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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Alfred J(odocus) Kwak

    OH MY GOD! FUCK YES! Alfred Kwak (Rasmus Rap in Danish) was so amazing! :D


    Fort Boyard

    I remember what I think was the Danish version of this. I was way too young to watch it (a bit scared of it), but I was always fascinated by it, and the theme song is simply fucking epic! :D

  2. I use "fair enough" pretty often to express acceptance of something and "for crying out loud" to express frustration.


    I've also developed a habit of using "fecking" and "frigging" in place of "fucking" - but also in the other forms as well: "feck", "feck it", "for frig's sake" etc. The latter is funny because there is a Norse goddess called Frigg. I also use "crud" a lot. In general I think I swear a bit too much.

  3. I'm gonna run out of thanks in this thread, methinks! So much nostalgic awesomeness! :D


    Dub dweee duh duh duh dwee dow


    Annnd I can't be bothered to type that all out sooo.

    Dub dweee duh duh duh dwee dow

    Dub dweee duh duh duh dwee dow


    Dweeb dah doo dah

    Dweeb dah doo bah


    Dub dweeb dah dah doo-daw!

    San doo dah doo-dah



    Doon dan san dan - skibbah!

    Dub dwee duh ...


    Because I've really got nothing better to do.

  4. It's not so much that it's sensitive. It's not sore. I'm just aware of that area now. Like it's wet, but it isn't wet. It feels like the area is a lot colder in that particular spot than the rest of my back.

    What I'm talking about is not really sore, either. It's a bit hard to explain. It's like ... like all your nerve ends on that particular spot have suddenly developed ESP, and you can feel every single atom even considering touching your skin. There's not pain involved, you can just feel that spot so much more than any other place on your body.


    I dunno, it might be something totally different. Just sounds a bit like the same. ::shrug:

  5. Yeeees. It just gets annoying when it's long(er). Not sure what all this itching fuss is about. :heh:




    I do eet in the shower. Apart from that, nothing. Simple case of showering, shaving my zone, then enjoying the rest of the shower. Never had any problems. If anything, I feel better in myself for doing it after. It feels so cleeeean.

    So simply warm water? You must have a man-area made of leather or something. :heh: But I guess one just have to get used to it.

  6. I'm with you. It itched quite a bit the first time I did it. However, I do it every few weeks, and it doesn't itch at all now. No problems. I probably have to use more effort shaving my face than my man-zone. You guys are sissy people.

    Do you use shaving foam for the nether regions, or what do you do to prevent itching?

  7. Now that's just mean...Thou shall not wish excruriating pain upon the ballsackulars of the male gender, lest you wish to be eternally haunted by terrifying screams of pure agony and unspeakable torment.


    Also, what a hilarious expression, waxing your nuts. It sounds like you have them up on the table and you're polishing them with a can of TurtleWax :D

    This post is great from beginning to end. :D


    I have razor shaved my balls before. It's not so bad. It only itched for a day or so as it grew back, not for a whole month. Maybe i have super fast-growing pubes =/

    Well, mine also only itched for a few days, definitely not a whole month. But I guess that would depend on how sensitive you are.


    To bring a little debate into the thread: What are people's thoughts on the shaving trend of today? In the hippie era it was all about being nude and natural and ... well, hairy. But today, body hair seems to have become widely unattractive in the collective consciousness. Is this a negative trend? Positive? A natural part of the constant change in the collective mentality? Discuss.

  8. Dont take a razor blade to your ball bag area. I decided this would be a good idea after mucho boredom in my life. They itched and itched for about a month while the hair was growing back, agony, pure agony.

    Aye, tried this once. ONLY ONCE! Never do I want to experience that type of itching again. That's why I only trim body hair now.

  9. Not necessarily. Basic life could, possibly, hitch a lift with an asteroid. Its not outside the realms of possibility that an ice planet is hit with a rock meteor, fracturing the planet and send in shards out into space.

    Are we talking one-celled organisms, bacteria and the like?

  10. I've always found it funny that the vast majority of people assume that aliens, if they do exist, are mush more advanced than us.


    For all we know, they could be in the equivalent of the stone age or even more primitive. Who knows? :blank:


    I also believe that it is very possible to have more life on other planets etc. Isn't it a little naive of us to think that in the entire universe over a period of billions of years, we are the only planet to ever have life.

    Because aliens would have to be vastly superior to us technologically if they were to visit us, seeing as there doesn't seem to be intelligent life anywhere else in our solar system, meaning any potential alien visitors would have to have mastered intergalactic travel in order to come here. It's entirely plausible that there are primitive alien races out there, but those wouldn't be the ones contacting us.

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