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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Wait ... Dmitri isn't the killer.

    Dmitri felt odd. He was pleased to do as he was ordered, but something compelled him, spoke to him to act otherwise. As he dispersed from his masters, he ignored the turning he was supposed to make, and headed to the lift. He spoke, "Floor four-oh-nine."


    Nothing happened.


    Brow wrinkled, he tried again, "COMMAND: Floor four-oh-nine, computer." Still nothing. Even tapping in the numbers manually didn't work. Confused, he exited the lift, and went home, unable to think.




    And another thing: Who did the mutterer actually target? Because we hear him following one of Dmitri's masters (who's even muttering himself), but then a(nother?) mutterer kills John the Probot. And are they even muttering about the same thing? The killer isn't exactly muttering about sin and being useless, is he?




    Or maybe he is. He's muttering about being useful and his act being good. But if it's the same, is John the Probot one of Dmitri's masters?




    There's also the slight possibility that the one stepping out into the street is the Doctor's assistant, but I'm not so sure.


    GAH, I'm confused!




    Regardless, providing Mundi is telling the truth, either Zell or chairdriver is Dmitri, who appears to be part of Caleb's mafia in the intro.

    • Been Busy: Somewhat funny, if a bit too random. Should have emphasized the point of you being bored/doing pointless things a bit more.
    • Um, I Dunno If You've Heard: Not funny. Sorry.
    • Spit At TV: I don't get it?
    • Life's Unanswered Questions: See Below.
    • Phil The Person: Couldn't make out the joke. Too long a pause afterwards.
    • Life's Unanswered Questions: Didn't see that one coming. Pretty funny. :)
    • Forum Post Of The Week: While Scoop's posts are always made of win, I'd already seen this.
    • Bag On Wall: What? You're muttering.
    • Guess What The Item Is: Too predictable.
    • Nein Deal: You're getting creative. :)
    • Le Frenchisms: Didn't get all of them. What was up with the last three or so items? Not as funny as previous instalments, I'm afraid.
    • Foods That You Can Fuck: Never was funny, never will be. Way, way, WAY too predictable.
    • Phil The Person: That made me laugh. :)
    • Facebook Status Of The Week: Haha! Brilliant! :D (But technically not your joke. ;))
    • Apple And Blackberry PiePhone: Clever! But I didn't find it funny per se. (It did become a bit more funny when I got the Pie/iPhone bit.) I dunno, maybe it's your delivery? Another thing: You have to speak clearly in your videos, even if you're acting out a scene and want it to sound like a realistic conversation. I'm always on the brink of missing the joke because I can't make out what's actually being said.
    • Fun With A Pun: Nice drawing! But it didn't make me laugh. I think it was too obvious.
    • Windows 7: I know the ad is awful, but I don't get what you're trying to do here.

    All in all, not your best episode, I'm afraid. I only giggled at a few jokes. Sorry. The length was great, though, I agree with that. Much easier to take in. (Pun most definitely intended.)


    Scoop, while I know we may sound harsh, I think the only fair way of judging Comedy Rainbow is by how much one laughs at the jokes. ReZ knows I love him and his humour. :)


  2. Its kind of annoying that you keep harking on about one grammatical point when your general grammar would embarrass a 6 year old.

    Come on, it's just good fun. I don't complain about people constantly making fun of me and Molly, do I?

  3. Right I see now. So the people who appear in the write-up aren't the ones you targeted but the ones who tried to target your targets? One tried to target chairdriver but ended up going towards zell by mistake and vice versa?


    In which case neither of the confused characters in the write-up are Chairdriver or Zell... I think I may still be misunderstanding your role ::shrug:

    No, I think this is correct. Which means one of them is the Doctor, and the other is ... one of the two individuals on floor 409, perhaps? It appears that more than one person tried to target them, but That Damned Preacher did something to prevent people from getting to them - jammed the lift, perhaps?




    Oh, for fuck's sake!


    So player 1 ends up targetting player 2's original target and vice versa?

  4. Well Stephen Hawkings has a whole program about how we can use this fact to travel forward in time. The same effect achieved by going at extremely high speeds. Although it seem travelling to the past is impossible.

    What I've heard is that theoretic time travel backwards in time is actually possible using the bend in the spacetime continuum. I think the point is that since time itself is being dragged around the black hole's gravitational field, while it isn't possible to go above the speed of light inside the field itself, travelling along the field in the direction it is being dragged at near light speed will result in one's actual speed outside the field exceeding the speed of light. And exceeding the speed of light is supposed to make you travel backwards in time.


    Naturally, it all sounds incredible, and I have quite frankly no idea if it's all complete bollocks.

  5. I believe there being two mafias is correct. One of them seems to be led by Caleb, the other by Viktor. This gives us a few names to go by. Also, regarding the story, it would seem to me that the Liberals, the town, are the high class of this society, and that the two mafias are low class and want a revolution.


    I would think that chair asking for a brain surgeon might suggest that of the two people switched, he's the one who targetted the Doctor and is now trying to figure out who that was. But I'm not at all sure of this.


    One of Dmitri's masters seems to be the mutterer, and this would fit with him being mafia.


    Also, is anybody else thinking that That Damned Preacher is supposed to be jayseven himself?




    Wait, so you target two players, and whoever targets player 1 ends up targetting player 2 and vice versa?

  6. Once again, Bright Red and Dark Magenta stayed at home for the night. Dark Red did the same and was watched throughout the night by Magenta, who left empty-handed. Dark Cyan locked himself in his house for the night while Green followed someone unidentified. Dark Blue set out, but was stopped by Dark Yellow, and both he and Blue were the targets of Bright Green. Pink delivered a note to Black, who set out to do his business together with White. They had finally found their target. They both aimed at him and fired at the same time, but were surprised to see no less than four bullets pierce their target from different directions. Dark Green and Blue lowered their guns and disappeared into the night.


    Dyson is dead. He was Grey. He was evil.


    When Black returned home and opened the door, he was shot dead on the spot.


    Diageo is dead. He was Black. He was good.


    Day 4 begins now.


    15 players remain. 8 is the majority.












    Paj Meen Ah



    The Peeps


  7. I think they are quite interesting. Especially the thing where time travels slower around it.

    Yes! I've heard about this. The theory of relativity fascinates me greatly, and I've heard about how the huge gravitational pull of black holes is so strong that it bends and pulls the spacetime continuum itself around it. This has lead to some theories about it being theoretically possible to use this bend in the spacetime continuum to facilitate some form of time travel. It's incredibly interesting.

  8. Right, I'm back!


    Sorry about you constantly missing the phases, Rummy. Not much I can do. I'll stick with the limits for the rest of this game.


    Regarding the roles and powers, I'll address it all after the game. Trust me, I have a lot to say on that topic.


    Since I'm dead tired after the weekend, I probably won't start the day phase until tomorrow. Until then I'll STILL be accepting PMs from people who haven't sent in theirs yet!

  9. Dyson (2): chairdriver, Sméagol

    Tellyn (10): Jonnas, heroicjanitor, Dyson, The Peeps, jayseven, Tellyn, MadDog, Zell, Nintendohnut, Diageo


    10 is the majority.


    Majority has been reached!


    Tellyn is dead. He was Bright Yellow. He was evil.


    Night 3 begins now.

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