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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. ''Wow'' man is single (some amazing detective work carried out). Now I don't really know what to do. People I like usually seem to be attached or...other things. ReZ's advice is ''Seduce him''. So, yeah.


    I shan't think about it now, I'm flying to Coooopenhaaaaagen in a few hours, fuck yeah.

    Enjoy your stay in Denmark! ^^ The weather has been particularly lovely for the past few days and is supposed to stay that way in the near future. :)


    Also, about the "wow" guy - just stare deep into his eyes ... ;) :p

  2. IT'S OVER! AT LAST! I've passed my final exam (got a B) and am now what we call a "student" here in Denmark, meaning I have technically graduated. I've received my graduation cap, and now all that remains is the official graduation ceremony on Friday.

  3. Finally ... the time has come ... tomorrow is the day of my oral exam in Ancient Greek. This is what I've been revising so hard for throughout the past few weeks. This is what I've been working towards for the past three years of my life. The most influential years ever of my life. The best years of my life.


    Tomorrow, it all culminates when I finally finish my last exam and graduate.


    *cue epic music*

  4. But nintendo isnt forcing you to buy every ds model. They did go a little too far however.

    I never said they were. But it has alienated me a bit from the console because I simply felt I couldn't keep up if I wanted to.


    Anyway, since I've lost my original DS, I hope the 3DS will be backward compatible with the original DS games.

  5. Sorry to hear about your cat, Ganepark. I completely understand the relationship one can develop with one's cat, being a cat person myself.


    Also, I'm very sorry to hear about you and Buttons, Nando. I kind of figured (and I think we all did) that it had something to do with your relationship. Love is pretty much the only emotion to cause such sadness in a person. I'm glad the two of you are still good friends, though, and I hope you will find the most fitting spot in each other's lives.

  6. I say get a girlfriend.

    While your points may or may not be true, I can't help but cringe at that last comment. Suffering from a pretty bad case of low self-esteem and having done so pretty much my entire life, simply being told to "get a girlfriend" like it's the easiest task on Earth feels somewhat insulting, especially to one who's struggling to do exactly that - or at least feels he is.


    Having said that, it should be noted that I of course know there was absolutely no harm meant with the comment, and that I'm fully aware that it's just me whining about my psychological insecurity issues right now. So please don't take it badly in any way, and please be so kind as to not tell me how potentially pathetic this comment is. 'Cause I know it probably is.


    Anyway, whining over, please move along.

  7. Finished revising my penultimate text for my Greek exam. Despite not having revised nearly as much as I planned today, the fact that only one text remains has given me a sense of accomplishment that has instantly substituted the feeling of stress I've been having the past few days. The mind is easy to trick, eh?

  8. Aye, the most annoying thing about Nintendo lately (apart perhaps from the load of crappy casual games that is released for the Wii) is how often they "update" the DS. We've never had a console become outdated so quickly before. Especially since the price of each iteration is exactly the same as the original, and that's quite expensive.

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