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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Suggesting, not proving. There's a possibility it was another person, however there's also the possibility that Oswald just made an incredibly difficult shot. Even if there was another person involved, chances are it would have just been one of Oswald's socialist buddies, not necessarily KGB agents. I was more, however, referring to the conspiracy theories that involve the so called Illuminati killing him because they thought he was going to reveal details about their secret club.


    Oh, fair enough. I just remember reading about it in a very sceptic conspiracy book, and it said that it was very likely there were some people behind Oswald, even if they weren't some great and powerful organisation.

  2. My car is all betters now too....! Who would've thought an oxygen sensor would be so important.... it drives better and the fuel consumption is back to normal... yay =)


    I read that as "cat", not "car", and I made it about two thirds through the paragraph before it dawned on me. :p

  3. I think so, yes. The flipside is that people who have seen ghosts seem to be more reliable witnesses than people who have seen aliens (actual aliens, not UFOs). There are exceptions, such as the Yorkshire policeman Alan Godfrey. That's an amazing case.


    However, my peers tend to generally think the witnesses for ghosts are more reliable, because amongst them are people they know well. I have to admit, if someone told me they had seen an alien, I'd be very doubtful.


    Yeah, I think you're right, but sometimes the strangest things can occur naturally, and then people are most likely to attribute it to ghosts. Ghostly phenomena are less confrontational and much easier to believe. The same goes for UFO observations, really. If someone claims to have had close encounters of the third kind, on the other hand, they're likely to have a few loose connections on the top floor.

  4. To be fair, it's been several years since I last used Amazon. And back in those days, they were expensive, and you had to walk for eight miles through waist-high snow before you could order from them. And it was all uphill, too. :sad:


    But yeah, thanks a lot for making me so tempted to get a 3DS. That's what my unemployed, poor self needs right now. :p


    Dude, I'm in the same boat. :heh: I'm a student, and a 3DS is probably not the wisest thing to be spending money on right now. ^_^'

  5. No. disproportionate or not - with such remarks or "jokes" you pencil-mark every half-decent Black person you have ever met or known and whom exist into an abyss of guilt and degradation - only narrow, small-minded, simpletons are happy to live with their heads in cruise-control. All you choose to see is the bad. All you want to see is the bad; thus your conclusions or "jokes".


    I, a black man, have existed on these forums for a fair few years and I like to think I have applied myself with reason and intelligence when interacting with the forum - but that doesn't count for anything - because you see a pack of hooligans who happens to be black on the street - everyone is tarnished with the same brush.


    I really don't blame most of you - that is all you can be. Weak, pitiful and unquestioning.


    Dude, you're the one being prejudiced right now. You're judging someone based on a joke he made. Haven't you ever heard of self-irony? Heck, humour in general? The sheer idea that you think a joke represents actual opinion is, sorry to say, ridiculous. I love self-deprecating humour and often use it myself, and I enjoy it when others do it as well. I'm not offended because I know it's all in good fun.

  6. My opinion on this and conspiracy theories in general is that if people spent the time they do coming up with this fiction, actually becoming educated and doing research, we'd be a much more advanced civilization today. It might be fun to speculate about, but that's never going to get us anywhere. When there's no evidence whatsoever, theories become little more than entertainment. I especially dislike people who try and push their theories as fact (9/11, JFK Assassination, Moon Landing, etc.).


    Regarding the JFK Assassination, hasn't there actually been uncovered evidence suggesting it wasn't just a lone gunman?

  7. I tried adding something to my basket and going to checkout. The British VAT is included in the price, but any outstanding VAT will be added on checkout (or subtracted, presumably). So up to 5% for most items, which really isn't too bad. Only comes to about £4 for a 3DS.


    They also offer free shipping on international orders over £25 now. Clearly I need to start using Amazon again. :hehe:


    See? Told ya the prices were good. ;)

  8. Are you...are you hitting on him?


    Of course! Why, you're not suggesting that heterosexual men can compliment each other on their looks, are you, Flink? What a silly notion! :p


    He's encouraging me to post more pictures since I don't post any :p (unless he is hitting on me, in which case I'm his :love:)


    Nah, you can post as many as you like, but you have no reason to hide your face, that's all I'm saying. :heh:

  9. Man, Amazon is so misleading. You're all, "wow, that's a great price!" and then when you go to checkout, they add 25% VAT and you end not saving a penny and having to wait ages for whatever you ordered to be delivered.


    I only asked because the price reduction to £170 over here doesn't seem so tempting anymore when you can buy a 3DS for £115 in the UK.


    I don't really get the complaints. Even with VAT and shipping it's still quite cheap, and the shipping times are usually great to Denmark.

  10. I think it's worth pointing out how opposed some people are to the idea of aliens. Sometimes I ask people if they believe in ghosts and they say "yes" (let's not get into that again though!) When I ask them if they believe aliens have ever visited us, or even if aliens exist at all, they scoff at the thought, as if it's a totally ridiculous idea. So, whilst there is the stereotype of the "I want to believe" person, there are also those who really hate the idea so much they reject it outright.


    Isn't it scientifically more plausible that aliens exist and have visited us than that ghosts exist?


    but what does it matter? There are so many possibilities, this is just one theory. Unless there's undeniable evidence, I'm not bothered about not knowing whether or not there are/were "ancient aliens". (Not to stomp all over your thread, but that's just my POV :))


    It's funny, I both agree and disagree with this. :heh: I agree that in our daily lives it's not really relevant whether we evolved from aliens or were visited by them in the past. But on a larger scale our understanding of the past and of past cultures and experiences is part of what shapes our understanding of our entire existence.

  11. Calling any statement in here racist is, ironically, prejudiced. There have been some posts about immigration problems, and we can always have a debate about that issue, but those posts were specifically non-racist.

  12. Out of curiosity, how much more expensive is the 3DS in Denmark compared to in the UK?


    I haven't got exact figures at hand, but it's a general rule that I can often get stuff cheaper (sometimes much cheaper) on Amazon.co.uk than in Danish shops. Rarely if ever has the opposite been the case.

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