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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Really? I was surprised she held out so long considering her habits.


    "First of all, let's get one thing straight. Crack is cheap. I make too much money to ever smoke crack."


    Denial never sounded so classy.


    Wow, really? I had no idea. Then again, I didn't know much about her at all.

  2. A new MP3 player! :D The cheap one I've had for ages should have died a long ago according to common sense with all the beatings it's taken, but it's still in perfect working order, and I've been wanting a better quality one with more functions and space for a long time now, so I decided to just go out and buy one. This one has 8GB and a great load of functions by the looks of it (haven't checked it out personally yet since it's still charging) so I am looking forward to trying it out.


    I also bought a new set of earphones separately since I prefer the kind with earhooks, and my old set was starting to fall apart. The new ones are ever so slightly more difficult to put on, but they fit very well in my ears, they stay where they are, and there are no loose parts or annoying fabric coverings which can easily be lost. Furthermore, the sound quality is excellent.

  3. TheFly.jpg

    I loved this! It was really good, well acted and written, yet felt so concise and to the point. Like the point of making it was just to prove you can do this stuff well if you just try. Some genuinely disgusting bits (as I'd heard) but relatively tame by today's standards. I can't tell if I liked Geena Davis' character or not, but she felt well done so it's ok. I really enjoy how unpretty she is, she just looks like a normal woman. (I watched Thelma and Louise for the first time too the other day and was blown away by it/her)


    Yeah I recommend this. Also watched The Fly II as it came in the same dvd case. HMMMM! is all I'll say. / I'll add that it's not worth watching and I wanted everyone in it to burn in hell.


    You might want to find another image for The Fly. This one doesn't appear to work.

  4. The Madonna tickets I bought and was so fucking excited about are now nothing to me as I got the dates my family and I are going to Turkey wrong, we're in fact going to be away the date of the concert.


    So now I'm £137 down on my very minimal bank account but mostly really really upset I'm missing the one show on earth I'd most want to see. Can't believe it.


    And my family never go on holiday anymore...the one time...


    I'm going to wear black and lie in a ball on the floor I also managed to damage with water the other day. Maybe I'll be fined by the landlord too, above everything.






    I just don't care anymore. She'll die next year and I'll have never seen her. *starts to dig own grave*


    And you can't/won't opt out of the holiday?

  5. If you are both close friends then I see no alternative to meeting her! If she means something to you, I (personally) would deem the 6 hr journey worth the 2 hr meet-up. It would be awful if you were to regret not seeing her / others before you move.


    You sound like you need a little breather :) Relax and know that what happens is what the Universe had in mind. [Probably being patronising, sorry :p]


    We can't all travel long distances on a whim. :heh:

  6. If memory serves, in the Ultimates story, Parker's Dad was trying to invent some new kind of adhesive, but never quite finished the formula. Peter often went back to it and tried to finish the last piece of the puzzle, but couldn't do it. Once he got his Spider-Man powers, it suddenly fell into place. I think this is actually something I heard Stan Lee come up with, in an interview about the plausibility of synthetic web-shooters in the Raimi movie.


    It makes sense in a way. Humans, IRL, have never been able to recreate the tensile strength of spider web to scale.


    In the trailer for this film, you see Parker filling in an empty space in a formula, to Conners' amazement.


    So, I guess that's how it all fits together :) And with that in mind, I don't think it will hurt the film to spend a little time focussing on the web shooters as a plot device.


    I believe this is right. And while it's a great explanation, I've always found it a bit too convenient. :heh:

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