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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I never got the intense hate for those films. Sure, they have their flaws, but I don't think they're terrible by any stretch. I think it's just the nostalgia kicking in; they're very different in style and tone from the originals, and those are the films they'll inevitably be measured up against.

  2. D'awww.. that's so.. sweet. Wanna hook up?


    You just got in a relationship and already you want to cheat on her. Shame on you! :heh:


    (It's actually a strange phenomenon, now that I think about it. It could take you a long time to notice the disappearance of a regular simply because you just assume they're there and don't consider them not being there a possibility.)

  3. I'm hoping for a paradigm shift at some point when people realise the lows and highs of the economy in a capitalist are only going to get more and more extreme, and that people start making structural changes to the way we organise ourselves with regards to economics.


    We're only ever 5 meals away from Civil/Class War.


    It really is rather amazing/terrifying that so many people can keep believing that capitalism is the answer to the world's problems in the face of what's going on.

  4. So hands up if you hadn't even noticed he hadn't been here ;)


    Me. But not because his normal presence is not noticeable, rather because he's such an integral part of these forums, you just assume he's here, even when he actually isn't.

  5. Massive thank you to Moogle and Danny for sponsoring me. Bout time I got off the zero mark!


    Equal amount of thanks to all our sponsors as well, obviously.


    I think this might be another real-life name fail for you, Goafer, my boy; Moogle's name is Sam Greveson - Sam Goodsell is Peeps. :heh:

  6. And I'll say this now, so that it won't confuse anyone when it starts: Days and Nights will be called "Courtroom Sessions" and "Breaks", respectively. So, if your PM references to a power you can use "during break", or that you possess a "courtroom power", you know it's nothing too fancy.


    This is just a brilliant touch. Have I mentioned lately just how much I love you? :D


    (Also, my friend unfortunately won't have time to play after all, but he says he'll follow the thread closely and hopefully join in later games.)

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