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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I just finished my first uni assignment tonight for tomorrow. I'm about to print it out when NO MORE BLACK INK FFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU


    Why is this in the good stuff thread, you ask? Because as soon as the initial panic subsided, I thought for a few seconds and decided to MacGyver the fuck out of the situation by changing the font colour to a dark blue that's nearly indistinguishable from black since there's still plenty of blue ink in my printer.




  2. He's not against gay rights, he's hyperbolically (word?) saying that politicians have spent their eleciton spin energy on waffling about issues that are in a way secondary to the finances, that if the same politicians who promised better rights for all had admitted at the time that they'd do what they've done to the fiscal situation of america then even the pro-gay and pro-marijuana sections of society wouldn't have voted for them.


    Ah, right! Thanks for clearing that up. :) It's a pretty good speech, but it put me a bit off. I'm also not keen on the whole "capitalism is great" thing, but I approve of the overall message. :heh:

  3. But I've said it so many times: You were allowed to question me. I never said you couldn't question me on my targets - in fact you did, and I simply gave the explanation that I hadn't given much thought to them because I'd been busy. No problems there. As Dohnut says, I see that as a completely valid tactic. Obviously you didn't believe it, which I understand perfectly since it is a weak explanation, but I don't see why you can't just say so and vote for me, then? Why is it a less valid explanation than any other explanation?


    Listen, it wasn't the questioning or the disbelief that made me feel I was being attacked, it was the seeming lack of acceptance of the fact that it was how things were. I didn't feel you were disrespecting my personal life by questioning me or disbelieving my explanation, I felt you were disrespecting it by giving the impression that I wasn't allowed to prioritise real life and then explain it as it were. Whether I used it as a tactic or not doesn't matter because I honestly was busy and hadn't been paying much attention to the game. And I felt I was being scolded for that, which is what ticked my already stressed mind off.


    As Jonnas concluded earlier: If people claim they've been busy as the explanation for any given thing, that's fine and dandy, and like with all explanations in the game, the other players are free to believe, disbelieve and/or question that explanation as they see fit and act on their belief. No hard feelings towards anyone.


    The point here is that NO ONE will be made out to be the bad guy for questioning or disbelieving any given explanation NO MATTER WHAT, as long as they respect the explanation given. :)

  4. Yvonne needs a medal for coming up with the rhyming thing. Seriously. Give her some sort of award.


    What inspired you to come up with that character trait, Yvonne? :)




    This was a very exciting game to follow! Peeps is close behind Jonnas on my list of favourite mafia hosts! :D

  5. I'm exceptionally boring when it comes to everyday clothes. A pair of jeans or equally simple trousers, a most often black t-shirt and sometimes a jacket(/)hoodie. That's basically all I ever wear.


    Whenever there's an opportunity, though, I love dressing up in more fancy clothes, as some of you may have noticed. Currently most of my outfits are back home, though, so my wardrobe is rather boring at the moment.

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