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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I really liked watching this when they aired I think the first season over here. Since then I haven't watched it, though, so I've probably missed a lot, which is why I'm probably going to stay out of this thread in case I get spoilered. Or I'll just deal with it.

  2. I actually edited that out. But it was her who initially falsely accused me of something, so it was pretty much deserved.


    How would you like it if someone wrongly accused you of stereotyping people over something when you hadn't? And they would most certainly be talking out of their ass if they did.

    I happen to disagree about it being deserved. I'd politely point out to them that they had misinterpreted what I had said.

  3. My mafia will start, but currently experiening some really annoying internet issues (two phone-lines in the house, one died last week, came back, the other died, now both are extremely tempermental). Engineer(s) are coming round tomorrow/thursday so I'm hoping to start it on the weekend.

    Presuming one of the current mafias have ended, right?


    I'm going to be away the entire weekend, so if it starts there, please don't kill me off for inactivity.

  4. I've always experienced really good service at Amazon. Good prices, quick delivery and no problems.


    Another great company I did business with is AbbyShot Clothiers, a Canadian clothing store which specializes in making clothes from films, series and general geekdom. Except they don't just make costumes, they make actual clothing that's extremely screen accurate. And while they offer set sizes, many models can also be custom-tailored to no less than 10 different measurements. Sure, it's expensive, but they're extremely friendly, answer literally every petty question you may have, and the quality of their work is incredible. And yes, they're the company I bought my Matrix trenchcoat from.

  5. I'm struggling not to generalise the whole smoking population, but it's hard when the only ones I've ever met have been selfish pricks (I'm not just referring to the ones at work).

    I was like this for a long time. The people I knew who smoked at my age all fell into the category "people whose view of life I do not agree with", and so it was quite easy to associate the two. But that prejudice was smashed to bits when I met extremely awesome smokers.


    Yes. Jesus fucking christ in the most recent episode of Mythbusters I was popping boners all over the show.

    She's going to star in her own science show directed at younger kids in order to create interest in science, especially among young girls. I find it ironic that she will probably attract just as many, if not more male viewers.

  7. I'm definately in.


    What about people who are being silent tactically, but have no PM to send at night? Rather than implement a rigid system, perhaps it's just better to just use one's own judgement.

    I agree. I think it's easy to judge who's being tactical, who simply missed a day or two, and who's actually being inactive.

  8. I don't see what's so dreadful about going to the cinema alone -- I do it all the time!


    I do have audience complex though -- where I worry more about what my friends and family think of a movie than actually enjoying it myself.


    I really fucking hate when you come out a movie which you thought was amazing and the person you're with was obviously really unbothered/unmoved/unphased by the movie. After Kick-Ass I was fangasming, and had to get a lift home with my work friends who totally sucked any enjoyment from the event because their only reaction was "That was good", then proceeded to talk about something else.


    I just generally hate when people don't talk about movies after having seen them. That's my favourite part of a cinema visit.

    The opposite is fucking amazing, though. I went to see Kick-Ass with my best friend, who's just as much of a geek as I am, and we were totally high afterwards. We did the same with Sherlock Holmes - an absolutely amazing feeling! :D

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