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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. It takes up space, which is causing server strain, which is causing server downtime, which is causing sad faced members.


    I get that, but why are some people interested in deleting everything up to a month ago? It seems a bit extreme.

  2. In that case, we shall make an oath: no hard feelings if one is lynched for inactivity or lack of proper defence arguments.

    We assume there was good reason for the town to do it, and simply accept that it happened, otherwise it just slows down the game.


    Naturally. I've always considered that to be the way of things. If I gave the impression that I didn't, that's my mistake.

  3. But I never called you on your inactivity danny, that's why I didn't like it being brought up all the time. So I don't understand why you write that third paragraph, If I had called you out on your inactivity, you had every right to explain why you weren't active, and I would be ok with whatever explainatioin(?) and left you alone. But you can't answer "I think your actions are suspicious" with "but I was busy".


    Then I believe I misunderstood what you were accusing me of. Perhaps because I expected my inactivity to be the target of suspicion, I subconsciously read your accusations as being directed at or grounded in my inactivity.


    And technically I can answer like that, but then you just have to say "Bullshit!" and vote for me if you find my explanation insatisfactory. That's just part of the game. I know it seemed like I was objecting to being suspected because I was inactive, but I was actually objecting to the impression I got that it wasn't an acceptable explanation. I don't expect people to necessarily believe an explanation, but I expect them to accept it as the explanation I've given, whether they believe it or not. Otherwise it feels like they're saying: "That explanation cannot be used, you have to give another one." And that just seems silly, doesn't it? If you think my explanation is weak and bullshit, then just off with my scumnag head!

  4. Having had a liberalist government in charge for the past ten years, their answer to the financial crisis was cutting down in the public sector. Education, hospitals, pensions, etc. We recently elected a socialist government, but since their majority relies on a social liberalist party in the middle, they might be forced to give up restoring some of these cuts.

  5. 2qwpt05.gif


    D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaw :p


    D'aw, indeed! :D




    Brilliant! :D


    I'm not sure if this has been posted but here I go..



    I welcome the new method of skateboarding too.


    What is this, I don't even ...


    I have no idea if it was supposed to be funny, but it cracked me up (particularly the second half)! :p

  6. I believe my overreaction clouded what is was I actually objected to, and I hadn't considered that before reading this discussion about it, which obviousy couldn't have taken place during the game.


    I wouldn't have minded at all if I'd been lynched because of my explanation. In your shoes I would've called bullshit on it myself, especially the random targets thing. In fact I fully expected to be lynched at the end of the day - I'm still surprised I survived.


    Now, what I thought Tales was saying was that my real-life busyness couldn't be used as an excuse for not concentrating on and participating in the game. That I objected to, because it honestly was busyness that resulted in me not engaging much in the game, and you can't blame anyone for prioritisng real life over a simple internet game.


    I want to clarify that I would never, ever object to people lynching others because of inactivity or for using it as their explanation, true or not. (Whether lynching inactives is a smart tactic for the town is a different discussion for another time.) In fact I secretly hoped I'd be lynched so I wouldn't have to think about the game anymore, but I felt I owed it to my teammates to at least try to stay alive. The reason I overreacted was that I felt I was being personally attacked for it, that it had gone beyond the game. Tales has explained that that wasn't the intention, and I have apologised for overreacting, and I still hope we'll be able to put this misunderstanding behind us eventually.


    Not trying to get on anyone's back but I definitely see where Tales is coming from, and think he was definitely right here. It's very frustrating when you are one of the only ones who is active and you have evidence you have mentioned many times, but no one is willing to get to the bottom of it because it has been turned into a personal thing to mention the inactivity.


    Essentially the interaction went thus: Tales says Danny's targets are suspicious. Danny said they were random because of real life. Tales said not to use real life as an excuse and to take responsibility for his targets. Danny got really offended for some reason and turned it personal. At which point Tales is the bad guy for bringing it up repeatedly and may as well go home.


    Saying you are busy is fine but you should be allowed to say you believe it is an excuse.


    I like Tales btw, I see his posts as to the point. I like Danny too. I like everyone :p


    I was perfectly fine with people suspecting me because of inactivity, bringing it up, disbelieving my explanation or even lynching me for it.


    I wasn't fine with what I felt was a personal attack on my choice, and I wasn't fine with the idea that real-life can't be a legitimate explanation (not excuse - explanation) for inactivity or lack of concentration on targets and the game as a whole.


    Obviously I misunderstood Tales's point, and it seems my points were misunderstood as well, possibly due to my original bluntness. Basically I think we've all misunderstood each other in some way.


    PS: I like you all as well. :)

  7. I have lost all respect for dannyboy. He goes nuts because I suspect when he is busy in real life and he was mafia all the time. And I made it clear it was never relevant for me and was never a point in my arguments, and he still brought it up and went nuts when I didn't leave him alone. Wow, just wow. If he's going to act like that he shouldn't be allowed to play mafia games anymore.


    I was spot on with my suspicions. Yvonne, Cube, danny, I called them all.


    Great game though. Well done.


    I knew this would be an issue once it came up, and I want to clarify that for me it was completely irrelevant to the case at hand whether I was mafia or not. Again, it was NEVER about you suspecting me or my behaviour. I fully respect that you suspected me and called out my behaviour, since you were obviously right.


    It was the fact that I felt you were writing off my explanation that I was busy as unacceptable that really pissed me off. Because I was genuinely busy (and I still am, hence me not signing up for mafias currently), and I felt like my real-life choice wasn't being respected.


    Picture that you're busy in real-life and have been neglecting a mafia game. Somebody calls you out on your inactivity and suspects you because of it (which is completely fair and square), and you truthfully explain that you're busy in real-life. This person then basically says "That's not good enough." and keeps demanding explanations that you can't give. What more could I say?


    I know now that it wasn't your intention, that you didn't disrespect my choice, and I have apologised for overreacting. If my busyness had only been a lie, if it had only been an excuse to lie low, I probably wouldn't have overreacted at all, because I'd've known you'd simply called out my bluff. But since I really was busy, not to mention stressed at the time, it just made me see red that I felt it wasn't being respected - that it was somehow an unacceptable excuse.


    I'm not trying to excuse my actions. I did overreact, and for that I am truly sorry. I just hope I can make you understand what it was that made me snap, and I hope we can eventually put this behind us.

  8. I know I probably sounded very confident or whatever earlier, but I'm absolutely terrified of asking that girl out when I get back. It's super obvious that she likes me, so I don't fear rejection there but I fear rejection later on, like if I'm a terrible boyfriend or something.


    Also the other girl that said that she would jump on me as soon as I got back [didn't say it to me directly], I have no idea how to approach her later on tonight. Am I meant to just pretend like we're together since we kissed before, even though I can't even remember? I'm kinda nervous.


    Anyway, hope that makes you feel better Serebii/Dannyboy :p


    It's all good. :heh: I was just a bit jealous. :p

  9. I have just watched Tangled, and found the trailer incredibly misleading, not just your average trailer-misleadingness. Her hair had no sentient powers at all.


    The trailer is one of the most misrepresenting trailers I have ever seen. It does not do the movie justice at all.


    But believing her haid had sentient powers, that mistake's on you. :heh:

  10. if you go to sleep, that's the end of the day whereas if you stay up, the day lasts longer. I always feel like I've wasted the day if I haven't done anything for myself (usually just sitting at my pc catching up on the internet and/or playing games), so I stay up until I've had my fill of the day.


    Yup, I'm exactly the same. Though that illusion is broken when you pull an all-nighter. Then you suddenly realise there actually only is a limited number of hours in a night/day. :heh:


    I guess for me it might be that I can't enjoy anything when I know I have work in just 3/2/1 hour(s), so by playing at night before bed I know I have as much time as I want.


    I'm a bit like that, though it extends to preparing for class: Almost all my classes are in the afternoon, meaning I have the morning free, but I hate leaving homework for that time since I stress more about it when I know my time is limited (as opposed to the "endless" nights :heh:). On the other hand, when I have to do homework in the morning because I didn't get finished the day before, I'm usually much more concentrated exactly because I'm worrying I won't make it in time. Still, the added stress is definitely not worth it.

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