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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I feel I've proved it already with all the information I've given and my actions.


    With that, I'm done with this. However I die, someone else will. It's up to you guys to decide whether you really want to waste time on this path, just because I've not given you the smallest part of my information, completely disregarding the fact I've given you everything else.


    What have you given us, and how does it prove you're town? The mafia typically has an info-gathering role or two, and they could easily give out this info to gain trust.


    See, we can keep turnining probability on its head until we die, but fact is we can never know anything for certain in a mafia game, thus we have to follow the most likely suspicions. I don't get why you're being so stubborn about this when you can so very easily dispel all suspicion against you.

  2. How is there a balance of probability here? I still await this numbers, and how a lynchbomb isn't equally viable for both town and mafia.


    Lynchbombs are more often a mafioso power than a townie power, ergo it's statistically more likely that you are mafia. But statistics aside, why not just explain the reason for your lynchbomb? Why won't you reveal it? As a townie, what reason could you possibly have to keep it secret?

  3. The only suspicion on me is a lynchbomb, and it's perfectly viable either way.


    Then why not dispel the possibility that you're mafia by providing the explanation for why you have it? Right now the balance of probability is that you're mafia, but you could easily tip that balance, tet you don't. Why won't you reveal it? If you're town I don't see what you stand to lose.


    By the way, this is nothing like the Gents' Mafia. In that, it was obvious you had a solid lead, and I was willing to follow it when you didn't want to reveal the exact nature of it. Besides, it wasn't just mafiosos who wanted you to reveal more in that game, so that argument doesn't hold water.

  4. I did ask Danny what he got. I assume it's the information he got about your lynchbomb and said as much.


    You did? I must have missed it. The information I got on Rummy is from my non-targetting nightpower, not from the thing I picked up. The thing I picked up is one half of the M'Kraan Crystal (I assume the thing Rummy picked up is the other half), but I have no idea what it does, nor what it actually is, for that matter.

  5. So I'm suspicious because I have a lynchbomb?


    Ok then. Fuck everything else I've given you. I don't particularly care if you lynch me, because you're being stupid. I'll willingly and stubbornly die for it.




    Why aren't you asking Danny what he got?


    Funny thing is, I found Danny suspicious before this day, but the fact he revealed an actual fact about me(something I didn't deny, and could have if I was planning on hiding stuff), so now I don't so much.


    You however? Constantly pushing me for information? Why has nobody else got any? Why have YOU not got any? You guys need to stop focusing on a nothing and actually do something.


    Vote:The Peeps


    I'm a bit tired of you always demanding that everyone gives out info and actively pursues leads, yet when you're the one having to give out info and you're the lead we're pursuing, you call us stupid and try to point attention in all other directions, acting as if it's obvious that we're wasting our time.


    The fact of the matter is that you have a power that mafiosos are known to have more often than townies. If you are indeed town as you claim, it should be very easy and problem-free for you to explain why you have it, yet you refuse to, which leads me to believe you don't have a good explanation for it.

  6. A few more BISH pictures from me and Jim.


    Wearing your trousers on your arms and shirt on your legs - 10pts





    Playing Tetris upside down. - 20pts

    Obviously I won. =P





    A folded paper star - 20pts



    Naked time. - 20pts



    2 people inside one shirt - 30pts



    Cross dresser - 30pts





    Points for this post if my counting is right: 130


    Eenuh Total: 350 points

    Flinky Total: 330 points


    Eenuh, could you move out of the picture so we can see the goods? You shouldn't be hiding all that Flinky goodness from the world!


    I was wondering how far to go with the more risqué BISHes myself, but it seems the bar has been set. ;) I won't be able to compete in sexiness, though, I'm afraid. :heh: Especially not when ReZ starts posting!

  7. Again, you don't see why I shouldn't, I don't see why I should. I'm going to be deliberately stubborn on this because I don't see why I should be revealing anything when I've already revealed more than the average player in this game and those pushing me for information have revealed very little. How about you guys start telling us about yourselves?


    Yes, of course there's an in-story explanation for it, how silly would it be to even think it's anything else? I already said I wasn't worried about dying in this game, because whenever I do end up dying, someone will go with me(lynch or kill).


    Because right now you're suspicious, and you haven't said anything that dispels that suspicion. You're the one that has to explain a suspicious power, not us, so why should we reveal stuff about ourselves at this point?


    It's also funny how you keep stating things as if we're expected to accept them as facts without providing evidence. If you give me the explanation for the lynchbomb, it's entirely possible I'll believe you, but so far all you've done is make me more suspicious of you.

  8. Apparently, they've also broken into pet shops and killed animals, according to the same user (she's a vetinary nurse)...I'm enraged that people are doing this




    This is literally making me tear up. It's all so fucking pointless. I don't understand it anymore.

  9. I'd make a great PM.


    Me: "Recession? PRINT MORE MONEY!"

    Lackey 1: "Er...sire? It's not quite...."

    Me: "Execute him. With fire if possible"

    Lackey 2: "But your majesty, that might be expensive. Have you seen the price of petrol?"

    Me: "You want to be next? DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!"


    Vote for PM: Goafer

  10. Trousers on arms and shirt on legs - 10pts



    Fruit penis - 10pts


    No, my penis isn't strangely-shapen - why do you ask?


    Despicable me - 10pts



    Harmony - 10pts



    Dumb as a doorknob - 10pts


    The joke being that it's a fridge handle, not a doorknob.


    Bottomless - 10pts



    Oldest electronic device - 10pts



    Dance move - 10pts



    Face against the wall - 10pts



    Cheers - 10pts



    Wide face - 20pts



    Swimming on land - 30pts


    Sexy beast - 10pts



    In duvet - 10pts



    Running total: 250pts

  11. These riots are completely different. Different purposes, different destruction, different desires imo.


    Oh, definitely, I was just likening the experience to something. It's surreal seeing such big riots in the UK.

  12. These really do seem pointless, as was mentioned above most of the places being burnt aren't even government owned - what is their point exactly?


    I thought it was obvious that at least some of the rioters aren't actually protesting anything, they're just out to cause trouble? I think I read something about gang business being involved as well?

  13. Not staged, but after it would be explained they were filming it and they'd say sorry and compensate them for trouble. I'm thinking mainly of pushing a guy into the sea which is obviously not allowed.


    What if he couldn't swim!


    Right. I hope you're right, because if not, they really are just jerks. Even so, it's still some nasty pranks to pull on people, especially the more dangerous ones like the guy you mention.

  14. Well, obviously some of them were great pranks, but some of them were just dickish and not really funny - some even a bit dangerous. But let me ask: why do guys reckon it was staged? The victims looked pretty surprised and genuinely angry.

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