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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. hhhmmm... i guess makes a bit of sense but none of the other pokemon seem "starved" or anything.


    Just noticed, what's happening to Squirtle at 27secs.... is his shell exploding or something :(, poor Squirtle.


    Wonder would Nintendo ever green light such a project... likely not.... but it would be interesting. Wouldn't mind if the people behind this made a full fan movie and released for download, haha.



    Following a link on the vids decription on youtube there is an interview with the people behind the vid






    Would have loved to see that, haha.

    I believe another Pokémon smashed (as in cracked) Squirtle's shell. While I liked the gritty style, it did hurt a little watching one's cute, childhood monsters in such harsh battles. Also, what is it with people always having to go for this typically gritty, mafia-like style when making fan films of something originally not violent? It's getting a bit tiresome, I find. Try to be more original, people!

  2. I fear people can't see past the fact that I'm overweight.




    Went to the neurology appointment today. What a pointless waste of time.


    Apparently the fact that i'm having severe episodes of panic-attack like exhaustion, migraines, hallucinations, double vision, inability to focus, and general fatigue, including difficulty with breathing... is because I'm fat..? And then suggested...caffeine. What doctor in their right mind suggests caffeine to someone with hallucinations and panic attacks..


    I'm just astonished. I'm so close to heading towards a mental breakdown without him writing me off as ... useless.

    You're NOT useless, and you know you're not! Don't let such moronic statements from morons like him get you down.

  3. Biscuits with chocolate and caramel. I'm almost literally drooling at the thought. Jaffa Cakes looks somewhat like that, but I'm unsure if this is the cake.


    ... And I just realized I wrote "cake" when I meant to write "case". I have way too many sweet teeth.

  4. The roles were nice, but the write-ups killed the mafia's chances.

    I mean, we fart on ReZ on Night 1, and Tellyn investigates him, which was awesome, but since the fart appeared on the write-up, it was obvious what had transpired (ReZ tried to make things easy for us by acting insane, but alas)

    Also, Maddog/Yoshi kills someone on the first night, but the write-up makes it obvious who it was, rendering him obviously evil for the rest of the game. And Yoshi is so innocent-looking, we could've gotten away with a roleclaim.


    Basically, the write-ups rendered many roles useless, including some of the towns' (the mafia figured out who everyone was, way too early).


    And as for the reversed night... I already voiced my opinion about that in the mafiosos-only thread. Basically, be a bit more lenient on time limits.

    Also, never reverse a decision again. Seriously.

    Yeah, I completely agree about the write-ups being too informative. The mafia really had no chance. I know I've been a supporter of write-ups that can help the town figure out the goons, but lately they've become too detailed. I'm interested in seeing how my own current mafia plays out in this regard.


    Actually, I'd like to try a write-up-less mafia for once and see how that differs from this style we're so used to.


    The write-ups were like that because I thought, after watching the Pokemafia and DIY mafia that that's how it was supposed to be. If I were to make another one, the write-up would be much better.

    You shouldn't take it as personal criticism. I think you did really well in capturing the essence of how mafia games are on here, and it was a pretty good game for a first go. The thing about too detailed write-ups is a tendency that's been going on for a while now.

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