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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Well, the Rokhed incident definitely happened after you left since I was around at that time, but the Dynastygal episode was before my time, so I don't know if you were around then.

  2. Should have revised today, but just had one of those days where you feel like shit mentally, so haven't gotten anything done yet. I'm feeling better now, though, so hopefully I might be able to get some revision done tonight.

  3. Which would be a good point, except for the fact that in this case both are true. We obviously don't have to like them, we don't have to like anything. But we don't have to accept them either as its their choice to be different.

    Oh, but I'm not saying we to have to accept anything, either. I just personally think we should all learn to accept people's choices to be different more.


    But I think our different points have been made. We're just dragging it out now.

  4. All that I'm saying is that what they're doing is fine. They're just expressing themselves. However, there's nothing saying they have to be accepted by society. They have chosen to be different, and while we must let them be different, we don't have to like it.

    But liking and accepting is not the same. Acceptance can exist in spite of dislike. That's the beauty of it.

  5. I was joking dude, hence the "=p". But still, I feel that when every option is available, people refuse to think carefully about their choices. In fact, people make demonstrably poorer choices the more things they have to choose from. I just think that a little social judgement isn't misplaced. I respect the fact that you don't judge these people, it's an admirable trait. In fact, this shit is so thoroughly unimportant that I resent it taking up my fucking time.


    Check this shit out, it's way cool:

    Hehe, I know, but sometimes your attitude gets a little on my nerves, so I bite back a little. :heh: You do make a valid point there, though - how about trying that a bit more often instead of simply being smug? ;) I know you're perfectly well capable of it, moreso than most of us in here.


    Oh, and that video is indeed awesome. :)

  6. We're listening.

    People who harass other, people who feel the need to beat up others, generally people who hurt others physically and/or emotionally. Well, those are not really silly, more stupid and sad. Other silly and sad people include those who wank on Chat Roulette.

  7. Think what you like about them, but don't force your opinion on me. I see no wrong in what they're doing, nor do I find them stupid or silly. There are many people out there that I find a lot more stupid, silly and downright sad than those teens.

  8. The Dark Knight , X-Men 2, Iron Man etc all captured the "essence" of their respective comics decades long history (70 years in Batman's case), while telling an original story. There are some elements that need to remain in the characters through translation. Spider-Man wasn't Spider-Man at all. He wasn't amusing or quick-witted. The humour in the films usually came from the minor characters like Jameson and Betty Brant, which is just backward.


    I tried watching the films a few months ago and just switched them off half-way through. I'd seen them enough...they suck the life out of me.


    Reading Ultimate Spider-man provides a modern re-imaging of Spidey to much greater effect.

    I'm sure you're right, I'm just saying I seem more capable of enjoying movies that deviate from their original incarnations moreso than other people. I, too, highly prefer movies to stay close to the source material, but I can easily enjoy them even if they don't. :)

  9. I don't think the suggestion is that they should be made to stop. That would be completely against western values. I think what people are more saying is that this pushing what is normal for people to do to when they're "rebelling" against society. There's nothing wrong about them doing this, but there's also nothing wrong with people speaking out against it. They have a right to freedom of expression, but at the say time, they're wearing fake tails to school.

    Hm, I'm not sure exactly what your point it. They're definitely pushing boundaries, but I personally believe that to be a good thing.

  10. Maybe I'm not as picky about movies based on other media as most people are. I know a movie will never really capture what the book/comic/whatever had, so I think of it as a different retelling of the same story.

  11. See, I just want people do be able to do whatever the hell they please (provided they don't hurt anyone, of course) without other people trying to tell them what they can and can't do. I understand their need to break social norms and actually living out what they want to do while completely disregarding other people's judgement. I don't see why they necessarily need to add anything to culture or have some ideology behind them. What if they just really like werewolves?

  12. Am I the only here who absolutely love the Spider-Man movies and think they're great?


    Anyway, I had my final written exam today, which was Greek. It was a great assignment, and I think I did very well.

  13. I effing hate Apple's trailer page. The video ALWAYS LAGS!


    EDIT: So downloading it removes the lag




    OH MY FUCKING GOD that movie looks amazing! :D

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