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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I finally started uni! :yay: Still only on the intro week, but so far it's been great! :) Meeting loads of new friends, getting to study a subject that fascinates me, coming back to having a life again ... My only complaint would be that too many of the girls already have boyfriends. :heh:


    I do, however, appear to have terribly busy time ahead of me, so I believe I won't be frequenting the forums as much as I have for the past year.

  2. Being an ass is fun sometimes. Like when I met/pulled/got with this girl who's one of our friends while her boyfriend was in the club. Second time I've done that too. First time she was with a different guy though (also with her boyfriend at the house).


    My college friends don't call me slut for nothing. :p






    Anyway, the intro week for my uni course starts tomorrow. I'm excited and a bit nervous, but overall I'm looking forward to it. The programme looks great. :)

  3. Obvious? I think it's pretty darn hard to tell who's mafia. ReZ has got a bad result, but he doesn't strike me as bad - still, he's a good liar. Then there's the question what happened yesterday and who or what was responsible. I really don't know what to think right now.


    I agree that the thread has slowed down, though, and that's a problem when we have as little to go on as we have.

  4. Do you have a DSi? The plugs are the same.


    Yeah, I read that in the manual, but nope. I haven't had a DS since the very original, which I lost a couple of years ago. (This was partially the reason I wanted a 3DS.) I don't recognise the socket on the 3DS either, so I don't believe I have a charger that fits.

  5. I would be more willing to have believed he wasn't an X-man but good since Cube's character wasn't actually an X-man but I think he's lying more than I think he's telling the truth.


    This is actually interesting point; is there a possibility that Jean Grey wouldn't be considered "an X-Man"? I don't know much about X-Men, so I don't know if it's plausible.

  6. Yeah, that part was a bit unclear, though I did figure it out after a second read. It did surprise me a bit, seeing as it seemed a bit grotesque even for this strip - but then again, the style and tone are pretty different to my tastes, so I wouldn't want to impose my own opinions on it. You know much better what's fitting and appropriate, and what isn't.

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