise they wouldn't be imposing these bans.

    Yeah, it's completely backwards here in Denmark.


    Well, I was certainly happy with the segregation, and I refuse to believe I was the only non-smoker who felt that way.

  7. Having said what I said earlier, I too feel like I'm choking when I get too much smoke around me, and some smokers just don't seem to care at all, smoking directly into your face. What's ridiculous about the smoking ban here in Denmark is that smoking is allowed in pubs with LESS than 40 sqm.


    I don't get what was wrong with having specific areas for smoking. Smokers were happy and non-smokers were happy.

  8. Yay for Flinky! :yay: (Most thanked post ever?)


    Massive cyberhugs for Raining. :( Hold in there. "The night is darkest just before dawn." (I know that's shit and doesn't make sense, but you know ...)


    Sorry to hear about your cat, EEVIL.




    The past few days seem more or less like one big entity. It began when I got sick earlier this week and had to stay home from my last days of school, which wasn't cool. I had become well enough, though, to attend the "exam revelation party" at my school Thursday night. My class started the evening by going to a Chinese restaurant for dinner at 7, then we went to our school with the rest of our year at 9. There were sandwiches (though we were full), drinks, singing and an all-round nice atmosphere. At midnight they started revealing how many students from what classes had exams, leaving us in excitement throughout as we tried to calculate which exams we migh get. In the end we each got a paper with our final grades and our exams:


    For me it's written Danish, written Latin, written Greek, oral Danish, oral English and oral Greek as well as an oral presentation of the paper I made this spring.


    Then we left the school and went to the local café where we had a few drinks and enjoyed ourselves. Then my close group of friends and I spent the night at one of my friends' place (it was quite cramped) where we got a few hours of sleep before we had to get up early to greet the first-years and second-years of our school in silly costumes and with guns and bombs of the water kind. Then there was the final day of school entertainment hosted by us third-years where I participated in the annual teacher satire play. Despite both actors and audience being drunk, hangover and sick (and despite me having close to no voice at all, which I still don't completely), we actually managed to make it a success, and afterwards we went to the local river and enjoyed the wonderful weather. Drinks were had, makeshift barbecues were set up, water was being thrown around, and people had a good time. At 3 in the afternoon my small group of friends and I went to a small birthday celebration of one our other friends, and at about 6 my friends and I went home.


    So yeah, I've had my last day of school in gymnasium. Now all that remains are my 7 exams over the next 5 weeks, and in a month, on June 25th, I graduate! :yay: It's such a strange feeling as I've changed so much, evolved so much, gotten so many great friends that I won't hesitate to call my best. It's a happy time, but it's also sad that the best time of my life is soon over.


    tl;dr - Last day of school yesterday, lots of fun things happened, only 7 exams stand between me and graduation from the best 3 years of my life.

  9. Now, considering the consensus in this thread, I'll probably get ripped to pieces for saying this, but ...


    I don't get the enormous hate against cigarettes. I mean as opposed to all the other shit people do that's not good for them. Cigarettes are nasty, I can definitely agree with that. But we humans do all sorts of stupid shit that's harmful to ourselves and others. We're not perfect, nor do we live in a perfect world. I'm not saying people doing shit stuff is okay, but we can't really go around hating everyone who's not Mr. Perfect. That's just silly.


    I dunno, smoking might actually be worse than some of the other stuff people do. I'm no expert. On anything, really. But there's just so much hate in here. Me no like.

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