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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Why should I reveal targets for the mafia/neutral? I suppose mafia know who is or isn't a townie though... Should I reveal?


    You said it yourself: The mafia already knows who's town. Nothing is gained by anyone if you don't reveal it, and only the town benefits from you revealing it.

  2. Will my kids like the new My Little Pony stuff (5 & 2)? I'm kinda intrigued by it.


    It has gained a large and dedicated fanbase, especially among 20-30 year old guys, but I don't actually know how popular it is with kids. :heh: Two years old might be a tad young, I think, but I'd say it's worth a shot. It really is a great show. :)

  3. This reminds me of Le fabuleux destin d’Amélie Poulain. Too bad you guys apparently didn’t see it or forgot about it.. In the film, she stole her dad’s garden gnome, and had a friend who travelled a lot bring it with her, while taking pictures of it across the world. And then send those pictures as postcards. Missed opportunity :p.


    I have seen that film, and that was actually what we were going to do. :heh: (Well, not the entire world, but different places.) We were just bad at getting the pictures up. ;)

  4. ???? - 20pts


    I found this stuck at the back of my fridge. I have absolutely no idea what it is.


    Fight with random object - 10pts


    Having seen ReZ's entry for this one, I realise I may have misinterpreted it. I'll redo it if people are not satisfied with it.


    N-E high score - 40pts



    Game I'm addicted to - 10pts


    The Ace Attorney series. I've been playing the Phoenix Wright games on my Wii, and when my 3DS arrives I'll continue with Apollo Justice.


    The complete works of William Shakespeare - 20pts



    Radically different hair + Avatar recreation - 10pts + 30pts


    I'm mighty proud of this one! :D I even managed it without hair gel since I didn't have any. :heh:


    The wrong side of bed - 10pts



    Running total: 564pts

  5. I saw Dwarf's post. I groaned and ignored it. I trust others did the same.


    @Yvonne: I see bad jokes that do not show actual racism by the poster (though Dwarf's could've fooled us). The last one is also clearly meant to be ironic, even if the choice of words is dubious.

    Grazza's post wasn't racist or in jest. It was just an opinion on mass immigration (with which I disagree).


    This. I agree 100% with this. Jonnas, you need to stop being in my brain all the time. :heh:


    Everything I want to say about the topic of provocative humour, I have already said in that thread, so I won't continue the debate further in this thread.


    Regarding dwarf's comment, everyone probably ignored it because it was either 1) a bad attempt at a joke, which should just be met with awkward silence, or 2) a serious opinion, the stupidity of which is not even worth commenting on.

  7. I said racist jokes, not racism jokes.


    Which jokes in here would you consider racist? And which are merely about racism?


    Wow guys, much of the above makes me want to lock this thread. Prior to King_V, as far as I could tell most people took a fairly dim view of the few racist comments, which were unfortunately still more frequent than I'd like. I hope that people who are obviously racist have already showed their ignorance to the forum, and it won't do much good going round and calling it out, which is why I think many people just left it.


    Were there actually any genuine racist opinions being expressed? I don't remember seeing any, but people keep claiming there are, so now I've started wondering if I missed them or if we disagree on what constitutes a racist opinion.


    Would people mind pointing out what posts in particular they're talking about?

  8. There are things that you don't know could cause offense, and its not reasonable to expect everyone to have a complete and up to date catalogue of things that everyone in the world doesn't like. For these situations you need to be receptive and respectful when someone calls you out for saying something hurtful to them.


    This I completely agree with.


    Then there are things like racist and rape jokes about which you should know better already, you're an adult.


    This I completely and utterly disagree with.


    Here's another important difference that people need to be aware of -

    we as whites have not experienced the kind of systemic oppression that people of colour have been exposed to for centuries.

    It is not "reverse racism" for them to joke about their experiences with oppression, which generally includes whites. In fact it's a silencing tactic to say that it isn't fair for their voices to be heard in this way. If you come up with a joke involving black people that doesn't generalise dismiss or erase their experiences, I would like to hear it.


    I do see what you mean here, however it is still completely irrelevant since I disagree entirely with the idea that jokes about topics like racism are inherently bad.


    Jokes are for fun, but jokes are powerful. You can use them to break down walls or you can use them to prop up the same old bullshit. It's what you do with them.


    I agree. Which is exactly why you can't just call all racism jokes bad. You have to take into account all the other factors (like the disposition of sender and audience) to determine whether the joke was meant to hurt or to make fun of the ridiculous concept that is racism. The latter of which is exactly what the jokes in here have done, yet you jumped to conclusions without considering the other factors.

  9. what about when you DON'T know if someone in the room has had a traumatic experience? Then you have to back pedal and apologise, but essentially you're saying you'd laugh about someones pain when they're not around. But the worst is the person who will when called out, say "oh well I'm free to make jokes about this if I want, and you are just /choosing/ to be hurt by it."


    Yeah, that's exactly how offense works ¬_¬


    So what you're saying is that no form of humour that could potentially be offensive to anyone should ever be made because it's oppressive?


    I will never understand this attitude towards humour. Humour is all about poking fun at things. There's a reason humour is regarded as the opposite to seriousness - because it's not meant to be taken seriously. It doesn't necessarily reflect actual opinion, and in any case it's the actual opinion that matters.


    That's not to say you shouldn't try to avoid offending whoever's present, of course. But then again, people need to have a certain level of self-irony. Should I be offended when black people make fun of white people? Of course not!

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