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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Not that kind of Liberal from what I understand, the bad kind, slightly more akin to the American "Libertarians" who's big freedom agenda is the freedom for the very wealthy to keep getting more wealthy and can't quite understand why anything else matters so long as that's happening.


    More or less, yes. They're economic liberalists, i.e. somewhat milder versions of capitalists; basically they believe that cuts on all public spending (schools, pensions, hospitals, etc.) and tax reductions are the way forward, and they want to privatise more of society. They've been in power for 10 years, and lately they've moved further and further to the right, with a new party rising to popularity that seems to have genuinely capitalistic tendencies.


    All parties here in Denmark are pretty "liberal"/libertarian in that they want personal freedom for everyone to live their lives as they want. It's generally just that the left-wing parties and the right-wing parties disagree on which economic ideology achieves that best. As should be apparent, I support the social democratic/socialist parties.


    I'm finally moving house tomorrow, starting the student life style at long last.


    This is my new room...




    It's somewhat physics-defying, isn't it? :D


    Congrats on the new place! :)




    Anyway, just got home about 4 hours ago from a weekend trip with my university course to a cottage in a forest. Not the most luxurious conditions, but lots and lots of booze and partying and (unfortunately only male) nakedness. But I had fun, and now I'm tired as fuck. :heh:


    And I may just have a teeny tiny crush on one of my tutors who's 7 years older than me. That or it's just the tiredness talking.

  2. The left-wing parties have just been elected into government in Denmark! (Well, about 7% of the votes still need to be counted, but we have practically won.) After 10 years with the liberalists at the helm, the power is finally back in the hands of the socialists again! :D

  3. I'm sorry wut?


    Who the hell ever thought this could be real?


    The same people who thought The Blair Witch Project was real? Point is, they aimed for an authentic feel, and quite successfully at that. I guess that feel is somewhat lost for some people with sequels.

  4. You should have gone after her anyway. You're clearly the better choice, and I say that without knowing anything about the other guy.


    My dad always says: "It's a poor swine who can't push another away from the trough." ;)


    She probably sucked, anyway.


    Dude, you're supposed to point out bad things about her.

  5. I also thought Dannyboy was clearly mafia, lately, but nobody would lynch him on no evidence. Diageo and Marcamillian I didn't suspect because they didn't speak much. Herojan came entirely from out of the blue, though (backstabbing Peeps, for once :heh:)


    I'm really surprised I wasn't pointed out at that point in the game. I felt it was glaringly obvious by that time that I was mafia. :heh: But I guess it's easy to notice one's own mafia-like behaviour when you know you're mafia - being town really brings doubt and uncertainty into the picture.

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