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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Shot-chess? haha I played that one, I had to be carried home even though I won haha We kinda made up our rules though, how do ye play it? :)


    The version I know simply has each piece correspond to a shot of appropriate alcohol content. Each time you lose a piece, you drink the corresponding shot. Obviously the king corresponds to the strongest shot.

  2. Honestly, I didn't really pay any attention to Kurtle's actions in the Relationships Thread until his final thread. His actions were definitely nowhere near right, and I'm glad he realized it.


    That said, it did always annoy me how he would be so inflexible in his opinions, and incredibly blunt/rude with them, worsening the problem. I do hope he tries to work on that.


    Finally, "lol it's just the internet" is a silly argument. You should be better than that, guys.




    ...So, I trust you are requesting your own ban with this post...?


    It's not very often someone on the internet admits they were wrong and apologises for their rudeness, so fair play to him. The people still insulting him and not letting it go need to forgive and forget. It's harder for him to apologise than for you to accept it.


    I agree with these posts.

  3. Hm maybe so. I still think I have my priorities right here though. Life can be horrible and cruel enough as it is whatever worrying about someone from Italy or whatever getting you down. It's a healthier attitude I think.


    I don't doubt that something like cyber bullying for example is an issue but I'd take it more seriously if it's someone you actually know at school or whatever bullying you. I mean if you're REALLY bothered by a member on a forum or whatever.. you can just block them and that's the end of it.. A bully you know and see everyday is FAR more difficult to ignore.


    Hope I'm making sense here :)


    Definitely, you make sense, I just think we have slightly different views on how serious internet relationships can be. :) And obviously I'm not just talking about superficial acquaintances, but friendships that have evolved over time - again, exactly like in real life.

  4. To some people maybe not, I've seen people get hurt from cyber bullying with people they never met before. I think it's kinda sad. I'm sorry but I don't care about what a randomer I'll never see in my life says about me on a forum.


    I'm not trying to be a dick here, just saying is all. I like you guys, but I think if one of my friends called me a cockjugglingthundercunt I'd take it a bit more seriously than if one of ye said it.


    Of course you shouldn't let online trolls and bullies get you down, but how is that different from real-life trolls and bullies? Fact is, relationships online can be just as meaningful as any real-life relationship. To some people, their friends on N-E mean as much to them as their real-life friends.

  5. It's an opinion on the matter at hand. I think he is taking this a little bit seriously... just join another forum and don't be a dick on that?


    I personally had no problems with him or any other member on N-europe, that being said I would never let someone I don't even know anger/upset me so much.


    Obviously there were some deeper personal issues at the heart of it. That is serious business. Plus, a forum is a community, and being part of it can mean a lot to people, ergo being banned will matter a lot to them.

  6. I applaud you, Kurtle. You have acknowledged your errors and will hopefully try to improve on them, something which is commendable and all too rarely seen, unfortunately.


    You never struck me as a bad person; indeed, the behaviour which led to your ban seemed almost of character for you. What I did see in you was myself from not more than a year ago: a guy with crumbling self-esteem bordering on self-loathing. When you first started posting about your worries, I really wanted to help, and while it's naturally hard to change one's perception of the world and particularly oneself, I believe it was the seemingly outright dismissal of much of the advice you were given which led to people growing tired of you. You seem to be trapped in your perceptions of things and, as you say yourself, have a hard time seeing things from other angles, and that is never a good thing, no matter where in life we stand. We must never be so overconfident in our own views that we're not open to alternative views and ideas. I am sorry it ended the way it did, but I hope you will consider what we have told you and continue to work on your self-esteem.


    I wish you all the best in the future. :)


    If you think its taken too seriously, why post? Just ignore the thread...? Kurtle asked for it to be posted and Ash was good enough to do it. If you havent got anything useful to say what's the point, eh?


    Agreed. The notion that matters on the internet seemingly can't be as serious as matters in real life is quite frankly ridiculous.

  7. Ok, I really wanna see someone top this ;)



    N-E pride = 30 pts

    Singing with video = 36 pts

    Strike a pose = 10 pts


    Prob smth else too :D


    Total: 126 pts


    That's it, folks. Ville wins.


    Man, I need to catch up on this ...

  8. Quite the opposite, she's trying to decide between me and a girl. None in particular, just women in general.


    We've been texting for a few hours now and each time it goes downhill. It's worth mentioning she suffers from depression and other issues that means she can't always coherently recall timelines of events, one day she'll be fine and the next she'll be anti, but it keeps messing with my head. I sort of want her to just get it over and done with and decide but she's really the only person I see outside work these days - I really don't want to lose that either.


    Well, if it's that serious, it won't just go away like that. If it really is messing with your head, you'll have to ask yourself if you can deal with it in the long run as well, because there's a good probability you'll have to.

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