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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Coming on a Nintendo forum to be really coy about the frequency of your sexual encounters is sort of like walking through a rural town in Sudan with a KFC bucket under your arm.


    You cunt.


    Haha sex, no... you're getting it wrong.


    I'm not getting it at all.


    Posts of the decade, right there! :laughing:

  2. My comment on people being a bit dickish and going too far was because Retro had kind of carried it on with a comment he made but I assume he realised how it came across and edited it.


    Obviously Goafer still felt hit by Moogle's original comment. I'm not really sure what I'm trying to say with it, I just felt like pointing out that it's a thing that's happened before (I know from personal experience), and we should be aware of it. I love the humour on here, but once in a while we need to be careful how we use it. It has a tendency to come off as rude from time to time.

  3. I actually think the combination looks nice, and for some reason I'm digging the different and brightly coloured shoelaces. :heh:


    Also, regarding the "idiot/dick" comment, it's one of those situations where the rather rough humour on here misses and comes off as plain rude.

  4. I think we've had this topic not long ago somewhere.


    Since I've had glasses since I was like 5 or something, it's like they've become part of my look/identity. Plus the thought of poking at my eyes has always freaked me out (despite me often doing so accidentally when rubbing my eyes and feeling absolutely no discomfort at all).

  5. While I, like many others, turn on my laptop first thing in the morning and turn it off last thing in the evening (if I don't simply collapse with it still on :heh:), I wouldn't say it's a matter of addiction. Most of my daily activities just happen to be online, like visiting this forum, chatting to friends, watching YouTube etc. I can easily take time off, and I actually enjoy that since it allows me to enjoy other things like playing games, reading books, etc. without getting distracted; I've found that the internet severely lowers my attention span. Unlike many people I actually find holidays the best and easiest time to completely disconnect from the internet, even if I have my laptop with me and there's internet access.


    I do, however, get a bit agitated when I haven't been online for a while since the (online) world moves on without me, and I feel like I'm missing out; this is especially true when I've been away from this forum for more than a day at a time. Also, in relation to the lowering of my attention span, my laziness sometimes results in me just mindlessly browsing the internet when there's something I'd actually rather be doing, like reading a book or playing a game. This used to be worse, but I've become better at avoiding it. Interestingly, this tendency leads to a peculiar and rather annoying situation when I'm procrastinating since my conscience and laziness are often an even match, meaning I'm too lazy to get work done, yet I still can't bring myself to actively take a couple of hours off to do something I really want to; the result is that I end up wasting those couple of hours neither getting work done nor actually doing something I want, but instead just mindlessly browsing the internet or doing something similarly uninteresting and unproductive.

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