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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Sorry, but what Wikipedia and others have done simply isn't terrorism. It's not even a strike in Wikipedia's case because you can still access their site. Besides, these sites have absolutely no obligations to stay in business if they don't want to, but that's completely missing the entire point; this is a strike, a protest. It's sometimes the only weapon we have against those in power. Calling it terrorism is a kick in the face to victims of actual terrorism, if you ask me.

  2. I think there's an element of 'saving face' in not ganging up on Will, and instead letting Eddie have her say and allow him to clarify to her rather than have to feed the pressgang pack.


    I don't think the roosevelt quote is apt here. It is instead the rest of you who are criticising him, a man who has 'dirtied his face' and actually experienced the issue first hand, thus he is at the least a more reliable source of information on the matter.


    I do think it's not the most logical stance that he has taken, but I do not agree that it is an opinion that needs to be beaten into the ground simply because it is deemed unromantic in comparison to what others project or perceive.


    I must say I don't really recognise any pressganging or beating down of opinions due to romantic projections. I see a number of people acknowledging will's point, but disagreeing with his judgment of probability and tone of argument.


    I personally fully respect will's opinion and acknowledge his point, even though I don't completely agree with it/find it rather pessimistic. My main gripe was the in my opinion rather tactless way in which he expressed it.

  3. I don't want to speak for Danny, but I assume he meant "having an opinion, but keeping it to yourself for the sake of someone else's feelings, especially when they're clearly upset about the situation" sort of people skills.


    Pretty close. I'm not saying he shouldn't have stated his opinion, I'm saying that telling someone who's clearly upset, "Yeah, you'll probably never see him again," is pretty darn tactless. There are countless way to express that opinion more elegantly.


    I'd rather be like Eddie and at least try these sort of things, knowing that at the very least I'll have had a good time, than the sort of person who doesn't try things on the grounds that "it will never work".


    Amen to that. Great quote, by the way.

  4. It's hardly pessimistic' date=' that would be running round thinking every girl you talk to could result in an eye-stabbing. It's my honest take on a situation I have experience in and personally don't agree with.[/quote']


    Well, that's all subjective, really. In my eyes it's pretty pessimistic since I've seen several long-distance relationships work out just fine.


    Depends what you mean by people skills' date=' the message and wording was taken exactly as I intended, it's meant to sound harsh as I think it's a stupid situation to yourself in.[/quote']


    Well, we just happen to disagree very much on the situation, then. Regardless, I still think it could've been said much more elegant, but maybe that's just me.


    (Loving the new thread title, by the way! :D)

  5. Keep strong, Eddie. You've found something wonderful, and that stays true regardless of spatial and temporal distance. :) Just look at Fleenuh! ^_^


    Where does your boyfriend actually live' date=' Eddie? I hope it works out for you, I really do. But that amount of time, with a very new relationship, while you're both young? My money is on you never seeing him again.[/quote']


    Sheesh, pessimist much? And I'm assuming people skills aren't your forte, either.

  6. This is the first thing that popped into my head when I read the thread title:
    Broadcast Yourself


    Congratulations on passing your test Eenuh.


    I should probably try and pass my test this year, I'm getting on a bit now (26).


    The first thing that popped into my head was Misty's song from the very first Pokémon soundtrack. :heh:

  7. I'm not a driver myself so I can't really comment on the difficulty of the switch, but I'm surprised they just let people switch without any test. I dunno, maybe the switch is just much more difficult in my mind than it actually is in real life.

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