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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I think this is extremely untrue in the sense that scum really hate police; if you watch any 'police taking down criminal' program, you'll often see a raid on some drug dealers place and the people harbour extreme hatred for police.


    Essentially, people doing illegal things are the target of police; said people want to carry on doing illegal acts and the police are their barrier, so to speak. Hence their hatred for police. Sure, police have previously gone over the top, but I don't believe they go to extremes purely for pleasure. No smoke without fire, etc.


    I think automatically assuming people are not mentally sound because they murder is a very common thing in society. Murder can be done in a moment of madness, or a means to selfishly dealing with your problems.

    Yes, but this particular case does not appear to be a case of simply assuming mental problems. He seemed to actually suffer from psychiatric issues and directly asked to see a psychiatrist for a long time. Also, it seems he was harrassed by the police even while doing nothing wrong. I don't know if these things are true, but I'm arguing as if they were because they're the points that the Facebook group was/is based upon.

  2. I'd rather go with "should these people be allowed to procreate?"


    It amazes me in that string of facebook posts that people think it's fine to do what he did under certain circumstances (e.g. girlfriend dumping him for another man). This happens to people all the time but it takes a completely paranoid arsehole to react like this. His prison/dumping circumstances seem to have been entirely self-caused, so he had only himself to blame.


    Unlike most, I'm not going to go along with him having 'mental issues' as a reason to pity him. It's just far too easy and honestly doesn't serve out the hatred a creature like this deserves. I genuinely think he was a stupid dick who, perhaps in a moment of sheer anger, triggered a sequence of events that led to his eventual suicide. Once he had begun his outburst, he essentially followed through.



    It may not necessarily mean he was mentally ill or couldn't cope. Some people are genuinely spiteful, dare I say evil.

    You're right that there are genuinely evil people out there. Regarding Moat's mental state, we don't really know the extent and/or existence of his mental illness, but I don't think I agree with you on that point. If he really was as paranoid and mentally ill as some sources claim him to be, and if he really was neglected as much by the system, I feel a lot more pity for him than hate. I know my view on this will probably stir some minds, but if he truly was that mentally disturbed, I don't think he can be held completely responsible for his actions.

  3. Fuck him, people go through that shit and worse everyday.

    Still, those people are able to cope with it, something he obviously wasn't. It's a question about mental strength and health.


    I'm not defending him. What he did was horrible. But I don't think of him as an evil man, rather a very troubled man, whom I pity. I hope this will create focus on the faults of the system in this and cases like it.

  4. I've been following this and I think it's disgusting that he's being called a legend and a hero and such. Cold-blooded murder is just wrong and should not be praised in any sort of way and I don't condone what he did.


    However, Raoul Moat knew he had a problem and he continually asked to see a psychiatrist for months on end and the reason why he had such a hatred for the police is because they kept on hassling him during his days of being a bouncer and then, after he quit because of his kids and he became a tree surgeon, he was still hassled. The man even started recording things just to prove he weren't doing anything. I can't deny that there is part of me that feels a little bit sorry for him because he was tormented, one can only take so much before one snaps. Even his ex-girlfriend's mom said she hates him for what he did but he asked for help and nobody gave it him.


    But yeah, I don't get the praising at all. He's not a hero, just a disturbed, frustrated man...

    Pitying someone and hailing someone as a hero are two completely different things. If what you're writing there is true, I do indeed pity him very much as well. But I would never hail him as a hero. Criticise the system, on the other hand - yes, I'd do that!

  5. What's incredible is that something as insanely beautiful as that can be found in pure nature. :o


    Its not photoshopped or anything!! =P

    They do use a lot of filters to make it possible to see the colours, though, don't they? I believe I've read something about those images not being visibe in reality as they consist of different particles which they then highlight with different colours to make them visible. But I could be wrong. Someone with astrophysical knowledge please enlighten us on this matter. Puns intended.


  6. Definitely agreed, I reason on a site such as facebook freedom of speech is going to class, but it doesn't mean it such be used as a tool to fuel hate, it's supposed to be a way for people to connect not bash one another.


    But for the sake of not causing a massive argument, yes agree. :grin:

    Heh, by principle I believe in complete freedom of speech. But in cases such as this, it's hard maintaining that standpoint. :heh:


    But yes, let the discussion move along. :)

  7. Its mentioned on the bbc as I had a quick look, I didn't watch the news today as I was up far too early.


    I understand free speech, but there's limits, facebook statuses bashing LGBT also get taken down by facebook quite often, it can get incredibly insulting and some have even riled me when I'm straight!

    Free speech will always be a controversial topic. And it's one that I personally find it incredibly hard to choose a side in.


    EDIT: So these people think it's okay to murder policemen? That's moronic enough in itself, but what about the ex-girlfriend? She wasn't a policewoman, was she? +10 Retardedness, methinks.

  8. Funny that this thread should pop up today. I had a dream last night which coincidentally involved jayseven. He and I were driving around the city where I went to school the past three years, and someone (I think maybe the N-E staff) was giving out prices to people who were first to find a car of a specific model, which is why we were there, I guess. It was all pretty random.

  9. 20 Pounds? I literally just screamed with joy. The deadline is 6 days away now, so though there's a rush, there's not a massive one. But seriously, I don't know how to thank you enough!

    Well, sexual favours are always welcome ... ;) :p


    Jokes aside, don't worry about it. :) I just graduated and as such received a lot of money from friends and family plus a scholarship from my school, and on top of that I've got a well-paid job after my holidays, so I'm quite rich at the moment. :heh:

  10. Wow. Just ... wow. I don't even know where to start. I've heard completely wasted people make a lot more sense than he does. I mean, how could he comp-


    Wait a minute ... did he just say "Barrack Osama Homo Bin Laden"?


    Broadcast Yourself


    EDIT: Apparently he's a parody. Which does make me breathe a sigh of relief. Still, the people he parodies frighten me.

  11. We still love you, Raining! :)


    And Linkara is great. Probably my favourite on the TGWTG Team.


    Had a film evening with a buddy of mine yesterday and the day before that. Watched 10 films in total, and I finally got to watch some of the countless films I haven't seen that everybody says you need to see.

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