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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I mean absolutely no offence to what I am about to say and I'll probably regret posting this but I think he looks like Dannyboy if he put on a lot of weight and got a hell of a lot older...sorry, love you dude! :D


    Believe it or not, my first idea for a comment when watching that was something along the lines of: "And there's me after 20 years of vlogging." :p

  2. The most recent ones are my favourite. I in fact plan to have some fun with the cinnamon one as soon as I am able to.


    Thanks! :) I look forward to it. ;)




    I actually really want to learn to play the violin. Regarding the opium ... well, I probably shouldn't show that on YouTube. ;):heh:

  3. This is exactly how a DIY mafia is supposed to be! I was thinking of running one when I had more time myself.


    They're usually so fun to run (the last time I ran one, some of the choices included an Eye Disease, a Worm from Worms, Mulder and Scully chosen independently, the King of All Cosmos and Jonnas). I got creative and improvised with a lot of roles (especially those that were sent early). Hell, Angus MacNeil was inspired by a role I created for that game.


    Just remember to create a sign-up thread for that :heh:


    Ah, yes, that was the first ever mafia game I participated in! It was glorious! :D

  4. During my research I did see a couple of people who didn't react too strongly - including a guy who seemingly kept eating spoonful after spoonful, but I suspect him of cheating since I can't see how that's possible! :p

  5. Won £320 at the casino last night, and for the first time in ages my mate I went with was up (a lot) too. So was double happy/. Amazing. Brings my trip streak up to 4 separate nights, minimum wins £100, and if you factor in going to different casinos, 7 trips without a loss, and total winnings of those trips just shy of £1,000.


    And we got an (albeit small) bonus at work this quarter/month.




    Did ... did you just use parentheses correctly?

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