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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Saying whatever is a classic mafia tactic is a classic mafia tactic.


    Doesn't make it less true, though.


    Your inactiveness doesn't matter to, I never said that.


    I know, but it's the only other argument that can really be made against me.


    3 mafios left, Nintendohnut proven good, I'm obviously good, Sméagol is neutral, dyson is to selfish to be mafia and assuming both dazz and Esequiel are good we are left with you 3.





    Cube have been loggin on since the day started.


    A vote must happen today if we are going to have a lynch








    I see a lot of jumps to conclusions and very few good arguments in that line of deduction. How do you know all these things for certain?

  2. You may remember that there was absolutely no proof when I was "pointed out" as mafia, only a completely unfounded suspicion. And I'm sorry, but killing off someone who suspects a townie is - you guessed it - a classic mafia tactic. All you have on me is ... nothing, actually, except my power, which is admittedly a more common mafia power than townie power.


    I know it's easy going for me because I've been inactive, but as most of you know there's a good RL reason for that, and I've tried to maintain a minimum of activity in the games I'm still in.

  3. You're bound to get like that at some point guys, it's committing to something for 3-5years and trying to push through a lot of hard work. But it is worth it.


    I complained and struggled and whinged about all sorts when it came to uni, but I did make sure good friends, some decent connections and I now have a city I now enjoy living in, although now I'm nowhere near there :(.


    Freaking out is perfectly acceptable, I'm willing to bet there's quite a few people in your classes doing exactly the same thing.


    I'm not at all complaining, I'm just worried because I know how I react under pressure. But yeah, I guess most people go through it in some way or another. Which is somewhat comforting. :)


    Thanks again for the encouragement, guys. :)

  4. I would say there will be a lot o folk partying non stop and will still manage to scrape a pass, so I don't see why an intelligent guy like you won't ace it :) Have a bit o faith in yourself!


    Thanks. :) Though it isn't really the difficulty level I'm worried about, it's the size of the workload. When the amount of stuff I need to do exceeds a certain limit, my mind just completely freezes up and renders me unable to do anything at all. It's the most significant remnant of my autism; if I have too many things I need to be concerned with at a time, even the smallest and most insignificant of them suddenly seems impossible to overcome.


    I'm sort of in the same boat, but mine's more money & career related. I love this new city I'm in and I'm desperate to make it work. I want to be self sufficient as much as possible and I want to dig myself in like a tic, no matter what it takes. I just don't want to go back, back to nothing and no one and no way of escape.


    I've only been here 2 days and I'm already inwardly freaking out even though everything is pretty sorted for the foreseeable future. I think it's natural to be like this at this sort of time, hence those "Keep Calm & Carry On" posters being so popular.


    EDIT: Relevant comic is relevant -



    Yeah, I do think it's natural at this stage, and I do honestly hope and believe it'll get better soon. "Keep Calm & Carry On" is a great motto, and the comic and general situation reminds me of the "Fraud Police" that was the topic of a graduation speech video posted by Eddie (I think it was?) a little while ago. Basically the Fraud Police is the idea that's always in the back of your head, no matter how skilled and successful you become, that you actually have no clue what you're doing, have got by so far solely on luck and isn't worthy of your current position.

  5. The prospect of the coming workload of university is stressing me. I know this is what I want to do, and I'm pretty sure I can make it ... but standing here and looking at the five years in front of me is very demoralising. I had a "Have I made the right choice?/What the hell am I doing?" moment yesterday; when I get stressed beyond a certain point, I just totally shut down. I hope and assume I'll grow with the workload.

  6. No reason, it was a 50% chance. But if you suspect them then that instantly clears them in my eyes.


    I was stating that if they are indeed the armoured men, it's fairly redundant to try to claim one of them is not the killer. Even a mafioso would be shooting himself in the foot if he tried to claim otherwise.

  7. While suspicion is getting heavy on ReZ, I have a feeling there's something else going on, though I can't quite put my finger on it. I want to hear from ReZ once more, because I suspect he knows why his result was different, but has been hiding it from us, for one reason or another. Time to come clean, ReZ.

  8. I honestly don't remember whom I targetted, and I've emptied my inbox since then. :hmm: I'll ask MadDog if he can confirm who it was.


    Never mind, turns out I had an old document with my notes and targets! I redirected Sméagol to Tales.


    So, it seems fairly obvious that either Dazz or Esequiel was the killer. Tales, what are your reasons for suspecting Esequiel specifically?

  9. So sorry to hear it. :(


    It was much the same with my father's mother. She was perfectly fine the evening before, then at night she collapsed. I think she had stroke or something to that effect. But as Raining says, it's much better to go that way - quick and painlessly.

  10. You know, this is the type of thing we should have done when we had the server and wanted to do a group project!



    @Goafer and I were talking last night about getting another server going soon for the forum. This one however would most likely be a building server rather than the adventure one ive previously spoken about.


    That has to be the most impressive Minecraft build I've seen so far. Plus the video and music made it pretty epic.

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