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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Why not? I rather'd not say, but I've ended up doing so. I'd ask you do the same because you're next on my list of suspects given everything Ese's been saying.


    I don't see why I'm so high on your suspicions list, especially since I've given the needed info: There is no way I have redirected or been redirected to anyone.


    You can't make sense of it? You ask that question and say you've read the entire thread? You're too good at mafias to be this stupid Danny, surely? He said he re-directed him on night 1, he said that explicitly, I'm tipsy and I can still get that much.


    You're bothering me, Danny. I bet tonight I'll die/there'll be no kill, the mafia'll be gunning for me, because tbh, I think I'm just too good for this game. I welcome the kill.


    I only re-read this day phase and honestly missed it, which is hardly strange considering the more-than-muddy character interactions. I mantain that it's hard to make out who exactly has targetted who, especially since people like Esequiel apparently keep changing their claims. Thanks for insulting me, by the way.

  2. Stumbled upon a movie called Beyond A Reasonable Doubt with Michael Douglas on TV tonight. Terribly disappointing. The premise was interesting, if perhaps a bit farfetched, and it worked really well to begin with, but then the ending was extremely anticlimactic, and it turns out that was so they could shoehorn in a pointless and moronic twist ending that made close to no sense and just robbed the entire film of what good it actually had managed to establish.

  3. Often, but they're fairly mundane. They're often something like "Ooh, I should read a few more chapters in that book," or "Hey, I should try to get further in that game." I'm terrible at actually getting around to doing them, though; I wouldn't call myself outright lazy, I'm just bad at pulling myself together to do stuff. Which is a problem at present, when most of my whims consist of chores like doing the dishes. :heh:

  4. My Satnav just yelled "You have reached your destination". It would normally be a good thing, but it's sat in my bag, hanging on my door. I haven't touched it in weeks.


    I'm afraid.


    My first thought was GLaDOS.

  5. Seasoned mafia player like you? Sure. Besides, people ARE saying things. It's being said right here in this thread, in case you are still confused.


    Man, bad day? Yeah, I'm confused, because between people asking, accusing and denying, it's pretty hard to get a clear view of what's going on. Especially this early in the game when we have very few facts to go on.


    Danny, what did YOU do last night?


    I'd rather not say at this point.

  6. I didn't redirect anyone, nor could I have been redirected onto anyone.


    What is going on at the moment, anyway? I find all this talk of who targetted whom and redirectors very confusing, especially since no one is saying what they know, but only asking questions.

  7. What's he saying exactly?


    That the deaths of thousands and thousands of chicken and cows are worse than that of 70 or something humans? I can understand why someone would say that.


    Sure, I can, too, but he's saying it with about as much delicacy as a brick to the face. None of the political parties in the Scandinavian countries have had the audacity to attempt to turn this tragedy into a political debate - because they respect those who have been affected by it too much. For instance, you should have seen the shitstorm that hit a Danish lifestyle icon when he suggested that the victims should have tried defending themselves against the killer.


    While there are naturally loads of topics that can be discussed in relation to this, there's a time and place for eveything, and right now is a time for mourning, not for provocative statements attempting to stir up a heated debate.

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