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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. While I understand your frustration perfectly, Serebii, I can't help thinking: "Screw those friends! Take shit into your own hands!" Obviously I don't know what options you have, but relying on others to get things happening is just a generally bad idea. Surely it'll be more productive in any case to take matters into your own hands than just sitting around moping about them? :)

  2. It's a good idea to get the right hand down since it's sort of the framework of the piece, but really it's best to try to get both hands to work at the same time as soon as possible, since that is without a doubt the trickiest part.

  3. For the record, I haven't twisted anything. In fact, I intentionally tried to remain untwisty and accusing whilst just expressing my own personal thoughts and reasoning on the matter, a fact I even clarified in my last post. Whats your night power, then? I DID expect that to be your argument('oh, YOU took it to mean I have no night power), so it seems I'm not too wrong after all.


    What kind of backwards logic is this? You put words into my mouth, namely that I don't have a night power, when I've been very careful only to state that I don't have a targetting night power, and now you say that since you anticipated my pointing out this fact as my defence, you weren't too wrong after all? Surely you see that that makes absolutely no sense at all, Rummy, my boy?


    You may call it simply expressing your own thoughts and reasoning, but the fact remains that you took the idea that I claimed to not have a night power and ran with it, suddenly treating it as fact. Look at the logical leaps you made in this post:


    [When I said I'd rather not reveal my night power at present] "Why not say you don't have a night power? (I realise what Danny will try to counter this with, but he's good at mafia let's not forget). Also why say it only to, just a few posts later, reiterate the former;" [Namely that my power was a non-targetting one]


    Why not say I don't have a night power? Because I do have one! I never said I didn't. Again, you and you alone assumed that I had said I didn't.


    Next you say you know how you expect me to counter it - yes, with facts. Classic mafia tactic, obviously, telling the truth.


    And then, finally, you turn your own argument upside down by asking why I would claim to have no power and then a few posts later re-iterate that I do have one ... Do I really need to clarify why this is a ridiculous question? I. Never. Said. I. Didn't. Have. A. Night. Power.


    So many? Surely we only have one confirmed re-director here.


    In this night's write-up I count four separate redirections. If they were all the work of one redirector, I'd be impressed.

  4. Then why is it specifically a Labour Youth camp?

    I don't get how the reinforcement of one way of thinking helps expand the thinking of anyone.

    Seems dodgy to me.


    Contrary to what seems to be popular belief, they actually DISCUSS politics at these camps; they're not being force-fed propaganda. As Tales has already said, the politically interested youngsters choose the summer camps they want to go to, be they socialistic, liberalistic, conservative or something else entirely.


    What strikes me is how you seem to think it's "dodgy" that young people discuss politics and, God forbid, have an opinion. Nightwolf was right, you seem more and more like our previous resident conspiracy theorist, Mad Monkey.


    They haven't tried making a debate; there have been a few underhanded comments though*.



    *No citations; sorry.


    I'm not sure what point you're trying to make?

  5. I'm not sure how likely it is that Rummy would be redirected twice. However, I don't think you'd explicitly state that you don't have targets if you did. That'd be classic mafia suicide.


    With so many redirectors around (seriously, it's insane), it's not really unlikely at all, especially since Rummy is one of the more vocal players. But thank you for seeing the logic.

  6. I hope people submit good and funny and cool bishes and I hope that people do not abuse the finger rule and that they have a lot of ones of them in and not their finger because I think bish is more fun and funny for everyone when their whole body or face is in the picture because just a finger with a name on doesn't mean anything and it is silly and pooey.


    Please don't type like you think. :heh:

  7. I didn't read danny's last post/his before that post, but I think he's lying, and I'm gonna Vote:Dannyboy. I'm a tracker, and I targetted him both last night and the night before. I was going to say but Ese's whole re-direction thing confused me.


    Oh, I love it when people twist my words. (Disclaimer: No, I don't.) So let me walk you through it:


    Now, I took this to mean he didn't have a night power already, so I found it weird when I asked him what he did he chose to respond saying;


    Yeah, you took it to mean I didn't have a night power. I've never said I didn't have one.


    Why not say you don't have a night power? (I realise what Danny will try to counter this with, but he's good at mafia let's not forget). Also why say it only to, just a few posts later, reiterate the former;


    Because I do have a night power, but I don't target people. You were the one to read wrong stuff into what I said.


    You say I'm good at mafia, so riddle me this: Why on Earth would I contradict myself within such a short time? If it was really the case that I was lying about these things, I wouldn't be so careless as to not get my lie straight.


    As I posted whilst at work earlier, I'm a tracker, here's my targets and results so far(which also means I know at least some people have SOMETHING, I find it highly strange nobody has come forward with anything this game excepting Ese/Murray). Also, despite what you will all say, I did answer the questions put to me.



    Night 1 Target: Diageo ---> my target targetted Chairdriver and Tales

    Night 2 Target: Dannyboy ---> my target targetted Chairdriver

    Night 3 Target: Dannyboy ---> my target targetted mr-paul and Eevilmurray


    I don't doubt these are the targets you've found, but I can guarantee you they're not my targets, because I don't have targets. Obviously you've been redirected, which in this game, as we've already established, happens without the redirected player knowing. Don't you find it strange how "I" only have one target one night and two targets the next? Looking at the evidence, it's more logical to assume you were redirected and got two different player those two nights.

  8. I appologise if I went over the top the other night. I'd felt pretty crap that day, and then was seemingly "attacked" just because I said that women were "picky bitches".


    I do not appologise for my perfectly reasonable opinions on Warhammer, nor my reply to EEVILMURRAY getting his knickers in a twist about those opinions.


    It feels like you're still missing the point somewhat.

  9. I don't believe there's anyone perfect for anyone. It's all in people's heads. We're indoctrinated at childhood to believe we are all to fall in love, to find someone to spend our lives with, but it's not natural at all. It's all a myth.


    What are your thoughts on it, then?


    I didn't mean geographical population. I mean that your definition of perfect changes the statistic. If you want something really specific and are particularly picky, or if you're just a cunt to everyone. Stuff along those lines severely reduces how likely you are to find your perfect match.


    Of course, but you're still pretty likely to find someone that suits you. Besides, I never said it didn't take effort to find someone suited for you.

  10. We had to put Bear to sleep. This is me and him when he was a baby. Loved him so much.


    Sorry to hear that, Shorty. :(


    aww shortyy no :(



    One of my neighbours cats died not that long ago... he was literally skin and bone... we initially thought the cat wasn't being fed at all. He was in that condition for MONTHS. We then found out that the poor thing was absolutely riddled with cancer... the vet refused to put him down because he was still eating... yet he was literally skin and bone and very obviously in pain!! It breaks my heart that people think its okay to leave a cat suffering like that :(


    That's just fucking heartbreaking. :(

  11. @Sarah Wilson

    Haha. What hilarious comforting nonsense.


    And not quite as comforting when you think about, because if you end up not finding a partner, it would mean you're destined to be alone, a notion I believe would break even the most hardcore optimists.


    Besides, there's plenty of comfort to be found in simple statistics: Statistically speaking, it's extremely unlikely there isn't a good number of people out there perfect for you.

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