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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I think it was just a way of getting rid of him from the courtroom, nothing more to it.


    I do believe you're right.


    Who did you target last night Dannyboy?


    I targetted mr-paul.




    ^It uncovers a bit more info on things I quote. I want to see if there's anything more we can learn from this event.


    Ooh, that's a brilliant power!

  2. One could argue that gossip's more about painting the subject in a certain light rather than relaying factual information. But I guess it depends on how simply you define "gossip". If you simply define it as talking about someone who's not present, then it's just that; but to most people I imagine "gossip" has more negative connotations, like actively trying to make someone look bad or spreading straight up untrue rumours. I stand by my personal definition of "gossip" being more about the gossipper than the gossippee.

  3. Could you give an example please?


    For instance, you could decide that one character is simply a bit faster than the others, meaning that if the outcome depends on who goes first, the faster one "wins". You could also make it sort of like a Pokémon type match-up, i.e. A is faster than B, B is faster than C, but C is smarter than A and thus acts first when facing him. Then again, if you want to keep it simple, that might be making things too complex.


    Generally, though, if you have a list of general power priority (e.g. protections before roleblocks before redirections, or however you choose to prioritise them), things should work out fine in most cases.

  4. Well, there goes the last person I had any real suspicion towards. :/ It's obvious to me this was done to make me look bad, but I can also clearly see how this looks from the other side, and I won't blame anyone for suspecting me right now. I'm willing to answer any questions people have to prove myself innocent.


    Also, I'm wondering if we should read anything into the fact that Nintendohnut was injured rather than just taken away. Personally I think it's just flavour, but it's worth noticing.

  5. I don't see why this massive hate for gossip and to those who gossip. Everyone talks about other people behind their back, sometimes positive and sometimes negative. Doesn't mean they have nothing going for themselves and that is the only reason they say it. Sometimes talking about other people is genuinely interesting, and when you're angry about someone, bitching about them to someone else can help you get some perspective on the situation.


    I agree. How is it possible not to talk about people behind their backs? Should we never talk about people who aren't present? That makes no sense. Of course we're going to share our opinions on people, good and bad, with other people - that's perfectly normal, necessary and healthy in a social environment.


    However, I don't view that as "gossip". Gossip is to me entirely different, its sole purpose being to sow unjustified negativity about someone. In this sense, the focus seems to me entirely removed from the subject of the gossip and onto the person gossipping; the gossipper is the central figure in that social game, garnering personal attention by belittling others.


    I know definitions are up for debate and the individual cases somtimes blur, but that's my basic view on it.


    Oh, and congrats to @Goron_3 for things working out! :D It's indeed nice with some positivity for a change, something we need more of in this thread. :)

  6. I'm getting behind on my studying, and while it really bothered and stressed me that I couldn't seem to pull myself together (I have procrastinated a lot and have just found it very hard to get my arse in gear), I've realised after some pondering that, while of course it's not a good thing in its own right, the fact that I'm getting behind/can't pull myself together is very likely the result of the stress from all the recent changes in my life finally catching up to me and demanding I slow down. And that realisation has made me take it all more easy and is opening my normally far too worried mind up to the idea that it's all gonna work out fine in the end. It'll be all right.


    Yeah, very much a stream of thought that I attempted to put on paper. Well, screen. Hopefully this is the beginning of a personal development for me.

  7. I wood've partreecipated in the plethflora of plantreelated puns, but I haven't bean maple to connectar to N-Yewrope before now.


    I see you've cut right through, flipped the table and spread a new layer of jokes. Frankly, I'm on the edge of my seat, and with the risk of forking everything up, I dare say we've found a buttery biscuit base for new comedy meaterial. And I'm hungry for more.

  8. Don't forget that the mafia discusses it amongst themselves before sending in their targets. So for most nights they'll be last.


    Excellent point, one that was implicitly part of my argument.


    Use story elements to pick priority in those cases.


    I agree, I believe priorities should be decided by in-game factors, not real-life influences.

  9. But... mafias obviously aren't fair. There's no way all players have equal "power," and it's not even clear whether or not that's desirable (after all, we often want some townies to be a bit sheep-like), so I don't see why it really matters how the GM chooses to resolve individual cases, unless he/she actually has a bias against an individual player.


    I don't mean "fair" on an absolute scale, but on a relative one. All powers oviously aren't equal, but they should be treated equally in all cases - a power can't suddenly beat another than it couldn't beat earlier unless there's a valid in-game reason for it. Consistency is the key.


    The GM might tweak the priorities or effects of powers during the game to balance the game, but trying too hard to balance a game while it's ongoing might just end up unbalancing it even further. It's a tricky business.


    I say that only with regards to characters with near/identical powers. If two redirectors target the same player but have two different players to redirect that player to. For example, you and Peeps target Supergrunch in the night phase. Peeps wants to send Supergrunch to Yvonne and Danny wants to redirect Supergrunch to Jonnas, the first one to send a PM should recieve the intended effect. Naturally this example is pretty tame as it excludes other possibilities of Supergrunch being protected/the redirectors being redirected themselves, but I hope you get the idea.



    Naturally you can mention this in the write up.


    I see your point, but I'm still not a fan of the first-come-first-serve basis. In my opinion it shouldn't have any repercussions to be late within the set time frame. I don't find it fair to give an advantage to people who are able to send in their targets more quickly.

  10. Well, I'd say yes in order to ensure that all cases are handled equally fair and to avoid any biased judgements in particular cases. However, for a principled approach to be completely fair it must be assumed that the initial balancing of powers and priorities is equally fair, something which in my experience is very hard to determine before the game is going, and thus a case-by-case approach might sometimes actually be more fair in the grand scale of things.


    Bottom line: The ideal is to strive for equal treatment and proper balancing, but sometimes the balance might need to be readjusted midgame through specific judgements.

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