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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. so, basically, what you're saying is you need some poon :heh:

    Haha! I guess that's one way of looking at it ... :p


    girlfriends are shit, you need a fuck buddy.

    ... but then, on the other hand, while sex is indeed a strong driving force, I also really want the emotional side of a relationship. It's surprisingly not as simple as me having an obsession with sex (though I'm sure I have that as well) - I'd say I'm obsessed with love.

  2. Ok, good to hear you're addressing the issue already, Danny. Wish you luck with that...








    This reminded me of something. When my depression started, I used to be obsessed with thinking. For 8 years I was more or less constantly analysing something, be it myself or others. I could not stop, because I was afraid of what would happen if I did...would I get anything done anymore, would my life go forward? Therapy did help in turning this into a positive pattern, but it was only when I did intensive yoga that this neurosis really stopped...What a weird moment that was...years of thinking and then suddenly: "you know what, I don't have to think anymore, I can just be". Like extra baggage was thrown off my back...

    Thanks, Ville. :) It sounds like our brains can relate somewhat to each other.

  3. Hmm, sounds pretty familiar. I used to have low self-esteem and depression, and was also longing to find a partner...I used to project very romantic and gentle qualities to the females I was attracted to. It was only later through therapy when I found the reason for all this: my low self-esteem. It was if I was waiting for a caring female that could tell me how good a person I was, since I could not see those qualities myself...just the negativity. With the therapy, I was able to break these habitual patterns of thought and start viewing myself in a more complete manner. Having included my positive traits into this picture as well, the urgent desire for a companion more or less vanished...Yes, I'm still interested in females, but I don't need them to tell me if I have good qualities or not...I already know that I do.


    Thus it boils down to this: what is your motivation for getting a girlfriend? If your life is difficult without one, there's probably an underlying cause, like the low self-esteem, which you're trying to band-aid with the girl. Sure you can get a girl now, but the pain will not leave until you treat the cause...And if your self-esteem is dependent on another person, the relationship will be unbalanced as she has to give you energy all the time...and not many people have the strength or will to do this for long...


    With low self-esteem, you can contact a psych or a doctor if you want. Don't know if you've seen ones, but they really help...very easy too, just answer what they ask :D In any case, the key is in observing your thought patterns: "What is true, what is not? What kind of statements emerge from my mind?" Writing or speaking with another person really helps here...With low self-esteem, the thoughts mainly deal with one's negative attributes...and often go to the extremes, like "I will NEVER find anyone who likes me." This also means that any positive characteristics go totally unnoticed...in Finnish "self-esteem" is "itsetunto", literally "self-knowledge". In other words, low s-e means you don't know yourself well, or at least the positive parts that is...


    Just writing here, might be wrong since I don't know you personally...any thoughts?

    Thanks for taking the time to write all that. :) A lot of it fits me. I'm very much aware of my situation, how my feelings act, etc. I've also talked with people about it, and I am working on dealing with it.


    Most of it can be boiled down to low self-esteem, though I don't think it's the reason I want a girlfriend so bad. That's something I've been interested in for a long time, and while my self-esteem has never been sky high in that department, I have been pretty cool and relaxed about it most of the time. It's only as of late that it has become an obsession for me, and since then my self-esteem in that area has taken a heavy toll.


    It goes up and down, though, and on days where my self-esteem is high, the feeling of obsession subsides dramatically and is much easier to deal with. Naturally, on days where my self-esteem hits rock bottom, my obsession is much, much harder to deal with.


    It should be noted that this current obsession of mine fits into my psychiatric history quite nicely. My brain handles stress through obsessions and thought patterns that are hard to break. In the past I've had periods where my conscience went into overgear and I was constantly worried about doing the "right" thing; periods where I obsessed over the paranormal and would become completely paranoid; periods where I suddenly questioned my religiousness; even periods where my stress manifested itself as a placebo-like migraine headache.


    Basically, my current obsession is most likely the next expression of my psychological "issues". Like with all the others, I just have to work with it and try to deal with it. Improving my own self-esteem is the challenge this time around.


    Anyway, massive tl;dr. Bottom line: I understand my own situation and know what needs to be done to help it.

  4. I don't get it. How can "finding a girlfriend" be an obsession? If you go out and purposefully look for one it won't happen - it'll just be one of those things you stumble in to. If you do go looking and you find it, it'll probably be a disappointment.

    Trust me, I know all this. And more than anything in the world I want to be able to just be cool about it and enjoy it when it happens. But my mind works in twisted ways, and it is currently obsessed with finding a girlfriend. I think about it almost constantly, and the worst part is that it spirals into negative circles of low self-esteem and self-destructive thoughts.


    It seems my mind has always made a hobby out of making life just that tad more difficult for me. It's quite annoying, really. ¬_¬

  5. It's not that I don't think that you can't make a film level plot from it, but the game prohibits it. For example, Link going through 9 dungeons or so doesn't add much depth to the storyline aspect.

    Right, of course it would need some level of adaption to the medium. But I thought that was implicit. :)

  6. You puked up all the booze! That's when you decide that you have to 'top it up' and go for round two!!

    I know, but considering how damn tired I was afterwards, I had no real intentions of going on. :heh: Besides, I'm not really "in it for the booze". I normally drink just enough to loosen up and have fun.


    ReZ, have you thought about confronting the guy about his behaviour? I dunno if it's a good idea, but it might be worth a shot. You'll be a better judge of that than me.

  7. Excellent article, Pooki! I do indeed like Majora's Mask better, though Ocarina holds more nostalgia value for me. I'm so close to picking up Majora's Mask again myself after all this talk about it. I especially agree with the emotion part, as I have stated before. I don't remember many games that have touched me emotionally like MM did.


    The only thing I disagree with is your opinion on the "film quality" of the plots in OoT and MM. I believe the stories, while somewhat traditional, has enough originality to work well as film plots. But that's beside the point.

  8. I consider myself lucky in this department. I suffer from hayfever and get common colds quite often, but apart from that I hardly experience any physical discomfort, bar the occasional headache and the likes. I do have a sunken chest and would really like to get in better shape, but that's about it.

  9. My obsessions? Love, and finding a girlfriend.


    GASP! Gee, golly, are you serious, Danny?! We had no idea!


    Other than that I tend to obsess in periods over different universes. Like Harry Potter, Star Wars, The Matrix, etc.


    EDIT: Just found out I had already mentioned these very things in this thread when it was originally created. Seems like I haven't changed much the past 9 months. :p

  10. Went to a friend's graduation party last night, which was great fun. The food was good, the company was great, an interesting game of Truth or Dare involving semi-nakedness and female as well as male snogging was had, and much cider and champagne was drunk. Too much, in fact. After a sprint from one end of a football field to the other and back again, a need to regurgitate aforementioned cider and champagne was felt, after which it was decided between me and my friend that it was time to call it a night. Today I woke up completely hangoverless and surprisingly fresh, so all is good.


    Tomorrow I'm heading to the beach with some friends.

  11. That's basically what me and my mate have been saying. We think he's doing it for attention or something, he's actually the first person I've heard slating Toy Story 3. I haven't seen it and I just KNOW I'm going to love it.

    I've heard some people say it's pretty much Pixar's best work yet, and that says a lot! I daren't even hope it's that good.

  12. The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Orlando.

    Yes! This is one of two reasons why I really want to go to the US. The other reason is that I want to see Abney Park in concert - plus go to a steampunk convention ... heck, any sort of convention. We're pretty behind in Denmark when it comes to subcultures. T.T


    Also, I really want to go to the UK again. If I were to choose my nationality purely based on what country I like best, I'd be British. I still prefer the Danish political and welfare system, so I wouldn't want to move, but the UK has probably always been my favourite country when it comes to language and culture.

  13. Definitely chocolate for me, too! Huuuge chocolate lover! :D


    I dislike the taste of coffee. With loads of milk and sugar I am able to drink it, but the aftertaste is horrid. Tea doesn't do much for me, though I strangely love the smell of different tea leaves. Never even heard of Bovril, though, and I hardly think of Cup-a-Soup as a hot drink, so chocolate wins, hands down!

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