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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I watch it when I'm zapping and it happens to be on. I don't hate it, at all. I just don't understand watching it unless you're getting a laugh out of it. It feels like watching a B movie. But I don't hate it, at all.

    I do get annoyed at their tendency to phrase the concepts in a way that will make them sound intelligent just to attempt to elevate their level (you know, like The Big Bang Theory, or some parts of The Matrix trilogy)... but that's about it. I just don't understand how it could be anyone's fav TV show unless it's the only one they watch, basically... but I'm not saying it's as bad as Two And A Half Men, or anything. But there's no denying how camp it is.



    If you think they're trying to make it sound intelligent, I believe you're mistaken. The focus of Doctor Who isn't the science, it's the stories that explore a world without the boundaries of reality that we know it. It's obvious they don't take the science seriously - most of the time the tech speak is intentionally funny gibberish.


    Why is it so hard to understand that someone can like something you don't? And/or not like something that you do? Plus there's the illusion of objective quality that you're clinging to, but let's not go into that again. ;)

  2. I don't really watch it (only seen a handful of episodes, back when it was airing here), but it is pretty enjoyable. Nothing to be taken seriously, of course, but it is good at being silly.


    Unless it drastically changed direction in more recent times or something, I'm not really getting the hate (not exactly from you, I just noticed all the thanks you got :heh:)


    It's definitely silly, but there are certainly also deeper elements, especially as the series progresses.

  3. Wait, what... ok, I may be hitting a nerve here, but... people actually seriously watch Dr. Who? I mean, there are people who actually like it for real and aren't just watching it for shits and giggles? Oo

    What... in the hell? oO


    We'll never, ever learn to get along, Oxi, my friend. :p

  4. This morning I told a Jehova's Witness there is no God and that we are all an insignificant part of the vast beauty of the universe, but we can still be important to each other. He was very polite.


    On my way to work I saw a Batmobile made out of a Robin Reliant pick-up.


    My thighs look fantastic right now.


    Best post EVER in the good stuff thread? Yeah, I think so.

  5. Awesome! :D Thanks for doing this, Goafer. :)


    Positive Member of the Year


    Winners: Dannyboy The Dane and Ville

    Runners Up: Fused King, Eddie Coleslaw, Bevrage and Coolness Bears


    (Goron 3 Technically did't vote, otherwise it would have been Ville as winner and Dannyboy as runner up).


    Aw, way for taking away the sweet taste of victory. :heh:

  6. FOX news is a different beast altogether. Worst "journalism" I've ever seen.

    At least their bias is clear as water, their lack of professionalism makes anything they spew impossible to take seriously, if you ask me. I mean, that Anonymous report could easily catch anybody's attention if they didn't use terms like "Hackers on Steroids" and "Internet Hate Machine!".

    They'd be much more effective if they could make more coherent points and present themselves more professionally. And that's a scary thought.


    Oh, I completely agree. I utterly despise FOX News. I didn't watch the video, I was actually just commenting on the link with the reasons America isn't the land of the free.


    Oh, definitely, you're right, most American politicians are scumbags. The Republicans are just usually much worse.[/not at all a generalisation born of intense dislike of American politics, no siree]


    I rest my case. Seriously, I get almost depressed reading about American politics.

  8. But seriously:


    Both sides are in on this.


    Also I think... I may be wrong... but I'm pretty sure a Democratic President just recently signed off on what is maybe the biggest roll-back of civil liberties in the US.


    Oh, definitely, you're right, most American politicians are scumbags. The Republicans are just usually much worse.[/not at all a generalisation born of intense dislike of American politics, no siree]




    There's a massive difference between "this is how the new laws could affect loads of legitimate websites" and "we're bringing down your sites because you took down a company making millions from piracy, who had been warned many times. Now shut up and let us pirate everything".


    Yeah, despite Anonymous sometimes fighting for a worthy cause, most of the time they just come off as selfish anarchists to me.

  9. So here's an interesting question.


    If you guys were to go bald before say 40 (those who haven't), would you try to cover it with a wig/toupée?


    No way, I think they look horrendous. :heh: I'd much rather go straight for the bald look.

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