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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Didn't I explain it? I find it strange to clear a silent player, with a power that's unconfirmed, with a re-direction that's unconfirmed. Everything else adds up with everyone else. It's hardly a massive focus either, which you seem to make it out to be, I just find it strange. I'm not voting for him yet or anything. I don't see why you're focusing so much on this weak focus! Basically my last post explained everything as to why. The fact he ISN'T an investigator/cop makes me wonder how he would know. The fact aqui1a is silent, the fact his apparent re-direction isn't confirmed. What if they're in cahoots and he's trying to explain why he targetted him and seed him as town as the same time? Everything in this post I've already said before, people ask for me reasons, I give them, then they ask again!


    Yes, you have explained your reasons, and all I'm saying is that I just don't follow them. I don't see anything strange about clearing a silent player (which you really don't have to be a cop to do), and to be fair pretty much everything is unconfirmed at this stage in the game.


    I find it's you who keep focusing on ReZ and his apparent suspiciousness, and since I don't follow your logic, that's what I've been focusing on. :heh:


    For the record I don't suspect you of anything or believe you to be mafia. In fact I'm more inclined to believe you're town since you're always so paranoid when town. :heh:


    Anyway, are these all the leads we have for today? Nothing I find immediately suspicious, I'm afraid. :hmm:

  2. Focus in that out of everything/everyone, everything else adds up and so I find ReZ the most puzzling. We can't confirm his alignment, we can't confirm he's been redirected, we don't know if he's good or bad, and as I'm pretty sure I've said almost constantly, I find it quite bizarre for somebody to clear a completely silent player as town when it hasn't been called for, and don't see the explanation for why it's so either. ReZ is quite good at mafia, and I find it a very strange move. If I was town with the info, I wouldn't see/feel the need to reveal it until aqui1a was a little more under fire. So far the only thing against him, is his inactivity from what I see.


    But I don't see anything that doesn't add up about him and thus warrants suspicion. We can't confirm a lot of things about a lot of people at the moment, so I don't get why you focus so much on ReZ.


    I also fail to see why his semi-clearing of Aqui1a is so suspicious. Info is always slow in the beginning of the game, so people contribute with what they can. ReZ hasn't come out as a cop, or as anything else for that matter, so he hasn't exactly painted a target on his back or anything.


    Despite what it may seem like I'm not actually defending ReZ, I'm just very confused about your in my eyes unfounded suspicion of him.

  3. I must admit I'd also like to know exactly why ReZ is suspicious. He has simply been the focus of today's discussion about last night's events, but I don't see anything that makes me suspicious of him. If anything I have reason to trust him since what I've found matches up with his claims.

  4. When Goku was mentioned the pink blobs were reminding me of Majin Buu:



    Buu is a good candidate, though I personally suspect it's Ditto. Who are you, ReZ?


    Lol, welcome to my life and Dohnut/ReZ.


    So far we have;

    heroic - no threat to town according to Cube

    Danny - probably town due to DuD's death/swap

    aqui1a - ReZ says he got info that he's town, though not an info gatherer. @Aqui1a has been quiet all game.

    mr-paul - EEVIL thinks he is town and has confirmed his power/being targetted on night 1

    Dohnut - nothing to unconfirm his previous claim being blocked til night 4.

    ReZ - not actually verified by any of this, except that he was indeed redirected by Danny. Actually, we don't know that, can you confirm a redirection Danny? Do we actually know he was redirected or did this get assumed?


    Tbh my focus at the moment is on ReZ.


    Hold on, I don't redirect in any way. If ReZ was redirected, it was some else's doing. What I can confirm is that he ended up at Aqui1a, but I don't know anything about potential redirections and original targets.

  5. Would allowing 'free speech' such as racism not essentially condone saying these things as okay?


    I don't believe so, no. It's not legal to discriminate based on colour or gender etc., and that's the judicial acknowledgement that it's wrong. But I find it fundamentally wrong if the government can outlaw what people are allowed to think or express.

  6. Based on night 1, I'm relatively sure the pink ooze is either Yvonne, mafia, or both. I was hit by a pink blob of some kind on night 1.


    And as far as I can follow it, none of the information clears Rez. Everyone else, yes, but not Rez.


    As has become apparent from today's events, I targetted ReZourceman, who I discovered to be the pink blob. I can also confirm that he targetted Aqui1a last night, which so far backs up his story.


    Also note that a pink object also features in today's write-up, which I don't believe to be ReZ.

  7. Loved the last line: 'some say that it is an incredibly potent and arousing aid to animal scat fetishists, others merely state “Its something a bit different, and turns a boring old sofa into a boring old sofa that smells of dog shit”.' :laughing:

  8. But surely calling yourself a "Brony" (or any other label for another show), rather than just saying "I'm a MLP fan" means that you're associating yourself with that group and their culture. I'm into indie music but would never have referred to myself as an "indie kid".


    Sure, because I do. But you can't just equate an entire fanbase, group, culture, whatever with the worst parts of it. That's generalising and narrow-minded.

  9. I think my least favorite thing about the whole 'brony' subculture is how special it thinks it is. I imagine bronies spend most of their time verbally masturbating each other.


    I mean, all fandoms are obnoxious to some extent, but at least most of them are content with just reading homosexuality into anything two male characters say to each other.


    Things like this just put me off watching the show completely.


    Well, aren't you open-minded and non-generalising. :blank: Really, though, most of us aren't that bad. At least don't hate the show because you hate its fans.

  10. Well, one thing's for certain, none of you have succeeded in lying low. Can we now please move on? You're just repeating the same things to each other over and over again, yet somehow managing to increase the length of your posts each time.


    Does anyone know anything more about the events of last night? Anything that can clear stuff up or lead to any ... well, leads?


    @Yvonne Yeah, my mind went to Tangled as well. I'm not sure of that at all, though. That's what I love about DIY mafias, you can only think outside the box 'cause there's no box to think inside of. :heh:

  11. Yeah i get you. :)

    If you think marriage is pointless then that kinda thing won't be a problem. I guess those who do actually think it means something will have a different view. :)


    My point is that marriage means different things to different people and thus represents different sets of values. I don't believe you can say one marriage is more "true" than another except within its own boundaries, its own set of values.


    For the record I feel completely the same way as you about marriage and relationships. :heh:


    Danny, I don't think you should be able to have a sexual relationship with anything that isn't able to object to your advances. I think that includes goats.


    It was a joke, but point taken.

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