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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Well it's not 'til June, so she probably just hadn't got around to telling him yet.


    Most likely, but I was just wondering about Mike saying "She did say I wasn't to know ..." I'm wondering if he means she intended not to tell him or she's saying it's okay because he didn't know.

  2. I think anyway. Not a big fan of this style of 'psychology', or neuroeconomics as it's sometimes called, because it's largely nonsensical social psychology trying to understand how we make decisions without taking into account all the variables
    :D Apologies if that's put a dampener on what your trying to do here :laughing:


    I agree entirely with this. It was actually my first thought when reading this, but then I decided to play along instead of being a spoilsport. :heh:


  3. 1: A, obviously, because I'm not a petty bastard who can't deal with things going better for my friends. Besides, I can get a pack of cookies for ?1!


    2: The Prisoner's Dilemma. I've read about that. Though it's somewhat different than the usual version, and the differences here make it a lot simpler. The usual version requires more tactical thinking since the possible outcomes are different and the other prisoner is your partner, introducing a loyalty/trust element. This one is a lot more straight forward: There is no reason for any of us to keep quiet since the one who provides evidence first gets free. Why go for the half prize when going for the full prize has the same odds and you stand to lose the same? Both prisoners know this, but don't know each other, and thus there's no reason for them to consider the alternative. Unless you choose to be altruistic and let the other go free, but he is a criminal, so it's probably not that altruistic in the grander scheme of things.

  4. I do believe you can be non-sexually attracted to people too. Look at your group of friends, we may not admit it, but we do select our friends partially based on their appearance. We like people around us to look nice, to fit in with our image.


    This is gonna sound like a classic case of denial, but I honestly don't select my friends based on appearance. At all. And I doubt I'm the only one.

  5. 1) Eye contact. If you've ever had this happen before, you'll know what I mean. You can build up a truly palpable chemistry with someone by doing this, as if you are playing some kind of chicken but in small little instances.


    Somewhat related: A crush I had for several years could melt butter with her smile. Whenever she smiled at me it was like straight out of a cartoon; my heart started beating faster, my temperature would rise, my face probably also turned red ... I was just sold.


    Since my crush on her has faded away, though, I doubt her smile would have the same effect anymore.

  6. My back is close to being literally as crooked as a question mark when I slouch, so I normally make an effort to straighten my back, especially when I walk around. I also have a concave chest, which makes me look even worse if I don't make an effort to keep my shoulders back and chest forward. It used to be pretty strenuous, but I've got more used to it by now.

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