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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Sure it's easy, but how often does a mafia do that? A popular sentence when an investigator or someone who recieved alignment info gets it wrong is "oh I must have been misinformed, but I'm still townie", and as far as I recall, that's always the case. They never turn up mafia do they? A mafia wouldn't dare. It's too bad she never got to tell isn't it?


    Silly logic. "They'd never do that." Why not? Mafias have got away with far greater deceits.


    Who did you appear as again? In the write up I mean, I know you are Samus.


    The ex-army warrior, it would seem, though I only appear sometimes, for some reason.

  2. Advanced button? I didn't even know there was such a thing. :heh:


    Night 1: Esequiel to ReZourceman

    Night 2: Nintendohnut to Esequiel (failed)

    Night 3: Nintendohnut to Jonnas

    Night 4: The Peeps to EddieColeslaw

    Night 5: Shorty to The_Arbitor

    Night 6: Dazz to Yvonne


    I really don't know what to say to defend myself right now, since the accusation is as vague as can be.


    Ah, yes, I remember now. It's still a rather pointless accusation since it's the easiest thing to do for a mafia.

  3. You made sure to mention several times that some player I don't remember the name off was killed to make you look suspicious, because said player had accused you of being mafia. And look, no one is accusing you anymore, well before I brought it up that is(and look who showed). Convenient. Sure, the mafia may have purposefully tried to frame you, then again they may have tried to get rid of an annoyance knowing they could just play the framed-card. I'm open to both, but I'm leaning towards the latter until something else comes up. Who did you target? We should work on, and be finished, with the complete action list by tomorrow in game. So far we have 1 down, 9 to go.


    I'm not buying the "not much to say" card either. Isn't that when you shine? Instead you have chosen to be quiet than adding what you know. You must have learned something as a redirector.


    I honestly don't remember that. You sure that was in this game?


    I'm not sure what you're trying to argue. That I'm suddenly suspicious? For what reason, if I may ask?


    I honestly haven't had much to say. Lately I've been focused on a lot of other things than mafia, and with uni starting up soon I probably shouldn't sign up to more after these two. I just can't put in the effort at the moment.

  4. While I absolutely love stuff like this (X-Files, anyone? :heh:) and love reading and theorising about it, my belief in it has already been summed up very well:


    Before everything unknown was said to be gods. Now people say aliens. I don't buy it.


    And to quote one of my favourite authors: "It is a capital mistake to theorise before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts."


    While it's a theory that explains a lot and seems to fit very well, the problem is that it has no basis whatsoever in reality as we know it - it's built entirely on a premise with no supporting evidence. The much more logical conclusion is that it was just humans.

  5. Dannyboy-the-Dane - Aha! Just went through the thread, and he's a redirector. danny clear this up ASAP. He's also been strangely inactive and was very fond of the "oh mafia must ben trying to frame me" card


    I'm sorry to say that I can't clear this up, as I targetted neither of you last night. I wouldn't exactly say I've been inactive, there just hasn't been much to say.


    I'm not quite sure what you mean by "the mafia must be trying to frame me" card. When did I ever say anything like that?

  6. I was in on it as well, though I never had the Donk personally. We had a great and fun plan thought out, but as is obvious at this point we failed pretty miserably. We never intended for it to end this way, and we're sorry for the emotional distress we caused. The Donkey will naturally be returned shortly.

  7. Obviously we need to hear from them all, but we probably won't hear from Arbitor in any case, since he seems to be MIA. If none of the others prove sufficiently suspicious, we should probably go for him - chances are he's mafia.

  8. Seems a bit contradictory...


    no birthday thread zomg/don't want forum to take over my life... er.




    A lot of us are actually friends in real life, or have met on occasions so it is important to some of us!


    t'internet is just another form of communication... dunno why everyone shits themselves as if its like a pretend fantasy or smth..


    Thanked for agreement with the quoted.


    Besides, I never really put much importance on remembering birthdays. I don't expect of people to remember when my birthday is - why should people go around and struggle to remember a butt-load of practically arbitrary dates in their heads? It's not a measure of true friendship in my head.

  9. I think it's just more likely that nobody looked at the bottom of the forum yesterday.


    Indeed, many prominent members have had their birthdays forgotten.


    Again it would seem we disagree on the nature of internet relationships.

  10. Anyone else have problems with the forums around midnight-2am? It happens every night to me. It just craps out. I can't connect at all, except for a few instances where it manages to make it for a brief period.


    It's always been like that for me. It's when they update the servers and stuff, I believe.

  11. Naked time - 20pts



    Reading a newspaper - 10pts



    Cutlery tower - 10pts



    Falcon type - 20pts


    Danger - 20pts


    Musically gifted - 20pts + 20% bonus for video = 24pts


    That new book smell - 20pts



    Movie cover - The Matrix Reloaded - 30pts


    Just pretend Trinity and Morpheus are there with me ... and that we're standing in a dungeon.


    Famous internet thing - Facepalm - 10pts



    Running total: 414pts

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