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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. You're asking me to explain 23 years of history here and I just can't be bothered :p Its a very antagonistic, petty and one-upping (in a way) kind of relationship. If I don't he'll hold it against me but he won't like whatever I get him anyway (which, as it turns out, is a £5 aftershave thing).

    Sounds like a happy relationship. -.-'

  2. I hate father's day. The most annoying made up holiday (including valentines day).


    But this could have something to do with the fact I at best tolerate my father and resent having to buy him something/pretend I give a shit when he never does the same toward me. Don't you love familial emotional blackmail?


    As far as what to get yourself Odders...the fun. CD is now available in HMV :p

    Surely you don't have to get him anything if you don't want to? If there's really such a bad atmosphere between the two of you, why bother? It doesn't sound like he would care either way. But I may have misinterpreted the situation.

  3. I'm currently in work all day every day at the minute.. just completed day 4 of 11 in a row there with a 7-5.45 shift! Back in at 9 again tomorrow :indeed:


    We're critically short of staff at the minute so the few of us that are there have had to pull together and work extra hard.. but the manager bought a couple of us a massive Toblerone each to say thanks :smile: It's a little strange because if we had had enough cover, I would likely have been doing my best to get a week or 2 off to help sort through lots of things in my head :hmm: As it stands, however, I think being in all the time is helping to divert my attention from my thoughts..


    In fact, I've been keeping completely occupied recently.. my friends have really come through for me and are helping me through everything so I really must thank them for that :smile: I wish things were different, I really do.. but throughout the course of this week I have found myself reaching what I can only really describe as a reluctant acceptance of what has happened :hmm: It's not what I want but my hands are tied and I'm not sure what exactly happens from here..

    You sound like you are on the road to acceptance of whatever has happened. Seeings as it seems there's nothing you can do about it, reaching acceptance and moving on is the best solution.

    Yeah, I know, Captain Obvious to the rescue.

  4. You could do what I did and fuse two nicknames together...did/do you have any nicknames that your friends called/call you?

    This. I have only been called Dannyboy once in my life, but I just took it up as my online name. Since it's a relatively common online name, I added "the Dane" ('cause that's what I am) and BOOM! Now I have a completely original online name.

  5. For the past two months crude oil has been flooding into the Gulf of Mexico at an estimated rate of 25000 barrels per day.


    This is what 25000 barrels looks like, using the Unreal engine.

    Looks awesome. And awful when you consider the implications.


    So what makes this thread different to the funnies?

    The type of content. The stuff in the funnies thread is exactly that, funny, while the stuff in here is the stuff that makes you go "wow" or "cool". I'm not sure if we actually need separate threads, but there is a difference.

  6. ReZ used a four syllable word that wasn't 'masturbation' o_O


    We love you raaaaaaaaining :D Go kick annoying girl's arse. Irish style!

    Because the situation really called for it. I think we all echo ReZ's sentiment that Raining is amazing for enduring all the shit life throws at her.

  7. Went to choir practice today. It was fun, but we still need practice, which is why they've planned an extra rehearsal session next week. It'd all be good if not for the fact that it's at the exact time when I'm done with my final exam and have thus planned to celebrate with my parents. Plus, I also found out that one of my friends' graduation party is on the same day as the annual summer play. I think I've angered the time god somehow. Anyone got an Ocarina of Time I can borrow?


    Other than that, my days consist of revising for my final exam, Ancient Greek. After that, I'm free as a bird, and graduation funtimes ensue! :yay:

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