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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. My PM had no indications about gender. It was heroicjanitor who said it was a man. But we know there were male mafiosos alive at that point, so it doesn't prove your innocence.


    I must say, I'm uncertain. There's no real incriminating evidence on mr-paul, but he's the most supicious we have (which doesn't say all that much). He or Eddie, but her story backs mine up and does make sense to me. I'd avoid answering questions for as long as possible if I were a lie detector, too.


    Gah! This is frustrating ... I'm leaning most towards going for mr-paul, but it's more a gut feeling than anything else.

  2. I didn't mean to offend you or anything, jay. :) I hadn't considered your hearing difficulties, but when you put it like that I think I understand your pattern of thought. It wasn't that this thread isn't for small things, either! Heaven knows there are too many big bad things in here. :(

  3. First of all, I apologise for being too late last courtroom session! I would've put down a vote for mr-paul.


    I protected Sprout last night, but I haven't received any PMs, which means I didn't prevent any arrests (which is all I can do).


    Eddie secrecy worries me, but mr-paul still seems like a very solid lead, and Sprout's apparently tampered result pretty much has me convinced. I'm more than willing to put down a vote for him, but I think we should get as much out of this session as possible.

  4. Perhaps it's a matter of interpretation, but to me it seemed like she was trying to stir up a reaction. I also don't think it's okay in any case for people to be abusive and cause discomfort for others on public transports. This is regardless of her opinions, by the way. She's free to think whatever she pleases and to speak her opinion, but I don't see why people in public transport should be forced to listen to it, especially in that way.


    Arresting people for shouting unpopular/offensive opinions loudly is a bit of a slippery slope though, it can prevent needed change. Not as much of an issue today (though they probably said that 50 years ago).


    In America the Westboro Baptist Church shouts at the family members present at dead soldiers' funerals and don't get arrested. They get police protection. Weird.


    Just to be clear I agree she should have been arrested :p


    See, that's precisely the thing: there's a time and place for everything. Public transport is not the place for sharing political messages, and a funeral is not the place for hatred of any kind. This isn't (at least to me) about preventing people from voicing their opinion (regardless of how high a degree of bullshit I may find it reaches), it's about common decency, respect and appropriate behaviour in given situations.

  5. I think she should be arrested for the following reasons:


    -She's clearly a racist

    -She was verbally abusing people in a public place. Put yourself if their position. If someone were to talk to me like that I would be going to the police and if they said they couldn't do anything about it I would be raging.

    -She was aggravating assault. She wanted to get a reaction from the people on the tram.


    I almost agree. In my mind it doesn't actually matter that she was being nationalistic/racist (despite how much I hate such people). Ignorant as they may be, they are entitled to their opinion. What they're not entitled to is abusing other people in a public place, and I'm happy she was arrested for that.


    I tried to make that post as PC as I could.


    Now, let's not be oversensitive about the topic. The concept of political correctness seems to have almost made a taboo out of such topics and made people hypersensitive about them. It's the form vs. content problem again.

  6. But yeah, it seems fairly clear that there are multiple uses of chav, some of which are classist and many of which aren't. But I don't see why everyone responded to chair with such hatred just because he suggested it was an inherently classist term.


    Because people will always be annoyed when someone criticises their choice of words and tells them what they're actually saying and what they should be saying instead. Chair didn't as much inform people about inherent connotations in the word as much as he put words in their mouths (or rather meaning in their words) and attacked them for it.


    When people attack the form of an argument instead of the content, the focus is being removed from what's important, and that's what annoys me most personally.

  7. I was the one who brought up the lynch stopper power against him. I'd be a very stupid and counterproductive mafioso to do that, plus two lynch stoppers on the mafia's side would seem quite unfair.


    I think you might be right about the protectors. I only protect against "kills" - Eenuh, what do you protect against?

  8. I'd also like to reiterate that I was the one who led the lynch against Zell since the session before last.


    At this point there aren't really any terribly suspicious people left, only ones less trustworthy than others. The four protectors thing does seem strange, but recall that we also had two double voters, something equally unheard of. Not saying that's proof of anything, just that I'm not sure how reliable an argument it is.


    Withdraw Vote

  9. Tales, you do realise that's according to paranoid cop Dazz's results, right?


    There's really no new info to go on? :hmm: I guess we'll have to follow our gut feeling again ...


    Eenuh makes a good point about mr-paul; he hasn't voted for any of the mafiosos (at least only after majority had been reached) and has voted for all the innocents. It could just be bad luck, but it does make me suspicious.


    What have you to say, @mr\-paul?

  10. The average is supposedly 7 minutes or so. I nearly always take longer than that. I'd have to be completely exhausted to fall asleep in such little time I think.


    I always stay up until around 4am. I would rather be active at night and sleep in the next day than go to bed early and have the morning. I think I subconsciously want to get the most out of the day by prolonging sleep as much as possible or something :p


    Sounds exactly like me. :heh: Though the morning is my favourite time of day, especially the sunrise. Maybe because I'm so rarely awake to experience it. :p

  11. I'm quite sure Dannyboy is good. Hopefully I won't regret trusting him ;P


    Thanks, you won't. :)


    mr-paul said Sprout was only targeted by Eenuh, heroicjanitor and Dannyboy but the killer would not have reached Sprout so may not be included in his results. I hope you targeted heroicjanitor last night mr-paul! I had a feeling we'd be losing herojan or Dannyboy seeing as I cleared them both in the last day phase. As outed kill-protectors they're obviously the best targets for the mafia.


    So did I, which I why I protected myself. :( My gut feeling said they were going for me, but my guy was wrong. :(


    My GUT was wrong. Dammit.

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