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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I have a great feeling about this! :D


    Vote: No Lynch


    (Also, when you want to tag me, make sure it's Dannyboy-the-Dane. There is another, albeit inactive user by the name of danny, and he's been tagged quite a number of times in my place.)

  2. It's obviously a patch. You may post in fragments, but you're not fooling me; I know you're not stupid. The question is, why would you deny the obvious truth that it's a patch? I'm onto you, Wesley. And soon, very soon, I will find out what you're up to.

  3. I'm in. Both Saturday and Sunday. The N-E Meet is one of the highlights of my year.


    If we sort out a date early enough, I'll be able to book off the Friday and Monday. This will hopefully allow me to do several things:


    Pick up Dannyboy from the airport on the Friday

    Drop him off again on the Monday

    He can stay with Me and ReZ (and whoever else joins us this year) in London on the Saturday night and with me at my place the other nights


    Basically me and ReZ (if he doesn't mind booking the hotel again this year) will take care of everything UK side. Hopefully that should make things a bit easier for him.


    That said, no pressure Danny. If it's too expensive/much hassle to get flights etc, I don't think anyone can blame you for not wanting to spend that much for a weekend away.


    Wow. That really means a lot to me. :blush: And it could very well make the whole difference for me; like I said, it's not really the money that's the main issue, it's my anxiety of travelling to a foreign country. If all you mention there could be taken care of, it would be an enormous relief for me. I might very well be able to handle the trip, then. :)


    All right - for now, sign me up! :awesome:


    I'll need to check when my holiday begins and if my parents have any plans involving me this summer, but otherwise I should be free to go whenever.

  4. Who's the closest N-E member to you... any chance of linking up with someone else to make anything easier for you. Is it the travelling plans you're worried about?


    I'm not sure who that would be ... Magnus is actually a plausible candidate, though I don't know where in Sweden he lives.


    It's not the travelling plans per se, it's more that there are so many things I worry about, plus I'm always anxious in unfamiliar situations. All of this is pretty closely linked to my old autism diagnosis, of which this is one of the strongest remnants.


    It's time for Magnus to swoop in and be our new favourite Scandinavian by travelling the furthest anyone has travelled to make a meet ;)



  5. Didn't you go to London again fairly recently? No reason you can't use some of that student loan money to go to the next meet. ;)


    Yup, and that also nearly killed me. :heh: Jokes aside, it took a lot out of me, especially since it was a quick trip in a school weekend, and I even had a friend with me at that time. I am not good at handling the pressure of travelling to foreign countries, and I can't even imagine myself doing it on my own. I only went that weekend because it was a dream of mine to experience the band I went to see live and because it could very well be my only chance.

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