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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Ah, all right. See, that's the thing that's bothering me: If Nintendohnut targetted Sprout and was roleblocked, how come he was stopped the same way that mr-paul and I were when all three of us targetted the same person? It seems fishy to me. It's of course possible that a roleblocker who roleblocks the same way that whoever protected Sprout protects happened to target him (or even that three separate roleblockers with the same way of roleblocking happened to target us three Sprout-targetters on the same night), but I find it unlikely.


    Unless we are to understand a difference between reaching and successfully targetting someone; none of us successfully targetted Sprout, but maybe only mr-paul and I have "physical" ways of targetting that mean we reach our target before potentially being stopped - Nintendohnut simply makes a phone call and thus would never actually "reach" his target, even if he was stopped by the same person that stopped us. However weak I find this explanation, it would also explain why your info says mr-paul and I reached Sprout when we were actually both stopped.


    Dannyboy, did anything good or bad happen to you last night?


    Nothing I have been told of.

  2. Sorry, it's partly my fault for the confusion because I'm not telling everything. After reading what people said, I don't think anyone is lying. I don't think it needs further investigating. I merely wanted to know what business people had with Sprout, and since you're not telling there's not more to discuss.


    Ah, so more than two people could easily have targetted Sprout on the night in question?

  3. Do you need to type a certain number of sentences in a post, or are you just being in-character, Eenuh? :heh:


    Anyway, to get back to a previous question I don't think we ever got an answer to, can you say for certain that only two people targetted Sprout the night before last, @Tales? And if so, how did you get that information? Because if it's true, it heavily suggests someone is lying.


    Also, I hope it's true we can normally trust Sprout's investigations. However, it would mean we still have to be careful about trusting investigations blindly.


    Finally, as a sidenote, if anyone knows of any activity around Dazz last night, I'd like to know.

  4. I'm not entirely sure what's in question here(what game, what occured etc) but I think this is a contradictory statement. Why do they have to respect the explanation given and what if they don't? Then they're made out to be the bad guy for questioning or disbelieving it?


    Unfortunately, inactivity claims/bluffs are legitimate in mafia. Other players are/should/possibly need to be aware of this. They should be allowed to call bullshit on it and you shouldn't be allowed to get pissy about it, unless it's all within the game and how you're gonna play. If you don't like it, don't play the game. Hell, if you're inactive, you probably shouldn't play the game anyway. If you've a problem, it shouldn't go anywhere but the game thread or GM until after the game's over.


    It would probably be a good idea to read the other posts on the topic, both in the original game (DIY Video Game Mafia) and in this thread after the game, as it explains the situation a lot better. But I'll try to address your points.


    A distinction it was important for me to make (which was what started it all) was that, first of all, anyone is free to disbelieve anything in a mafia game. Of course they are, because it's the entire point of the game, truth and deception. However, what I felt Tales was saying was that busyness in real life per definition is an invalid explanation for any behaviour in the game - not that he simply didn't believe me, which would have been fine, but that I simply couldn't use that explanation, whether it was actually true or not. The impression I got was that he was saying that real life cannot and/or must not affect the game in any way. This is what pissed me off, both due to the fact that I was actually busy and stressed at the time, and due to the fact that I felt he was saying an internet game should be prioritised over real life. Obviously this is not an excuse for losing my temper like I did, but simply an explanation for why it happened.


    It is indeed a tricky distinction, but one that is essential to make in order to understand what happened. I also fully acknowledge that I may very well have misunderstood what Tales was trying to say - however, from the subsequent talks it does seem like we, as well as many other members, disagree somewhat on the topic.


    To sum up: No one will be made out to be a bad guy for questioning or disbelieving something in a mafia game - that is, as you say, the point of the game, after all. (No one should be made out to be a bad guy, anyway - we want to avoid unpleasantness like in this case.) But to do that fairly we can't set rules for what explanations are valid since that would defeat the entire point of the game - especially if they turn out to be true, which would just be offensive to the one who has given the explanation.

  5. Seems like London was a bit rough on me. Throughout yesterday I developed a very sore throat, though I didn't really notice it until it had got bad, and this morning I started having small coughing fits as well.


    Yup, definitely sick. I feel much worse now than I did this morning. :(


    Having coughing fits so intense it feels like I'm going to puke. Ugh, it's been a while since I've been this sick.

  6. That clears things up a bit. We don't know for certain it was a protection, but all three of us targetted Sprout and were knocked out from behind before we could reach him, so it seems the most obvious conclusion.


    Now, only one potential contradiction remains: that Tales mentioned only two people targetting Sprout last night. However, I'm not sure I understood that correctly, so I really want to hear what he meant.


    I think I'm a paranoid cop. I targeted Diageo and got Evil! Either that's right or I'm paranoid...


    Have you only had evil results so far? It could just be you're a dumb cop who's only targetted townies so far.

  7. So I'm back from my weekend in London, and overall it was amazing! :D The worst part was the travelling, since we had to leave far too early Friday morning, and I didn't get any sleep due to nerves (which I always get when I'm going to travel). But we arrived, and the hostel was much nicer than I'd expected, practically situated right next to the British Museum where we saw the Greek collection before I had to dash to meet Supergrunch (which was a fiasco since we had little time and couldn't even find each other :heh:). Then in the evening we went to see the musical Wicked, which was absolutely brilliant and made me miss standing on the stage myself! :D


    Saturday we walked around London and just enjoyed ourselves, visited the National Gallery among other things, and then in the evening came the time for the amazing Ghost In The Machine Halloween Ball at White Mischief! :D We dressed up in our steampunk clothing and went on our way, and due to absolutely no signs, posters or advertising of any kind we almost missed the place were it not for the line of steampunk-clad people out front. :heh:


    It was a nice little venue with a great atmosphere, the people were friendly, the shows were great, but of course the main attraction was Abney Park, which was the entire reason I went to London this weekend at all. ;) Their show was amazing, and both before and after they hung out at their merchandise stand and just talked to the fans, completely down to earth. I had no camera with me, but when I saw people getting their photos taken with the lead singer, I knew I had to get one, so I asked the girl in front of me if she'd take a photo of us and email it to me and hastily scribbled my email address down on a small piece of paper. I hope she remembers. :) Then I got the autographs of the other members, and at about 3 o'clock we went back to the hostel.


    The next day we checked out at 10 o'clock and just lazily walked around London all day, going from Subway to Starbucks to McDonald's and just passing the time, bored, tired and just wanting to go home. :heh: I bought myself the book The Grand Design by Stephen Hawking, and at about 7 o'clock in the evening we took the train to Stansted Airport where we waited all night since our flight wasn't until 7 o'clock this morning.


    All in all an exhausting, but amazing trip! :D

  8. Having followed this game, and having seen it happen before, I have a request: Please, people, if you won't be playing, then don't sign up. I know I've been inactive in past games, and I know real life can get in the way of planned activity, but then you need to be realistic and say: "I won't be able to participate to a satisfactory degree, so I won't be signing up." I realised I was being too inactive for the good of the game, and so I took the consequence.

  9. @Tales I've been at work and I thought the days only ended when there wasn't activity. There was plenty of activity today, and the lynch was pretty much guaranteed by the end of the day, so I didn't think it would end so abruptly. Again, my double vote would have brought about the end of the day sooner, and I wanted my questions answered. As they still haven't been answered and basically everyone has spoken, the roleblocker is obviously evil, and there is either an evil power booster, or mr-paul is lying (again, this is from my POV as I know I'm telling the truth etc)


    Also Tales, you were wanting to know who targeted Sprout. Well mr-paul claims to have, but he was apparently role blocked like me and I didn't manage to carry out my action last night so my target won't have counted. If mr-paul was also role blocked, he wouldn't have reached Sprout and therefore he wouldn't be included in the list of people who targeted Sprout. We know Dannyboy did, but I seem to remember you saying two people targeted Sprout last night? If that's the case, someone else other than Danny must've targeted him, because mr-paul wouldn't have reached him. Don't know if that changes anything, just thought I should point it out.


    Majority has been reached I'm sure, but just to make sure we're not in another 'Peeps in the Pokemafia' situation Vote: Supergrunch. I want it to be clear that I never doubted a majority would be reached today and I was only holding my vote because a) I wanted my questions answered so didn't want the day to end and b) thought the day wouldn't end because of the activity in the thread (at the start of the game Jonnas said this would be the case) and because I have been at work I haven't been able to check the thread until now (hence, also the long post - sorry about that)




    Why are you only revealing this now!? I've been asking ALL DAY! :(


    Why are you saying mr-paul was roleblocked? He and I targetted the same person and were both knocked out the same way - surely that's a protector? But you didn't target Sprout, you say?


    darksnowman, how do you know Zell was the one who knocked down The Peeps the first night?

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