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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I don't have my notes but I think it was when dud died. You were the target but there were several switching and dud took your place.


    I suspected that, and I don't really think that's fair, to be honest. DuD saved me by switching me out, so since I wouldn't have died anyway, it really shouldn't have used up my "escape death once" power, I think.


    Huh, who knew that the very first person I possessed would think me capable of brainwashing the populace? :heh: Had you released that info, both the mafia AND the town would be gunning for me.


    Just to be clear, I didn't know you were the one brainwashing me. I found out your cerebrum-cleaning powers when I targetted you on night 3, and I tried to catch you out lying, but no such luck. I should really start to play more offensive, though I was particularly secretive in this game due to my great power and one-kill protection.

  2. The Matrix is glorious.


    I definitely want to watch the sequels again one day.


    I'd actually genuinely love to take you through the sequels someday. I think there's some stuff in there that'd you appreciate based on our mutual interests and tastes.

  3. I think that would have helped the sequels tbh.


    It meant you didn't have those years inbetween after having been wowed by the first film, to dream about a sequel and where the story might go...

    ... instead, you just go straight into them, so it's easier to see them as three parts of the same bigger picture.


    I can't imagine anyone who had to wait for the sequels, wouldn't have been disspointed by at least something that happened in the following films.


    Well, like I said, I wasn't exactly jumping with joy and declaring the sequels the Best Films Ever after watching them the first couple of times. :heh: I do understand the disappointment, but when I started to understand all the things going on in the sequels, especially the stuff below the surface, that disappointment turned to high praise. I don't know, maybe I just have weird taste in movies compared to the rest of the world, but I still think it's a shame not to give the sequels a chance, especially since they're definitely not movies most people understand fully the first few times.

  4. On DVD. I got into them fairly late, actually - only after the box set had come out. It should be noted that I was also completely lost after having watched the sequels the first couple of times. :heh: It wasn't until I'd read a bunch of articles on the trilogy and started thinking about some of the stuff that I started to realise how brilliant I found it.

  5. Dannyboy will say otherwise,


    Yes, I will.


    but the script-work is dreadful.


    No, it isn't.


    They are average/below average films.


    No, they're not.




    Seriously, though, I really think you should watch them and make up your own mind on them. Loving movies so universally hated rather disillusions you to the idea that you should decide what films other people should watch.


    All I can say in defence of them is that they're my absolute favourite movies of all time (all three of them), and I think they're all brilliant. The sequels can definitely seem jumbled when you watch them the first times, but there's so much beneath the surface. Probably what I love the most about them is that I keep discovering new, brilliant connections that really make the story so beautifully complex and complete.


    That's my take on them, anyway. Where you go from there ... is a choice I leave to you.

  6. Fuck you, Jonnas! :p I suspected you since I found out you could brainwash people and find out their powers on night 3, but you played so well I got my doubts and waited to maybe catch you out later. Then you led a lynch on a mafioso and convinced me you were town ... not that it mattered since I was killed off right then. :heh: I'm bummed I missed my last day of being alive, though.


    Also, Peeps, when was the first attempt on my life? I assumed I would be told so I could get out my info in time.


    Yvonne played amazingly. He is the most excellent liar I've ever seen in a mafia game. Kudos! :D

  7. I'm surprised that there weren't more ape fights, but I'm glad that it turned out the way it did. The original film in particular was hardly about the action, it was a voyage of discovery for Taylor.


    This. What I loved the most, besides all the other great points you've already highlighted, was the fact that the film didn't go the easy route and make it into an "apes vs humans" revolution thing, but made it seem like a realistic evolution.

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