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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Peeps, last night I redirected Eevil and Frag Grimes to each other, hoping maybe that Eevil would track him doing something and we'd find out what he does/if he is the killer, but in fact he roleblocked Eevil. Since I evolved into Mr. Mime my power is known as "invisible corridor". I imagine with the way my power works that Frag must have sent in a target, I can't force target (I don't do mind control) just direct them with my invisible walls. I do suspect him more than DuD.


    It seems we can conclude that @Frag Grimes is Wailmer. I think we need to hear from him. I'm also curious as to what happened since I got that result on Eddie. Is the ground move a redirector? And if so, who's behind it?


    I suspect you Dannyboy because of the way you've been playing, your info does slightly alleviate my suspicions, but not totally, as knowing what pokémon people are can be very useful to the mafia.


    Quite understandably. My play has been suspicious, and my role has unfortunately not been terribly useful for the town yet. I'm hoping that if there's a type pattern and we discover it, my investigations will become very handy.




    I agree that DuD doesn't seem overly suspicious.


    Withdraw Vote


    However, @Nintendohnut's inactivity really stands out to me. He is usually much more active than this. What's up, Dohnut?

  2. Now, isn't that a bit hypocritical? Aren't you running around with a device yourself, Peeps? ;) We've heard about several people with devices in this game, so it doesn't say anything about alignment.


    I do understand the suspicion, though; I haven't been as active as I normally am as town, which is characteristic of my play when I'm mafia, and I have joined in on all the townie lynches. I even put the nail in the coffin yesterday, but I honestly hadn't realised we were that close to majority.


    For the sake of putting my cards on the table, here are my targets and findings so far:


    Night 1: Nintendohnut - Golduck

    Night 2: Sméagol - Litwick (evolved the next night, then we lynched him)

    Night 3: Jonnas - Feraligatr

    Night 4: mr-paul - Mr. Mime

    Night 5: @EddieColeslaw - Wailmer (HOWEVER! I was dragged underground and left disoriented, so I suspect this result may be wrong. I still want to hear from you, Eddie.)

    Night 6: Diageo - Umbreon


    Now, what I'm wondering is whether we should assume it's a one-type mafia like usual? Or if ReZ has finally decided to mix it up completely for the finale?

  3. If Frag Grimes has roleblocked EEVIL then I'm more concerned with that. He was inactive in the other game and he's not posted here in days. Perhaps someone is sending targets in for him?


    EEVIL was redirected to Frag Grimes, but roleblocked by what I can pretty much confirm to be Wailmer ...


    May I ask why? I don't feel like telling if you're simply curious about it...and I don't think I/we know anything about you :o


    ... and that's the thing: Like mentioned I am the lilac Pokémon, Espeon, and I scan people with my Pokédex to find out their Pokémon. I scanned Eddie and found out she's Wailmer, but my PM says I merely think this is the case since that was the night I was dragged underground and left disoriented.


    Eddie, are you Wailmer?

  4. I "attempted to target Tales", but was "attacked by a very large Pokemon. They were big enough to crush you, pinning you down and preventing you from completing your action.". I chose Tales after learning that he's an investigator that day.




    Jimbob, what is your Pokemon?


    What (kind of) Pokémon are you, Eddie?

  5. Just to clear things up, I am the lilac Pokémon in the write-up. I am Espeon (perhaps we should try targetting each other, Diageo?). I tried targetting Eddie, but it says I was dragged underground and disoriented when I got up, so I ended up targetting who I think was Eddie, meaning I'm not fully sure it was actually her I got to.

  6. Yeah as Dannyboy said, I wouldn't describe it as a role cop power because I don't specifically investigate people's roles. The main reason for denying it was to not put a target on my head so thanks for bringing it out in the open :p


    Hey, Eddie already did that, I just used the opportunity to put my theory out there. :heh:


    If it's any consolation, neither of you feel suspicious enough for me to want to vote for at the moment. It's my old reluctance to lynch people resurfacing. :heh:

  7. It hit me yesterday, but I wasn't sure whether to take anything from it, but the discussion of Peeps' ability circled around him being a "rolecop", which he denied. Now, we all knew what we were talking about, but isn't a rolecop strictly speaking a cop who investigates people's roles, i.e. their character? It could be a clever way of avoiding telling the truth without actually lying.


    Or I'm reading far too much into it. :heh:


    Eddie's info does seem to make sense, but I still don't know what to take from it. It sounds like a townie power, but I could also imagine a mafioso having such a power. And Peeps ... I dunno.


    I'm clueless. Absolutely clueless. Either of them could be mafia, or they could both be town. Maybe they could even both be mafia. I just don't know.

  8. Didn't mr-paul say he tried redirecting a protector? The protector should prevent a blast, not be affected by it.


    If the blast really roleblocked Peeps, anyway. I still think the story's fishy.


    From the sound of it mr-paul was prevented from redirecting his target, so even assuming his target was a protector, I don't think it would've made a difference.

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