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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Dannyboy, I didn't exactly attack you - the vote was just for the vote count.


    Remove Vote


    BTW...don't forget who the investigater is.


    Ah, right. Sorry, I missed that.


    Also, I did consider the investigator, but then again we're not exactly supposed to judge people on their characters. At least not their alignment. I'm not sure if that extends to powers.


    You guys are now suspicious in my eyes :P Look carefully at Cube's wording in his post and you'll see why he has to be innocent.


    Lynching Cube would be a mistake, if you ask me.


    I think I know what you're talking about.


    Sorry, @Cube, but how does you having a double vote make you innocent? I'm not sure I follow your logic.


    And @jayseven, you might as well just tell us what it is about Cube's posts that make it clear he's innocent - if you're right you might as well share it with everyone because the mafia will have already found it. And I don't see it!


    He means that having a double vote explains why he forges evidence. It's not exactly a proof of innocence, though, but worth considering.


    Also, if jayseven is indeed talking about what I think he is, it would be wiser not to reveal what it is that alledgedly proves Cube innocent.




    While the "corrupt" description still doesn't sit well with me, I am beginning to get convinced that Cube is indeed innocent.


    Withdraw Vote


    Now I'm more interested in hearing about the nature of @darksnowman's power.

  2. bubble-objection.gif


    Very interesting...


    I would have thought that it would be obvious that "guilty" is the designation for "evil". Unless you weren't told that you were "innocent".


    Vote: Dannybot-the-Dane


    (That's just to prove my power).


    I am innocent, my goal is for the mafia to be arrested.


    How is it obvious that "guilty" is the designation for evil? As mentioned, they haven't actually been found guilty yet. It makes more sense in my eyes for their designation to be "corrupt", but the fact remains we don't know for sure yet what they're called.


    Also, seeing as we've already seen HJ's alignment as "innocent", I don't see where you're getting the idea from that I wouldn't know. I actually didn't even consider that and decided against specifically saying "innocent" because I wasn't sure if it'd be considered quoting my role PM.


    You responding to justified suspicions by counter-accusing me with a very weak argument doesn't make you look more innocent, I'm afraid. But because I have a nagging feeling, I want to make sure:


    @darksnowman, are you an alignment investigator?

  3. My info is that Cube is corrupt.


    "Corrupt" is the wrong word. I merely do some...alterations..to get us all to the correct verdict quicker.


    The truth is the only thing I'm interested in.


    The word "corrupt" is used specifically to describe the mafia, and the exact thing they're guilty of is manipulating the evidence. Together these two things seem as good as any "evil" result to me - and keep in mind that this game doesn't appear to use the standard "good" and "evil" designations; I wouldn't be surprised if "corrupt" is the designation for "evil" in this game.


    I'm willing to go with it.


    Vote: Cube


    Not sure if you've not accidentally targetted the real me...


    But seriously, I don't know any specific reasons why you'd get that on me. Maybe my vice is wearing a silly hat? I really don't have anything else to share with you guys, I'm afraid.


    It's no spoiler that Jake Marshall drinks from his small hip flask, so I'm pretty sure that's the vice in question. I'm a bit more worried about the "mysterious" description, but I guess your cowboy mannerisms could count for that?

  4. Do you have a 3D TV?

    It does makes sense that they didn't add 3D to the scenes that were never to be shown in cinema's.


    Obviously, otherwise I wouldn't be considering it. :heh:


    Yeah, I know it makes sense. I was really just highlighting the utter triviliality of my annoyance. :heh:

  5. No I don't know unfortunatly, but it's not uncommon to have passive powers you aren't told about.


    But in future I suggest everyone does not target me :p I understand I'm the point of interest if nothing else comes up, but I would hope to get some benefit of the doubt.


    Of course. The game's only just started. :heh: It doesn't exactly strike me as an obvious mafia trait, either, I just find it a bit strange since it's a passive power I'd expect you'd either be told about from the beginning or not at all. But that's not really an argument for anything, so I don't think there's more to be gained from this discovery.


    Unfortunately, that's all the info I have for now.

  6. I only know of one halloween party I'll be going to this year so far, and that's the "White Mischief: Ghost In The Machine" halloween ball in London the weekend after the next. I don't normally go to halloween balls in London :heh: - the only reason I'm going is because Abney Park will be playing, and I want to experience them live. So for that occasion I'm adapting my Victorian style suit to a "mad Victorian scientist" costume.

  7. I'm also glad I don't live in Denmark. I'd practically be Danny's neighbor.




    You shouldn't let little me discourage you, though. I'm by no means nationalistic, but when I hear about politics etc. in a number of other countries, I'm very glad that I live in Denmark/Scandinavia.


    Anyway, stories like this break my heart. :(

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