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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Right, I've tried to go over it and make sense of all the redirection:


    In the nearby mess hall, there was a melee of sorts, though much of the combat was taking place on the astral plane. A girl is tricked into thinking her target is the woman using stolen mental abilities. A man circles overhead. Said mental abilities overpower an Asian woman in the room, whose own targets are no longer her own. The woman passing by is suddenly possessed, and changes her own course, green energy circling her as she runs. However, she trips over the diminutive figure clutching her dress, and when she tries to strike, she finds she can no longer call upon her abilities.


    Here, it appears we have three different redirections: The girl is forced to target the ability-stealing woman (possibly by the man floating overhead), who in turn takes control of the Asian woman. A third female is possessed, possibly by the green light, though we can't be sure of that. The small figure seems to be roleblocking her.


    The Asian woman is observed by a leather-clad woman, who leaves, satisfied. Walking back to her quarters, she bumps into a different Asian woman.

    “Shit!†shouts the leather-clad woman, leaping out of the way before the Asian woman, suddenly armoured, strikes with a focused fist. “You tried this before, sweetie – you failed! Tell whoever’s in charge you won’t have any luck getting rid of me!†laughed the leather-clad woman. She ran through the hallways, pushing others out of the way, as her attacker gave swift chase.


    The Asian woman from the previous paragraph is observed by the leather-clad woman, who is then attacked by Asian Woman 2.


    The leather-clad woman really didn’t know how she was going to get out of this a second time. She could talk all she liked, but without a plan…


    “AGH!†came a cry from behind her. She turned and saw that her attacker had slipped on a patch of ice.

    “Seriously? Again?†she smirked. “Well that’s lucky..or..unlucky…depends on how you look at it.â€, and with that she made her escape through the laundry chute. Her attacker, in a furious rage, lifted herself from the floor and sent out a vicious psychic attack. However, having lost precisely where her prey was after slipping, the attack landed on the nearest person. Bad luck. His crystalline head exploded, and thousands of sparkling shards of ice rained down on his killer. His killer now looked different and once more wondered why she keeps finding herself in horrific situations with no memory of how she got there.


    This paragraph suggest that the leather-clad woman was attacked before, possibly by Asian Woman 2. Asian Woman 2 is stopped by Iceman, but somehow her attack ends up hitting him.


    The way it's described suggests that Iceman's power was to randomly redirect the power of whoever he targetted - or maybe Asian Woman 2's power can't be stopped and will smply bounce off to the nearest target or something, though I'm not sure how that would make sense. Also, it's worth noting that Iceman already seems to be roleblocking someone at the very beginning of this night's write-up. (I didn't include that bit here since it wasn't part of the whole redirection shebang.)


    Finally, it would seem Asian Woman 2 is the one who has been made to kill previously, so that's four redirections I count in this write-up.

  2. But in fairness, you don't want to be friends, no? He's got the right to not want you around if you want to be with his girlfriend.


    No, he has absolutely no right to tell this girl who she should have in her life. That's completely up to her. Frankly, any boyfriend or girlfriend who demands their partner cut all contact to a friend because of jealousy is a bit of an untrusting jerk, if you ask me. And if the partner goes along with it, I wouldn't hold that person in very high regard, either.

  3. No need to cringe! :D


    And....TIS THE SAD DAY! The last part. But its got some great moments! :D



    N-Europe London Meet 2011 - Thanks to everyone, despite a couple of problems we had a fantastic time. I feel sad/bad/sorry that Ganepark became detached from us, and not getting to spend enough time with him, Retro, Eddage, Arbitor and others - but here is to SUN next time eh guys? Thanks again, it was fantastic, and varied, from hilarious sketching and game designing, to raspberry drinking, to Balderdash playing, to buttery biscuit basing to nice in depth and quiet/concentrated conversation with (Cube, Dannyboy and Goafermax) to top it all off. Fantastic.


    HERE IS TO 2012 MEAT!


    I really enjoyed Sunday. Compared to the day before (which was obviously amazingly awesome), it was a nice change of pace - much more relaxed.

  4. But none of it's Latin, it's all Greek. It's just same-fear, which is really just a shortening for same-sexual-fear or something, everyone is clear what it means. It's irrelevant that homo means something else in Latin, although looking in the OED it seems that sex is a Latin rather than Greek root, which confuses things a little.


    My point was that modern uses of Latin and Greek words aren't really supposed to be taken literally. "Schizophrenia" literally means "split mind", but as some people know, schizophrenia is not actually dissociative identity disorder, what is commonly known as split personality.


    "Homosexual" isn't the only case where Greek and Latin have been combined, either - aquaphobia, fear of water, should technically be hydrophobia, since all other phobias are in Greek, but hydrophobia already referred to a sympton of later-stage rabies, meaning the had to use the Latin word for water when naming the phobia.

  5. She didn't vote because she was more convinced you were mafia. Not because she thought he was good.


    But I don't see how that proves anything. Like I said, it's not at all unlikely the mafia killed her off in order to throw suspicion onto me.

  6. Dannyboy obviously. EddieColeslaw was pretty keen that he was mafia and now she's dead.


    How the fuck can so many people die, and all of them town. This had to be some sort of charged power from the mafia, a neutral wouldn't get so many town would he?


    Yeah, totally. It's not like the mafia would choose to kill her in order to incriminate me. Oh, wait ...


    Besides, she was also wrong about heroic.

  7. I never thought about that before - would Homophobia not just be fear of the same/things that are the same?


    Technically, yeah - in Latin it could even mean fear of humans. But words made up of Greek and Latin aren't always literal and can often get twisted based on culture.

  8. Is the name Hamish really that uncommon?


    Because someone on the phone yesterday called me "Ha!-mish" when it's "Hey!-mish"


    Yeah, that's how I thought it was pronounced as well. I've never met anyone with your name before. I actually thought Hamishmash was just a completely invented screen name until I saw your real name on your website, I think it was.


    :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:


    Oh Danny, Danny, Danny!


    Right my friend. What you need to do is have a superhero weekend.


    Grab the Blu-Rays for Incredible Hulk (good but the weakest.) Thor (absolutely amazing, on par with Iron Man) Captain America (cinema you could do that now!) and then Batman Begins and The Dark Knight.


    Doooo eeeetttt.


    I just knew you'd react that way. :p

  10. I think ReZ meant that he was in the minority that didn't get it - until now, that is.


    Meanwhile, I'm getting a bit hyped for this. I probably should watch the other Avenger films - so far I've only seen the Iron Man films.

  11. Okay, so who do we think is evil?


    Eddie wanted us not to vote yesterday for heroic, and is the only person who voted who didn't go for him.


    We also have a long list of confirmed townies now, meaning we can look at voting patterns closely.


    Not sure I trust Yvonne but I'm not sure why :p


    Is there someone we need to investigate particularly?


    Both Eddie and heroic are dead. Eddie was good, heroic was evil, so I guess it was just poor judgement on her part. She also believed me to be evil - again, poor judgement on her part. ;) I still welcome any investigators to clear me if people still suspect me.

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