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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. But yes, images of me dressed as Ariel should really hammer the point home to everyone.


    Because crossdressing at parties is totally not common among heterosexual males ... :heh:


    Seriously, though, I can't help but notice the irony in a gay person expecting us to judge a person's sexuality on their behaviour. Isn't that rather prejudiced in a way?

  2. I have absolutely nothing to share at this point, I'm afraid. I don't even see myself in the write-up. :hmm:


    Thinking about it, are we looking at a power that forces people to swear, or could it have a more sinister potential that we've yet to see? It could be a control power that they just chose to test in a funny and inconspicuous way.

  3. Array ( [hascustom] => 1 [0] => customavatars/avatar3129_33.gif [1] => width="125" height="125" )


    This line of code appeared at the top of the screen on the main forum page. It's written in plain, black text as if I was looking at a blank, white page with a single line of code on it.


    Hm, apparently it changes. I just got the following line instead:



  4. We had a cat that was actually a year older than me, and we'd had it since birth. It had to be put down at 14 years old, and for a little while after we weren't sure whether we wanted a new cat or perhaps another pet, but then fairly quickly a stray cat came into our lives and have since had several kittens, so now we have 4 cats. It didn't feel disrespectful or anything of the sort, we were just thrilled to have cats in the house again. :)


    Yeah, this turned out a lot longer than I expected. But! That's all part of the learning process.


    (If I keep this up it should probably be moved to its own thread. If a mod or admin would be so kind, it'd be much appreciated.)

  6. Well, thank you. :) But no, I'd hate to have a Danish accent. Danish English sounds horrible to me, as well as to most Danes, but I guess others might just find an accent charming? I dunno. I don't think I could even stick to a Danish accent unless I actively tried to since the British accent seems to come most naturally to me, but even now I can still hear the Danish twang in my voice, I don't really care for it. But yeah, like everything else I'll just let my English be as natural as possible.

  7. Brighton is fantastic. Claire and I are going there for our 7 year anniversary this (March) ~next~ month. I love it not only because, (for the reasons you guys probably love it) that its just a unique, fantastic and charming city, but also because;


    - Its got delicious food shops (ben cookies, amazing ice cream parlours) etc

    - Its got a casino

    - Its got amusements (which Claire and I both love because we're tacky)

    - Its got rides

    - Its got a comic shop

    - Its got a LEGO shop.


    We are staying at The Grand. o_________0




    SEVEN TIMES you made the same grammatic mistake in this post. And I had such high hopes for you.

  8. Especially since I likely won't use cuts and fancy stuff, so it'll just be me talking to the camera uninterrupted for a couple of minutes, which means I really have to put my perfectionism on the shelf and just roll with it. In that way I think it'll be a good exercise for me in just relaxing and being myself.

  9. Sounds good. One thing I'd recommend is set a time limit, maybe 3 mins. It means topics must be to the point, and the thought of working on an idea isn't nearly as daunting.


    I will try to be coherent and not ramble as much. :heh: But I also won't place too many limits on myself, because I think that'll just make me more worried and perfectionistic about my "performance". My main focus is to just be natural and relaxed.


    I am of course on board. You did however, mistakenly say that Kate and Corey were your inspiration to do a VLOG, and no mention of me. thx. xxx


    You were certainly also in my thoughts! ;) As were Ville and Jonny and others I've seen, but Kate and Cory are who really inspired me to do something myself.

  10. There is no "the one". You'll find someone else.


    Exactly. The concept of "the one" is ridiculous.


    Also, while you may have seemed to come on a bit strong, she certainly seemed to reciprocate in the beginning, so it's hard to tell what went wrong exactly. But like the others say, it doesn't seem like there's much you can do, so it's better to just try to move on. Don't worry, there are countless people out there who'll be great matches. Never give up! :)


    So yeah, I might be doing vlogs from now on. If I can be arsed and don't run out of ideas. But it shouldn't be a problem, there's hardly any interesting content in this one (except that one moment where I scratched my head, that was amazing), and it's 5 minutes long!

  12. If they carry over a unique subtitling into any future sequels it could be a good thing.


    Instead of the sequel just being "The Avengers 2" it could be "Avengers: (Insert good subtitle here)"


    I always prefer subtitles over numbers for sequels


    "Avengers Assemble" clearly defines this as the first Avengers film


    This is a very good point. But it's still just The Avengers in the US, so I doubt we'll see any of that.

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