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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Why do we Danes get jack shit when it comes to soda flavours? :( Seriously, whenever I travel abroad and talk to non-Danes like you guys, I always see dozens of new flavous for my favourite brands like Fanta and Schweppes.

  2. Is that a JML thing? I see so many adverts for their stuff and never bought anything. You say you have to change it regulary... How regulary? And how many plowings of shelves can you get in that time?

    Yeah, it does have a Shopping Channel feel to it, but it's certainly effective. I don't have specific numbers, but you can do a pretty decent amount of swipes with one single duster, depending on the thickness of the dust layer.

  3. Woah there, I never said I wasn't a shoe expert, and I find your assumption slightly offensive. Though I'll be honest, I'm no shoe expert. I actually do need to purchase some new shoes at some point.


    Totally not relevant at all btw, what colour were the ones you got, Eenuh?

    I'm sorry. No offense intended at all. You did say "I'm fairly useless", and that is entirely what my assumption was based upon.

  4. It'll go 1 of 2 ways. There will be new threads for absolutely everything. No one will want to flick through every thread, many won't even bother looking at the second page of threads. We'll end up with loads of threads with no replies.


    Or no one will post anything because they'll want to discuss what happened in their day/they're new favourite song/film etc, but won't feel a new thread is necessary and have nowhere else to post it.

    Still, I have a feeling it might ignite the forums a bit more. I'm positive for the moment.

  5. No no no. You cannot be serious




    This is the way forward, stop going backwards the lot of yas.

    Ugh, sorry, but of all types of soda, light colas are probably my least favourite. Apart from some cheap brands of orange soda, perhaps.

  6. FANTA?! What are you playing at. There is only one.



    I see you've acquired quite an obsession with that drink as of late. What does it taste like, and why is it so much better than anything else?

  7. Fanta will always remain one of my favourite sodas. I'm especially weak for Fanta Exotic. I picture the flavour to be the most accurate human replication of the nectar of the Ancient Greek gods.

  8. Did a breakdown as I watched it. Here it is:


    New opening - Good. I like it. Very sleek design.

    Clips show - Nah, didn't do it for me.

    Opening gag ruined by penis - Self-irony, I like that sort of thing. Decent.

    Fuckable Food - Simply too predictable. I don't find these funny at all.

    Movie review - Not really funny. Too predicable, no real punchline.

    Phil the Person - Probably a pun, but didn't get the reference.

    Life's Unanswered Questions - Is there a pun somewhere I don't get? (See below.)

    Nein Nein Nein - Too predictable.

    Life's Unanswered Questions (continued) - Really made this skecth work! Underplayed humour suits you. Made me chuckle.

    French joke - A bit silly, but made me chuckle as well.

    Phonecall/Murray cameo - Absolutely brilliant! Out of nowhere, and the smug grin - priceless! Without a doubt the best skecth of this episode!

    Jonny's Segment - Gross, but appropriately nonsensical. The song was a nice touch.

    Glue pun - Didn't get the reference.

    Scare Clair - Getting a bit too repetitive. Claire's reaction is getting more and more tense. I expect some sort of climax to this series soon. Pun intended if you want it.

    Twilight/Dr. Wu-Man - Plain WTF right there.

    Pin pun (pun definitely intended) - Didn't do as much for me as your puns usually do.

    Fun With A Pun - Didn't make me laugh, but nice artwork.

    FaceTime - Your faces are hilarious, and Jonny's in particular is mesmerising. I may need to make love to it.

    Inappropriate Ways - Not as funny as usual. The female actor could've performed a bit better when collapsing.


    All in all a pretty meh episode. Not your worst, but definitely not your best. A few golden moments, otherwise just shrugs most of the way. A lot of the jokes seemed too predictable, and some of it is getting stale, especially Nein Nein Nein and Scare Clair. It doesn't seem as cringeworthy to me as it originally did, though. Maybe you're getting better at the presentation, or maybe I'm just getting used to the style, I dunno.


    Note that I am pretty bombed today, so my reactions were probably less enthusiastic than normal.

  9. I think this site sums up a lot of the shit actually: http://en.likefever.com/


    Things to 'like' such as:


    Boyfriends who actually treat there girlfriends like princesses :)

    i do love you, i don't say it for the fun of it (: <3

    a relationship where you can be your absolute self around eachother and not get embarrassed :)

    If only you boys see what you make us girls feel like, you would never break another heart.


    Positive affirmations and shit like that. Bring on the misanthropy! :p In fact I feel like some of these groups are actually damaging female kind as they just make them out (or at least those who like/join) as being wishy washy and just in need of a nice person who says nice things and does nice things.

    Psh, you truly are a misanthrope, aren't ya? :heh: Positive affirmations are massively underrated, I find!

  10. Ack, if you see the woman who set that group up she is literally thick as shit. I wouldn't go by her group. :p

    I was merely going by what Dazz posted. :) And I'm arguing for argument's sake as usual. :heh: We don't actually know what was going on in his head, and any way you look at it, it's a horrible deed.

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