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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Well done, Wolfy! :D


    I've been spending the last few days simply enjoying the fact that it's the summer holidays and I'm done with school for at least an entire year! :D


    Received Galaxy 2 in graduation gift from my parents and have been playing that a lot. I'm also going to finally pick up Prime Trilogy again, and right now I'm about to download the old Metroid and/or Super Metroid as I've become really hooked on the series! :D


    If I have to choose, which one should I get, fellow KNEE'ers? The original Metroid or Super Metroid?

  2. It's all give and take, danny gives out the pervy comments, we take the piss.


    But neither of which means any harm.. you're just seeing one side on this thread...!


    We like danny! I think he's taking over from Offerman. Big shoes to fill man. You've got work to do!

    I don't delude myself into thinking I can live up to Offerman's reputation. :p I think Moogle or ReZ are more likely candidates for that spot. ;)

  3. Lol Danny, don't let this douches keep you down, I'm sure they're just joking around.

    Haha, don't worry! :p I know it's just friendly humour. :) Besides, the "portrayal" of me is pretty spot on, anyway. :p It helps you get a bit of perspective on yourself. :)

  4. - Looking at places you know well through the eyes of a stranger.

    This. Showing someone a film, a show, a piece of music etc. that you love for the first time. It's almost like experiencing it for the first time again yourself.

  5. Is it bad to find black women unattractive?


    Maybe unattractive is the wrong way at looking it actually, just... non-attractive.

    I wouldn't say. It's a personal preference, not racism, and neither is it something you control.


    Why do you have to get married anyway?

    I'm curious about this as well. I mean, I completely understand getting married is a great sign of love, but you could still live a perfectly happy life with the woman you love without being married. Still, it sounds like getting married is really important to you?

  6. Saturday I have my graduation party for my friends and family. Then there are a few get-togethers with friends the following week, one of them being my late birthday party. Then I have a number of undated gaming and video nights with friends that I need to figure out dates for, and at some point this summer I'm also going on vacation for a week with my family to the Danish island Bornholm, on which we have some friends. At some point there's also a small vacation with my nearest friends planned, possibly a small cruise to England and back with half the day being spent in England and sleeping on the ferry both out and back.


    After the summer I start my job as a substitute teacher, and I'm also planning on getting my driver's license at some point. Oh, and learning to cook.

  7. It is correct that there are different degrees of infinity, but the example you give is wrong.


    The even numbers are countably infinite - you can list them. In mathematical lingo, you can form a bijection between them and the natural numbers; in everyday speak, this means that for every even number, there is a corresponding natural number (the first even number is 2, the second is 4, the third 6, etc etc). Therefore they have the same cardinality (or "size") as each other, namely aleph-0 (the "least" infinity).


    An example of a "greater" infinity is the power set of the natural numbers, which is the set of all subsets of the natural numbers, which has cardinality aleph-1.

    For example, the power set of {1,2,3} is {{},{1},{2},{3},{1,2},{1,3},{2,3},{1,2,3}}, and as you can see this gets very big very quickly as you increase the number of elements in the base set. (To be precise, there are 2^n elements in the power set, where n is the number of elements in the base set).

    The power set is more "dense", and its elements aren't listable, therefore it's more infinite than the natural numbers.


    But yeah, the concept of infinity is impenetrable without the help of set theory :p.

    Well, that was the example my physics teacher gave to me to try to explain that some infinities are more infinite than others. But I guess he dumbed it down to make it understandable for a C level physics student like me. :p

  8. Completely wasted. Friday was graduation day, and both Friday, Saturday and Sunday, my class has been travelling around in a small bus to every single person's home, eating and drinking at every stop. Last night I even stayed up and stood on the misty banks of the local river for an hour to watch the sunrise. To quote Paj and chair, it was literally stunning.


    The best three years of my life are now definitively over. I expect myself to realise this tomorrow and break down completely.

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