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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. There you go. Been looking for you. Why do you have business with an aligment investigator?


    My intentions were entirely beneficial, though I'd rather not reveal their exact nature at present if it can be avoided.




    Just noticed something; I was actually hit over the back twice ... you said you were only hit once, @mr\-paul?

  2. A game by The Peeps?! And at the same time as a Jonnas game again?! You guys need to stop hosting games at the same time! Your games are simply too good to divide one's attention between! :p I fear I'll do either one injustice by being too engaged in the other ... for now I'll simply observe this one - I don't know anything about the theme, either, but it sounds great!

  3. Sorry, guys, only just got home today and was absolutely knackered!


    @Nintendohnut: Yes, you did answer me satisfactorily! :)


    Regarding last night, I also targetted Sprout and received the same message, so I'm inclined to believe, despite the rather rough modus operandi, that it's the work of a protector.


    Moving on to business, I have no reason to doubt Sprout, and Grunchie's claims reek of mafia, not to mention the fact that he lied. Seems pretty straightforward.


    Vote: Supergrunch

  4. Take a coat @Dannyboy\-the\-Dane, and he will...




    Hey, it happened to be very nice weather in London all weekend! Don't blame me that your summer's a monsoon! :p


    Well it turns out that "King's Cross" is far too general a meeting place, so we didn't get a chance to see each other before I had to run and get the last off-peak train. So sorry to anyone hanging on our potential interaction (:heh:), and sorry to Dannyboy that I was in too much of a rush.


    Nah, it was just bad luck. It was rather optimistic, anyway. :heh: But like I said, I hope we do get to meet one day! :)


    Yeah I was just gonna say, I think that's pretty shit of you tbh @Dannyboy\-the\-Dane's gain!


    No, 'cause he removed it before I saw it. :(

  5. That's perfect, actually, since I think our hostel is in that area as well. Just text me tomorrow with a time that fits you, then we'll probably be able to work it into our plans. :) Providing my friend doesn't mind spending a bit of time with her travelling companion's friend from the internet. :heh:

  6. I guess I must have been going for the wrong guys in the past then, everything that's been said on here makes sense. It's just frustrating waiting for something to happen or to find someone, there's only so long you can be single before you start to feel like a total loser!


    Then don't just sit around waiting - seek out love yourself! :) Being passive rarely gets you anywhere, especially in this field.

  7. I have no idea exactly where I'll be when, so you should text me tomorrow to see if we can work something out. :) I can't promise anything, though, since I literally have no idea what we're going to do except seeing Wicked tomorrow evening and attending the Halloween ball Saturday night. I don't think we have any solid plans besides that, so we're probably just going to move around London and do what we feel like most of the time.

  8. Off to London first thing in the morning! :D If any of you are in the London area this weekend, text me and see if we can run into each other. I'm with a friend and we'll have plans, but there should easily be room for a quick chat at the very least. :)


    +45 24 80 49 24


  9. I agree that good looks are generally subjective, even though I know there is a popular 'type' that many people go for. I know my 'type' is not a popular one!


    However, my ex boyfriend and I were together for nearly 2 years and I had very strong feelings for him. I never thought he was good looking and he was far from 'my type'. Due to that we rarely ever kissed and I always had this lingering feeling that we should just be friends. Towards the end of the relationship I found out he'd recently been cheating on me with other girls. It was a horrible thing for him to do, but I knew he did it because he wasn't getting any attention from me.


    That's why I tell people they should be with someone they find attractive, looks obviously are important!


    I'd say physical attraction is important. Obviously there is a perceived ideal for beauty in society, but it's heavily affected/determined by culture, and it's my experience that a lot of people are attracted to different types that fall outside that ideal - and sometimes very far outside. In the end it's all in the mind, both beauty and attraction, and thus it's essentially just as subjective as most other things up there.

  10. I see where you're coming from but for yourself and Moogle to suggest Prostitution could possibly be legalised is a strong proposal. I respect your opinions and feel that the crime issue Moogle states is an important observation. But wherever sex is sold - wouldn't violence ultimately occur?


    The individual may initially have the choice/power but when carnal desires are involved all kinds of control issues may arise. We'd have many young women going into prostitution too - let's face it, the sexualisation of young people is already a concern. That's a horrific thought in my opinion. Why would girls educate themselves past 15 when they may be ready to enter the world of prostitution? Could boys then 'apply' for a job from a younger age? These questions would arise and would be sickening.


    Also: if a young person asks mum & dad what they do for a job and they reply 'I sell my own body for something as shallow as a piece of paper so you can have a secure future'. What message does that send out? How low can the human race sink for monetary outcomes?


    Just my thoughts.


    Well, prostitution is legal in Denmark, so that has probably affected my opinion. However, I'd argue that the concerns you raise, while definitely valid, are all based on a view of sex that I'm not sure I agree with.


    First of all, living in a country where prostitution is legal, I don't see many young girls suddenly turning to prostitution (and setting the minimum age at 15 also seems extreme). To be honest, the way you express it seems like scaremongering to me, and it also raises my next question: Why is it necessarily a bad and shameful thing to have sex for money? How is it sinking low? To me that view is based on old, conservative, and in my eyes outdated ideas about sex and sexuality.


    Besides, is it not something that would solve itself, anyway? Those who feel like you do would obviously not do it (and I believe there are still plenty who feel that way), and the ones who don't wouldn't have a problem with it if they wanted to do it. I don't believe in forcing morals onto people, so it's not an argument I can agree with.


    Now, where I agree most with you is on the topic of the dangers: Is prostitution per definition an unhealthy lifestyle physically and/or mentally? Or is it entirely possible to have a professional, healthy and respectful sex industry? I don't know for sure, and it's also one of the things that people in Denmark discuss a lot, but going back to the views on sex, I'm struggling to see why it couldn't be possible.


    To me it seems like most, if not all of the problems normally associated with prostitution (brothels/pimps (which are, by the way, NOT legal in Denmark), crime, poverty, abuse, etc.) are a result of the very attitude towards the concept that many people like you have. When something is viewed as shameful and low, it almost doesn't matter if it's legal or not, because it becomes something that people do out of desperation, and where there's desperation there are always people who are ready to take advantage.


    Essentially it seems to me that the problems stem not from the concept itself, but from society's view on it. And that's why I support making prostitution into a respectable industry with optimal conditions for the workers and safeguards in place to make sure the problematic elements are eliminated.


    I'm fully aware this may be a naïve belief, but I can personally see it working. Still, I'm obviously very open for debate, though I feel I've said what I wanted to say on the topic.

  11. Men and women find looks important. Why be in a relationship with someone who you are not physically attracted to? Also, would you want to be in a relationship with someone who didn't find you attractive?


    The way you look can also show a lot about your personality, such as how you dress, style your hair, hold yourself and how much you weigh. Men also find personality important, but views on personality are subjective. For example, one guy might find a girl who talks a lot about horses irritating, but his best friend might find it cute.


    And as with personality, looks can be quite subjective - it's interesting that if you have feelings for someone, you'll likely find that person physically attractive regardless of how he or she compares to the culturally determined "standards" of beauty.

  12. Goafer speaks much of my mind. Yes, on a very basic and generalised level, guys seem to be more focused on looks and sex than girls (girls are just as "shallow" when they're out, but there are other things that attract them besides looks).


    However, there are so many different types out there, both among men and women; so many variations in looks and personality, so many different turn-ons and tastes - the perfect man/woman for one person might very well be a nightmare for another. It's about finding the right one for you, and like Dan Dare said, internet dating is a great way of finding people that are to your tastes. A night out on the town is actually a very restricted experience when it comes to finding people because everything is so limited, from the number of potentials to the things you know about them and have to judge them on.

  13. Wow, this game goes so damn fast, I didn't even have a chance to post in the last day.


    Not that I found out anything of interest, as I didn't even get any PMs. Can someone explain why people are so certain that Gumshoe is a competent cop? I still don't see why self-investigation explains this (shouldn't that be equally competent/incompentent?), but I might be misunderstanding the mechanic. Either way, ReZ's response is a little odd however you look at things - if he's mafia, he surely wouldn't be that useless at arguing back (unless it's a double bluff), and if he's town, then shouldn't he have a decent excuse to use? Either way, I'll abstain from voting for him for now, but I can see why people find him so suspicious. And it looks like he's already lynched, abstention or no... :heh:


    We're not really certain at all, but he has investigated himself and got a good result, which suggests he's competent, though defect cops sometimes get a correct result on themselves for logical reasons. In either case, going through with the lynch would prove once and for all if Sprout's a competent cop. Plus, ReZourceman's defence is uncharacteristically weak.


    Actually, could we be making a mistake here? Is ReZ perhaps a jester role, i.e. he needs to get lynched to win? I doubt it, but I just thought I'd throw the idea out there.

  14. (I hate dressing up for Halloween when it's not scary/occult-y).


    Yeah, I think that sucks, too. But again, it's sort of your own fault over there since you don't have a regular dress-up holiday ... like Fastelavn here in Denmark! :D

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