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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I redirected you to Jonnas. I'm afraid I don't have much in way of reasoning; so far I've just picked people at random.


    You make a good point about investigations tonight, but I'd really love to get investigated and cleared as soon as possible since I know how suspicious my role is. I'd hate to go through long and pointless arguments about it.

  2. The recurring theme of the song: back in the 1970s, ghetto disputes used to be settled with fistfights, but Biggie and his pals are a new breed and because of the degradation brought on by the poverty and the drug trade, they’ve taken up deadlier means.




    OGs need to recognize that nowadays people will shoot each other when they get into fights; fist-fights are out of style.


    Thank you for translating. :heh:


    Bottom line: You should've shot the fucker, Rummy.

  3. I won't go into the gun debate (not even sure where I stand on that myself), but I really hate it when people start making the youth camp out to be something bad. Glenn Beck even compared it to Hitler-Jugend, which isn't just completely and wholly inaccurate, but fucking disgusting as well. Youth parties, which are common in Scandinavia, are a great way for young people to get into politics and learn about democracy, and many of them have summer camps. Some people make it out to seem like the youngsters are being brainwashed or something, which is quite frankly ridiculous.

  4. Wait, what?! Hold on! Why am I suddenly definitely mafia?


    It's true that I am a redirector. I know and admit it's a suspicious/crap power for the town (ReZ even thinks it's unfair), but it's the power MadDog has given to me. Feel free to investigate me tonight to see for yourself.


    Please don't use inactivity as an argument against me, since I haven't been online much at all yersterday and the late afternoon/evening the day before. I don't like just popping into a mafia game, adding nothing of interest and then leaving again, hence why I haven't been in here. I am online now and ready to defend myself until the day ends.


    By the way, how many votes are on heroic now? I counted them, but got a different count that Dohnut.

  5. Well done, Rummy. You were the greater man and walked away. I understand the urge to deck such jerks (it's a pretty basic instinct, really), but ultimately it's a waste of energy that might very well backfire: You were outnumbered, he could've had a weapon, and even if you did manage to beat him this time, he might want revenge. Then there's always the risk that you could get in legal trouble for it (the fairness of which is debatable, but it's something that needs to be considered as it is at present), and ultimately it's unlikely it'd do anything but reinforce the jerk's primitive view of the world and consequently his jerkiness.


    In such a situation I wouldn't be able to fight back even if I wanted to. I'm much too scared about the consequences. Even if I could hold my own against such a dude, they never fight fair, and suddenly I might find myself surrounded by a gang of thugs, a gun in my face or a knife if my chest. Nothing good would come out of physically fighting someone like that.

  6. I find it hard to tell a "weird" interest from a "normal" one tbh. Like something might be bizarre to another person, but normal for another.


    I used to like taxidermied animals...? I also really like skulls and Hallowe'en decorations.


    This is what I was thinking. I mean, I'm a geek and have a bunch of interests, but whether they're weird or not isn't really that easy to say.


    Anyway, one of my interests is the paranormal. Despite being a sceptic, I just find it immensely interesting.

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