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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Gah, that didn't exactly work, Dan! :shakehead (Though it did have a cute face ...)


    Regarding gore, I'm a bit strange. I don't mind blood, intestines etc. at all - as long as the person's dead! What I can't handle about gore is exemplified in the Saw films: The fact that they're experiencing the horror and pain. I don't even want to think about it. It truly fucks with my mind. Argh!

  2. I liked them too, and I also liked, actually loved Jessica Alba as the Invisible Woman :p

    Well, unlike most people in here it seems, I really loved the 3 Spider-Man films, especially the third. But I can be very uncritical of films as you've no doubt noticed. :heh:


    Anyway, I believe the filmmakers are smart enough to avoid entering the territory of the first 3 films. We'll see a new series of Spidey films, but they'll still be some sort of continuation of the previous, just with a potentially (hopefully?) new angle.

  3. I have arachnophobia, fear of spiders - and to a lesser degree related creatures. I can barely look at pictures of tarantulas and the like. While finding most insects pretty cool, I also generally dislike them.


    I won't be no,....unless you consider shitting in bags and sending them to the homes of the loved ones of non-participants punishment. :p


    But seriously I'm not. And....yeah thats not a bad idea to say that. I'll implement it. I do think this days discussion really wasn't going anywhere though. 90% of it was just general mafia play tactics discussion win blog hax.

    Still, I think you need to see if someone actually comes forward with anything or gets a discussion going. Not many people got a chance to say anything. But it's your game. You're in control.

  5. I think a lot. And I mean A LOT. Constantly. Most of the time it's fine as I just think a lot of things through. It can be hard to fall asleep, but I just need a distraction like a TV show that is not too interesting and not too boring, either. My main issue arises from what is left of my autism as my thoughts have a tendency to fall into trenches and patterns - patterns that can be hard to break. They turn into something obsession-like, and they can drive me nuts as well as other things. At the moment my obsession with relationships and all that is destroying my self-confidence quite effectively. Again it helps doing other things and dragging my mind away from those thoughts. It especially helps getting out of the house as it helps my brain to stay in touch with reality and prevent my thoughts from going completely insane.

  6. Seeing as the current movie audience is already acquainted with Spidey and his backstory, I hope they throw us in medias res when he is already Spider-Man. I could imagine Spidey doing a voice-over in the beginning breaking down how things stand in his life at the moment.

  7. Revealing yourself as an investigator also makes it likely to be targeted by protectors, though. Protectors are the ones that shouldn't reveal themselves.


    Of course, I'm saying this because I've seen the mafia winning games easily because investigators did not want to reveal their info.

    All I'm saying is, keeping quiet means no one gets lynched, which definitely means the mafiosos won't die.


    @Nintendohnut: The problem is, there's no guarantee we'll have guaranteed info. At least with vague info, we can generate discussion, and see who's taking sides, etc.

    Ah, yes, I see your point now.

  8. The more I think about it, the more I realise how much I swear. It's horrible, really. Especially "fuck" is a favourite of mine. I use it in all thinkable ways. My most extreme case has to be "a fucking fuck fucker". It's laughable, really.

  9. I eat fairly okay, I think. Pretty varied. I do believe I let myself eat too much candy and snacks, though. I'm often hungry for treats, and because of what I believe to be high metabolism, I'm still skinny as heck, so it's not showing that I could do with eating more healthily.

  10. @Dannyboy: I'm one of the beer-haters as well. It tastes horrible and I don't see the appeal in getting drunk for the sake of it.

    It's not that I don't like getting a bit drunk to have fun, but I hate the taste and thickness of beer. I get nauseous even before getting drunk! So I drink cider and other stuff when I want to get drunk 'cause I simply can't drink enough beer to produce that effect.

  11. I don't know if I'd like the past me to see the present me. Sure, I've come a long way since then, but there are things I'm still struggling with, and that might discourage the past me. But again, if the past me's future (i.e. the present) was then changeable, the past me could then start to improve at an earlier time, meaning I'd have gotten further by now.

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