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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Girl, 9, takes on pro wrestler


    Watch the video, its pretty good!


    It was actually kind of disturbing to watch, even when you know it's just acting. The girl is a pretty good actor.


    In all honesty, some of the lines are still prett funny even if they’re not the famous “somebody set up us the bomb” or “I am error” etc. And his face is just hilarious and spot on! My favourite isn’t even from a game I have played. It’s


    Totally agree. Heck, I don't think I cognised any of the lines besides those from Lylat Wars, yet I was in stitches all the way through all three videos.

  2. Luck is when you rely on something else. Captain didn't have to give the hooker the drink, nor did he have to be late and in fact I'm sure Captain has booked train tickets before so he should have known/ checked what the tickets were for. What luck was involved?


    But with that attitude you can always shift the blame for everything on people themselves, can't you? Maybe some of the things were due to poor decision-making (that's a whole other topic of debate, though), but when the decision has been made, the rest is entirely up to chance/factors outside of our control. I'd argue there's always an amount of luck involed in any given situation, since we can never take all potential factors into account.


    But again, I'm no expert on this topic of philosophical debate.

  3. Not to put a downer on this but some of those things aren't luck. Unfortunate mistakes but not all luck :p


    I'm sure it'll turn around eventually for you soon Falcon though!


    What is luck but an accident with a particular positive or negative outcome?

  4. Could ex-army warrior be a really strange way of describing Samus?


    You're right, that could actually make sense. I didn't think of Samus as an ex-army warrior, but the targets seem to fit. Since I only appear sometimes, I believe something must have made me visible on those nights.

  5. I'm making perfect sense!


    Then you're not good at explaining it.


    Bottom line, something doesn't add up, I have nothing more viable and something about you bugs me more than it does anyone else, and I don't want to hold off voting forever. Not that it seems to matter with all the activity we've got going on -.-


    What? What doesn't add up? Besides the fact that you were redirected when you tried targetting me?

  6. I never said you never said you didn't have a night power. You didn't say you had a night power until I said why not say you don't have a night power.


    You're also arguing with things I didn't say or do. I didn't put the words in your mouth, did I? Nowhere have I done that. I'm keeping my vote on you.


    What, by the way, is this mysterious non-targetting night power?


    You're not making any sense.


    Anyway, bottom line: Why does any of this make me suspicious?


    If you must know, I get info every night. It's like an investigator power, but I don't actually choose my targets.

  7. You seem to be mistaken. What we really want is Gentleman's mafia, I and II on the big screen.


    *orgasms at thought*


    I saw Super.





    Is it good? (Well, it has Ellen Page in tights in it, so it's obviously good, but is it good?)










    ........is Sucker Punch out?


    OMG! 8th! Yesssssssss. Is there some kind of epic special edition mega Blu-Ray. I don't want to have to settle for normal Blu-Ray....


    Click me.

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