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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Also, went down to start up Jidder with my Dad, since it hadn't been started in a while. My Dad said how the car looks better every time he sees it. Took me by surprise since I always figured he thought "why the fuck did you buy that piece of crap". It almost felt like a father and son looking at a joint project with pride.


    Awww ... did you kick the tyres and everything? :)


    It's almost like everyone has been told I'm dying and are being nice to me...


    Yeah, about that ...

  2. I remember someone complaining about Curb Your Enthusiasm making fun of 9/11 and then laughing at his comparison between survivor (tv show) and the holocaust. Equally as "offensive." material. You can't just chop and choose your morality.


    Why not, though? We all have different opinions on humour and what's offensive or not. No matter what you joke about, there are always someone who might get offended, so by your logic (which I completely agree with, by the way), you can in principle either joke about nothing or everything. But everyone has their tastes, and that's perfectly fine - good comedy is also about choosing the right audience for the material and vice versa. I wouldn't do religion-bashing stand-up for a strict, Christian audience, and I wouldn't go see a comedian whose speciality was dead kitten jokes. But that's not to say I think either kind of humour is wrong. Now, if that comedian was actually advocating killing kittens, then I'd get pissed, just like I'd dislike Gervais if he was actually hating on people with Down's syndrome. But that's the thing: Humour does not equal actual opinion. It amazes me that people still think making fun of something means you can't have a serious and respectful opinion on the matter as well, one that might, gasp, even differ from the one expressed in your joke!


    But all this is even beside the point if Gervais did indeed only use "mong" in the same way that "lame" is used nowadays, since the word in that sense has absolutely nothing to do with any handicap. Whether the word "mong" can be used in that sense is another debate altogether, one I haven't formed an opinion on.

  3. Maybe it wasn't the smartest word for him to use; I'm all for free speech, but I'm also for thinking before speaking. But I just don't understand why people get so up in arms about it; people are reacting as if he actually did express a negative opinion on people with Down's syndrome, and I'm not sure everyone can actually tell the difference. Honestly, there are some people who really should prioritise what to get offended about; getting offended about the use of a particular word instead of its intended meaning is most often just silly, if you ask me.

  4. Does that mean you won't suspect Nintendohnut if Cube turns out to be town?


    Nothing's set in stone. I'm always careful about analysing all possibilities. I'm just saying that I find it very unlikely that Nintendohnut would pull such a move as mafia; it seems like an unnecessary risk this early in the game. I'd find it much more likely that Jonnas would have given two townies a double vote; indeed, if that was the only argument against Cube, I wouldn't vote for him.


    This is what I'm worried about too. But think about it this way, if Cube turns out to be good then it possibly says something about the players who have been pushing for his lynch the most. Or maybe it's too early in the game for that.


    What made me put down a vote is Cube's tone...seems like he's still hiding something, or doesn't expect to survive for long. Seems more neutral than mafia.


    I think the mafia would be careful about pushing a townie lynch this early in the game too hard. Then again, the evidence against Cube, if it turns out to have been misjudged, could really either encourage pressure from the mafia or make them play it more safe by letting the town do the pressuring.


    And I agree about the tone. Townies are usually (though by no means always) more vocal about defending themselves because they're being wrongly accused, whereas mafiosos know they're guilty and thus have a tendency to play it more cool and tactical.


    If Dohnut was being so blatant in framing Cube, surely Cube would speak up or be more defensive?


    Indeed, Cube's calm demeanor does indeed increase my suspicions a bit.

  5. Second post: Should have refreshed the page before posting re:Nintehndohnut...


    Cube and Nintendohnut, one of them have to be evil/neutral. There's no way both are town.




    Ruthless tactics don't have to mean evil, it can just be sneaky. But compared to Dohnut's character description...






    Vote: Cube


    I think we should definitely avoid letting the descriptions influence our judgement here. A good guy can easily employ ruthless tactics, and an evil guy can easily act very friendly.


    That being said, Nintendohnut would, as I said, be very stupid - or very ballsy - to actively bring up his own double vote as an argument against Cube is he was mafia and trying to frame him.

  6. So Cube can intercept PMs, which is pretty much equally a mafia and town power, but he can also reduce majority? That's much more a mafia power, especially in combination with the former. Plus, Nintendohnut would be stupid to present his own double vote as an argument if he wasn't townie and believed Cube to be mafia.


    I'm leaning much more towards Cube being mafia now, though there's still jay's argument. Would Cube be able to intercept a role PM? Also, Jonnas did say he was experimenting a bit with this game - I'm worrying if that might be giving us townies two double votes and a majority reducing power (since both sides could technically benefit from it, although it's obviously far more effective in the hands of a mafia)?


    Still, when all is said and done, most of the evidence seems to point to Cube being mafia, and I'm willing to go with that.


    Vote: Cube

  7. Currently sitting on the fence about this one. We're basically relying on the word "corrupt" to mean evil.


    Not actually. The word "corrupt" was darksnowman's doing. What he did find out is what Cube has confessed to, namely that he forges evidence, which darksnowman's investigation claimed was "important".


    Cube, what is your night power?

  8. Falsifying evidence doesn't sit well in my books... Surely if you were good and influential, your double vote would be through legitimate means rather than forgery to lynch who you believe to be guilty?


    These are basically my thoughts as well. Then again, his character is known for "ruthless tactics" ... but I keep coming back to the fact that the mafia's entire shtick in this game is manipulating evidence. It just seems to fit too well. Plus, the mafia could technically have received a townie PM template ... however, I find that unlikely, so that really leaves me in doubt.


    Basically I'm not sure what we should do. If there are any other leads we can pursue today, I think we should do so, and if the general consensus is to lynch Cube by the end of the day, I'll have no qualms about joining in.

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